The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear
The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear
PG-13 | 28 June 1991 (USA)
The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear Trailers

Bumbling lieutenant Frank Drebin is out to foil the big boys in the energy industry, who intend to suppress technology that will put them out of business.

Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Parker Lewis I've just finished watching O.J. Simpson: Made in America, and I was thinking about O.J.'s appearances as Detective Nordberg in The Naked Gun movies. Sure, it may be taboo to refer to his acting turns in comedy like The Naked Gun, but he was admittedly very funny in his role. Also hilarious was when Lieutenant Drebin was in the Blue Note and you saw famous photos of the Hindenberg tragedy, the Titanic sinking, and then Michael Dukakis (he lost the unloseable US presidential election in 1988 after being so far ahead in the polls). You also saw a photo of the famous Chamberlain appeasement photo.
mark.waltz That's what I said in 1988 when the first "Naked Gun" movie was released, an enjoyable popcorn film that had audiences laughing so hard in the movies that often the audience missed a joke or two. Watching all three movies in sequence, I can't help but notice that the first one is by far the best, that the slight plot is simply a "Hellzapoppin'" collection of gags, both visually and verbally, and some work while others land like a thud. The second one is decent, no more than good, and while many gags are hysterically funny, you just wonder how far can they take this thing before it begins to get redundant. Leslie Nielsen is back as Lt. Drebbin of "Police Squad", celebrating his 1000th killing of a drug dealer (although the last two were accidents; He ran them over with his car, but fortunately, they turned out to be drug dealers), and now he is in Washington D.C. for an energy convention where a terrorist threat has erupted and world money men are determined to get their hands on the scientist whose energy plans are solidly helpful to the environment but also have elements that could cause mass destruction as well.Nielsen is surrounded once again by beautiful Priscilla Presley whose relationship and declaration of love ended the first film but has somehow soured over the past few years in between the first two movies, as well as partners O.J. Simpson and George Kennedy, both basically getting the same kind of gags that were hysterical in the first film, but manage only moderate chuckles here. Taking over for Nancy Marchand's L.A. mayor here is stage veteran Jacqueline Brookes as Washington's D.A., equally as imperious and definitely not a Drebbin fan. Taking over for Queen Elizabeth as far as being in the wrong place at the wrong time is first lady Barbara Bush who gets knocked around by Drebbin, while Brookes' D.A. gets the pinch of her life from Nielsen's lobster. Stage veteran Richard Griffiths (best known to Harry Potter fans as his nasty uncle) plays a dual role, and gets a wheelchair ride that will delight "E.T." fans.Three villains of note here include legendary stage actor/singer Robert Goulet who takes over for Ricardo Montalban, and two veterans of "Dynasty": Lloyd Bochner and Peter Mark Richman, ironically both cast as C.C. Capwell on "Santa Barbara" (only Richman would air; Bochner had to leave the part before the first episode was filmed due to a heart attack), and Bochner gets to spoof an early T.V. appearance in one of the film's best gags. The movie opens once again with a very slap- happy final shot in its credits that might seem dated now, but back when this came out, was very timely and spoofed many times in films and on T.V. John Roarke and Margery Ross are dead-on as George and Barbara Bush, and the gags are so funny that you just know that the then first family must have been highly amused by it. 'Weird Al' Yankovic, after his cameo in the first one as himself, was back as another character, and in keeping with "tradition", would be back in the third installment as well!I wouldn't call this one a classic by any means, but during this era of movie going, movie audiences weren't craving noisy sound effects or "end of the world" spectacles that dominate the summer cinemas of today. A good box of popcorn, a large soda and a ton of laughs at a comedy like this were all that my college age crowd wanted when going to the theater, and in retrospect, this is all very nostalgic, reminding me of what was probably overdone but yet fun as "p.c. politics" began to try to control the minds of a country that has seemed to have forgotten how to laugh. I can't help but admit that for as repetitive and over-done that these spoofs were in the late 1980's/early-mid 1990's that they certainly were a lot of fun, and for that, I can't help but recommend these films simply for that.
Ben Davis This was way better than I expected. Generally, sequels tend to be not that great, so I was surprised when I actually found myself chuckling in this movie. It doesn't even come close to the original, though. Really, it's just a rehash of the first one, but it does it right. It has clever, humorous lines thrown in there with some good 'ol slapstick. It could have been much, much worse, and I'm grateful that they put this much care into this one. I can forgive it for most of it's flaws because, in the end, all I need from a comedy is for it to make me laugh and have fun. I don't need a intricate plot and complex characters, I just need to laugh, this movie meets those requirements. I say give it a watch. I hope Zuckerburg can keep bringing the laughs in the 3rd movie
TheMarwood My personal favorite of the series, The Naked Gun 2 1/2 starts off with a hilarious sequence of mostly slapstick violence toward Barbara Bush and the inspired stunt casting of a villainous Robert Goulet is nothing short of brilliant. It's hard to imagine a more worthy foe to the ever clueless Frank Drebin. Despite the usual Zucker, Abrahams, Zucker team producing, David Zucker wrote this with Pat Proft and the man was firing on all ridiculous cylinders and this could arguably be his best work. Reviewing a film like this is damn near impossible, because the plot is intentionally absurd and simplistic and it's the visual gags that are relentlessly thrown at the viewer where you'll either get a belly ache from laughing or roll your eyes. This is the best of its kind, nonsensical comedy played with a straight face.