The NeverEnding Story III
The NeverEnding Story III
G | 02 February 1996 (USA)
The NeverEnding Story III Trailers

A young boy must restore order when a group of bullies steal the magical book that acts as a portal between Earth and the imaginary world of Fantasia.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Kristine OK, a few years ago I found at Target a package with all three Neverending Story films, also really cheap, so I picked them up. The first film is one of my childhood favorites and still holds up to this day. I'm not alone in this either, I didn't realize what kind of a following the film had and that others watched it as children too. I watched the second one when I got the package and thought it was alright, I also thought the title was pretty funny. Wouldn't it be hilarious if some person got a lawyer for "false advertising" because of the title of the Neverending Story? Anyways, the second one is just an alright film, a little below average but not terrible. Now, something about the third on gave me chills when I grabbed it, I think I should have listened to my instincts. I don't even know where to start with the badness. Now everything that was charming about the first film, throw it out! Everything that was trying to continue the story in the second film, throw it out! This is what was puked up from the two films and it's terrifying.Bastian Balthazar has begun a new chapter in his life. His father has re-married, and now Bastian has a new step mother, Jane, whose daughter Nicole is displeased at having a new family. Bastian has also started high school, where he has become victim to the Nasties, a quintet of bullies led by Slip. He manages to get them expelled by the janitor after they trap him in the boiler room. He flees to the library where he is surprised to find Mr. Koreander and The Neverending Story. The Nasties locate him, but he uses the book to escape to Fantasia. Bastian arrives in Fantasia, where he is reunited with old friends. However, the Nasties find the Neverending Story and use their cruelty to bombard the land with fireballs and a storm and now plan to steal the amulet to grant their own nasty wishes.See, normally I like bad films, however this was just bad. For God's sake, Valcor was this beautiful majestic wise dragon who spoke so wonderfully and made you feel special, this Valcor looks like a thrown out in the dumpster Chuck-E-Cheese costume. Not to mention the voice is completely different and sounds like some kind of ridicules Gilligan mook. Then the rock monster, who in the first film was the saddest figure, a giant who lost his friends to the Nothing and felt sorrow and spoke so beautiful now has a family, his wife talks like Arnold Schwartzenegger, he's now 1/5 his size and his kid wants to go on a motorcycle ride with him while he sings "Born to be Wild". The villain is no longer an entity; it's a group of bullies called The Nasties being led by Jack Black (LOL).There is nothing redeeming about this film. The acting is terrible and the only decent enough performance is Jack Black who you can understand why he was successful because as much of a bad story as this is, he looked like he was having fun. The costumes are just terrible and don't resemble the first film by a long shot. In short, the story is just horrendous and the magic is taken away in this film. Please take my advice, stick to the first film, it's a wonderful fantasy film that is filled with beauty and wonder. The second film isn't bad either, it's worth checking out in some ways. Take the advice of the movie: We must not give into the Nasty! 1/10
Syl Okay, this film is really just for kids with the creatures, the fantasy, and ridiculous storyline about a magical storybook. Anyway, Jack Black is a surprise here in one his earliest films where he plays the leader of the nasties. He and his gang of tattooed high school failures are called the nasties and terrorize the kids in school. This time, they terrorized poor Bastian who is new and has a new family including a stepsister whose not so keen on the new family addition of stepfather and brother in her mother's household. Anyway, the film plot is boring. It never really develops nor do we care too. There is too much in the fantasy world of Fantasia where Bastian goes to escape the Nasties and returns with a couple of them to Earth. When the Nasties get a hold of the special magical book, they are tempted to make changes and alter two worlds. A silly film for kids only. Maybe they'll get it.
adanathel Why oh why didn't they try a little bit more.Just a little....Or maybe they did try...Because you have to try hard to have such a shitty and boring story and to destroy the main characters in such an extent.And the villain...The nasties...Really....It went from the Nothing to the Emptiness and end up in the school bullies?Going from abstract meanings symbolizing the disappearance of imagination to the school bullies?The first time i saw it i actually stopped watching it in the "bike scene".Unfortunately i made the mistake of continuing it some other day...Wish i hadn't...Go watch the first movie again which is a masterpiece of children fairytale movies and don't ever touch this one....PS And all you trolls reviewing this saying it is fantastic and tricking people in to seeing this awful thing...YOU ARE TERRIBLE HUMAN BEINGS!!!!
tequila101 Once upoun a time there was a legendary tale like the Dark Crystal called the Never ending Story which is adventurous, fun and has many fantasy elements to enjoy.Then there was a mess of a sequel and now fours years after that messy muck, we have another ridiculous sequel, the Neverending Story III.It was getting good at the start and then 5 minutes later, towards the end it just felt like a funny, doo film and in this film especially, all the magic has died.The acting is still up to scratch which is good but director shame on you for destroying their talents. There are many things which bring this film down and it is a shame that they actually tried to be like the first one, e.g Rock biter's bike.I'll go through many weakness of this film: - The Bastian character is really weak, annoying, irritating and comes up with the most stupidest accuses ever e.g. when the elves are in the box, he says the parrot I brought, for gosh's sake the bird would have been dead in 2 hours or less.What happen to the giant Rock Biter and why does he have a wife, it was already bad enough that he has freakin kid already. Rock Biter is small and he sings a rock song which is irritating.The Never Ending Story song isn't good and it's not original anymore which ruins the magic.Where the heck is Ateryu? - And even if the acting is good, why are they different.The only good things about this film is the (NOT ALL OF them) funny moments. Jack Black does a great job but that ain't enough and even that Tree Branch is weird.I'd only watch this if I'm bored but that will hardly be ever.... It's a good film for kids from ages 4-7 and that's it.Like the Never Ending Story 2, I really tried to like this but it ain't enough, the magic is gone like I've said, even some of the dialogue is stupid.4/10