Hot Potato
Hot Potato
PG | 09 April 1976 (USA)
Hot Potato Trailers

Martial-arts expert tries to rescue an ambassador's daughter who was kidnapped in Thailand.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
TeenzTen An action-packed slog
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) After the success of "Black Belt Jones", Jim Kelly does the sequel of it called "Hot Potato". However, the result isn't what I call a follow-up success. This movie is downright corny and Jackie Chanish. The sound-effects are annoying and silly. It's like looking at a live cartoon almost. This time Jones(Kelly) is in Thailand, looking for a daughter of an US Senator. He doesn't work alone he's got a new sidekick, and a over-sized fighter named Rhino(George Memmoli). The trio work with an uncooperative inspector(Irene Tsu), but they all get the job done. They meet with the impostor who later ends up helping them ge5t the real deal back from the warlord. Everyone fights off the army with their martial arts skills, it's funny when Rhino took on the big opponent. To me, this is one bad movie that should have been improved completely. I mean ever martial art movie shouldn't be all violent, it should be fun which it is. More action and less cheese. But without the cheese factor, it would be a completely boring film. If you enjoy the Jackie Chan films, enjoy this movie on your own terms. I did! 2 out of 5 stars!
Woodyanders A team of American special agents lead by super smooth ace martial artist Jones (the ever cool Jim Kelly) travel across Thailand to rescue June (Judith Brown sporting in atrociously overdone Southern accent), the daughter of a U.S. senator who's been abducted by the evil Rangoon (Sam Hiona doing a third-rate Fu Manchu impression). Writer/director Oscar Williams, who previously penned the lowdown funky blaxploitation winners "Black Belt Jones" and "Truck Turner," really fumbles the ball with this disappointingly mild and plodding PG-rated clunker: the sluggish pace, meandering narrative, and especially lots of extremely dumb and forced attempts at painfully unfunny and witless humor doom this baby to outright mediocrity. The cast struggle gamely with the subpar material: Kelly just about manages to retain his dignity throughout, the lovely and personable Irene Tsu adds some spark and spunk as feisty lady cop Pam, Geoffrey Binney is okay as the hip Joe Chicago, and Brown ain't half bad in a second role as the fetching and duplicitous femme fatale Leslie. However, George Memmoli is simply insufferable as the White Rhino, an obnoxious bumbling fat slob comic relief character who's supposed to be lovable and amusing, but instead proves to be extremely irritating and unappealing. Several action set pieces like a dangerous trek down a river on a raft and a raid on a village on a bunch of rampaging elephants fail to deliver the expected thrilling pay-offs due to the fact that they are clumsily executed. A hideously sappy romantic interlude at the halfway point doesn't help matters any. Only in the surprisingly dynamic and exciting last third does this flick finally spring to life, but by then it's much too little way too late to compensate for the general tedium which preceded it. A very blah and forgettable wash-out.
kumabear66 This movie has little to redeem it. The fight choreography stinks the comedy stinks, the dialogue stinks. The main reason me and mine rented this was to see all of our favorite Hong Kong stunt men, who appear in this film. Not only is Billy Chan, Yuen Biao and Lam Ching Ying in it you will also see a lot of Eric Tsang, Chan Lung and Mung Hoi among others. All I can say is, they must have really needed that paycheck! Never have I seen so many great men used so shamefully! The 5 different costumes they were forced to wear have to be seen to be believed! ( The jester-like costumes were my personal favorite!) We laughed ourselves silly! So if you want to see Lam Ching Ying in a leopard print jungle outfit and short shorts, this is film for you!
Infofreak Jim Kelly was super cool in 'Enter The Dragon' fighting alongside Bruce Lee and John Saxon. He was even enjoyable in his first starring vehicle 'Black Belt Jones' directed by Robert Clouse, who also directed E.T.D. But 'Hot Potato', supposedly the sequel to 'Black Belt Jones', is the pits. Clouse was no fool, he jumped ship. The direction is handled instead by screenwriter Oscar Williams who wrote Jones and the Isaac Hayes vehicle 'Truck Turner'. Well the script stinks on this one and Williams shows little talent as a director, so Kelly is behind the eight ball from the word go. The plot, which is very thin and basically just an excuse for some okay fights and lots of painfully unfunny gags, see Jones enlisted to free the daughter of an American Senator (Judith Brown) who has been kidnapped by a Thai criminal mastermind (Sam Hiona). He is helped by his buddy Chicago (Geoffrey Binney), a local female cop (Irene Tsu), and overweight buffoon "the white Rhino" (George Memmoli). Rhino is responsible for almost all the so-called comedy which really drags the movie down. He plays an obnoxious fat guy ala John Belushi/Chris Farley. And just so we know it's supposed to be funny the soundtrack is full of "amusing" music and sound effects. The sad thing is that Rhino is played by the late Memmoli, an actor who worked with Scorsese, De Palma and Schrader and showed a lot of comic (and dramatic) talent in their movies. But he's just awful in 'Hot Potato'. In fact EVERYTHING is just awful in 'Hot Potato! It's absolute garbage that is a chore to sit through. Steer clear of this one!