The Other Side of the Bed
The Other Side of the Bed
| 27 April 2002 (USA)
The Other Side of the Bed Trailers

When Paula leaves her mate Pedro, he misses her and looks for comfort with his best friends, Javier and Sonia. Paula is having an affair with Javier. Pedro tries to find who is the secret lover of Paula, and hires a private eye. Meanwhile, while comforting Pedro, Sonia has a one night stand with him and Javier thinks she is cheating on him with her lesbian friend Luzia.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Leftbanker Without the song and dance numbers this would have been a fairly tedious attempt at a romantic comedy. The musical numbers really pulled the entire film together while salvaging what would have been some stupid scenes. The two leading women were gorgeous and did a great job while the two men I just found to be mostly annoying. I loved the fact that all the actors did their own singing. The musical numbers weren't very polished but their cuteness brought the film to life in parts where it was dying. Had these scenes been slicker in their execution and with two better males leads this film would have been a ten.Paz Vega is the hottest woman in the history of cinema.
accsys This movie is aimed squarely at a female audience. The male characters are thinly drawn cartoons, and there's not much here for guys to enjoy besides some fairly limited female nudity. Movie musicals are difficult to execute properly. When this film broke into song, I just found it clumsy and I almost herniated myself attempting to suspend my disbelief.The achingly gorgeous Paz Vega _almost_ salvages the movie on her own ... she is definitely headed for mainstream worldwide stardom. I plan to see her in Spanglish - she has already had several nightly starring roles behind my eyelids. The only thing that may hold her back is her too-strong facial resemblance to a young Winona Ryder. Perhaps if Ms. Ryder's film career stays off the tracks, that will make room for Ms. Vega's ascent.
Remster A Spanish friend recommended this movie, so we decided to watch it. And it was great! I really didn't expect the musical-elements, they reminded me of 8 Femmes, and most of them were really funny. Especially Ernesto Alterio's song (the first) and Guillermo Toledo's version of ¡Salta! by Seguridad Social made us laugh outloud! My favourite part was the theatre-scene, where Guillermo Toledo unwillingly has a part, with a paper melon prop on his head, exclaiming "¡Soy el hijo melón, soy el hijo melón!" Hilarious! Guillermo Toledo's part is great by the way, he made me laugh lots of times with the situations he got himself into.About halfway through the pace slows down a bit, making some scenes unnecessarily boring and maybe even redundant, but that's just a minor thing, all in all this movie is a must-see! There's one thing that Spanish and Dutch movies seem to have in common, most of the time they show nudity during the first ten minutes of the movie, so does El Otra Lado De La Cama. Not that I mind, though ;)9/10
gazineo-1 Lightheaded romantic comedy about two couples who changes partners and find their own way to happiness and understanding. The movie has the charm, witty and vitality of Latin movies (especially movies produced in Argentina and Spanish) but is far from be a great achievement on the genre or even a memorable piece of work. Mixture of love story, comedy and musical, 'Otro lado de la cama,El' give us a good work from the director, some ingenious scenes (like the scene in the theather, where Pedro(played by Guillermo Del Toro)appear as the 'Melon Kid') and a sympathetic cast, where you cand find the beauty of Paz Vega and Natalia Verbecke. In fact, the movie is a good amusement but don't expect to find the same intensity and impressive ideas thay you can fin in movies directed by Almodovar (at least, some of them) or Alejandro Almenábar.I give this a 6 (six).