The Night My Number Came Up
The Night My Number Came Up
NR | 19 December 1955 (USA)
The Night My Number Came Up Trailers

British Air Marshal Hardie is attending a party in Hong Kong when he hears of a dream, told by a pilot, in which Hardie's flight to Tokyo on a small Dakota propeller plane crashes on a Japanese beach. Hardie dismisses the dream as pure fantasy, but while he is flying to Tokyo the next day, circumstances start changing to align with the pilot's vivid vision, and it looks like the dream disaster may become a reality.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
GManfred Thrilling airplane picture, and I can't think of many other airplane pictures to compare it to. Much better than 'The High And The Mighty"(1954), and "Five Came Back"(1939), and different than "Lost Horizon"(1937). "The Night My Number Came Up" is a compelling and suspenseful film about differing conceptions of fate as presented in a dream - the dream of someone who was not a passenger on the trip.Briefly, a man at a party recounts a dream he had about an airline crash. He is talking to a group who are flying the next day, and some of the travelers are spooked. He then departs and the group discuss his dream; some dismiss it and others show great concern. But during the trip elements of the dream begin to fall into place.The acting is first-rate throughout the cast. The main character is seldom-seen Alexander Knox as a passenger flying for the first time. Stalwart Michael Redgrave is his flying companion, and Denholm Elliot and Sheila Sim lend strong support. The picture has a claustrophobic feel as most of it takes place in the passenger cabin, perhaps increasing the feeling of impending doom. This may be in the picture's favor, as it adds to the tension and heightens the suspense, the way many movies attempt but few succeed the way this one does.
Alan Trevennor Why on earth is this not available on DVD? A Brilliant film that fully deserves a DVD release. One wonders if any trails or out takes survive too? Redgrave is - as always - excellent and the supporting cast are superb. An intriguing story - that has already been described by other reviewers, so I won't repeat that.It used to play regularly on UK TV but has now disappeared. Does anyone know who now owns it? Could they be persuaded to re-master it and release it on DVD? Being directed by BBC TV film critic Barry Norman's dad should give it a little extra interest for the market.
mezzipops The story begins to draw you in as commander Lindsay (Michael Hordern) relates a recent dream he has had about an air crash involving certain members of a dinner party he has cordially been invited to.Gradually, his dream starts to turn to a nightmarish reality as events start coming true. Even the Air Marshall played by Michael Redgrave, usually in control, finds his "stiff upper lip" starting to quiver as the dreaded dream of an air disaster looks like becoming a reality.Mr Robertson (Alexander Knox)gives a convincing performance as a man terrified of flying but more afraid of being seen to let his fear override his ideas of being dominated by superstition.This gripping story makes comparisons between the Eastern beliefs in dreams and omens and the Western culture's dismissive attitude to the same."There is no effect without cause" and this clever film has a way of persuading you that you are flying on the ill-fated Dakota instead of sitting comfortably in your armchair. An array of different characters and a fantastic supporting cast including the late Alfie Bass. Great story, superb direction from Leslie Norman, wonderful atmospheric music. In fact the perfect ingredients for a British classic thriller. Unforgettable film, a definite must watch. 10 stars. from Meryl Heasman (songwriter) CATFLAP MUSIC Kent England.
Sturgeon54 On display is one of the greatest scenarios ever presented in film - a flight over the Orient of which an anonymous British officer has had a dream premonition of disaster. What is so great about this idea and how it was executed here is that the dream itself is simply a catalyst for a psychological probing of the behavior of the passengers once they learn one-by-one about the particulars of the dream and how these particulars are playing out in their real flight. The theme then becomes the old-as-Shakespeare literary idea of fate vs. free will, but the strength of the filmmakers is that it is never resolved conclusively in the end. Even when the characters do hint at not letting a particular passenger on board the plane because this passenger has been prophesized to be an integral part of the disaster, they take no serious action to remove him, instinctively realizing that even that may not give them greater control over the situation.The contrast of a modern technological artifice such as an aircraft with an archaic-style premonition is so brilliant because it portrays the ultimate paradox of human technological evolution: the farther human beings advance in their technological feats of control, paradoxically, the greater their lives are placed in the hands of the gods (fate) with all the many ways in which that technology can go tragically awry. For a simple idea, the filmmakers were obviously thinking, and they have added multiple layers to the story. "Night My Number Came Up" is a film I hope to see many times to pick up some themes I missed the first time. Like paintings, writing, and other forms of art, I believe that it is this characteristic which distinguishes great art from all the rest.
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