The Muppets Celebrate Jim Henson
The Muppets Celebrate Jim Henson
G | 21 November 1990 (USA)
The Muppets Celebrate Jim Henson Trailers

While the Muppets prepare a tribute to the late Jim Henson, they learn about the life and career of the renowned puppeteer/film maker.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Benjamin Black He gave us the Muppet characters, from both "The Muppet Show" and "Sesame Street." He gave us such movies as "The Muppet Movie," "The Dark Crystal," "The Labyrinth," and more. He gave us such TV shows as "Muppet Babies," "Fraggle Rock," and more. He proved that puppets are capable of much more than we would have ever thought. Many of us know him by his name, Jim Henson. He got his start at a local TV station in Washington D.C. in 1955 and later became an icon and a phenomena. However, every icon's life has to come to an end. Jim Henson passed away in 1990.In this special, the Muppets gather together to celebrate Jim Henson's life, creativity, and legacy. They and special guests - Carol Burnett, John Denver, Ray Charles, Steven Spielberg, Harry Belafonte, and Frank Oz as himself - all talk about this man.It's hard to review this special; it's a tribute. I guess rather than reviewing it, I should just talk about it. It's a very inspiring and uplifting tribute. You will smile for 3 reasons: 1) The man who has redefined entertainment for a large part of you life is being honored, and you pray that he is in Heaven watching this, smiling. 2) It's the Muppets doing exactly what they've always done. They're funny, they're silly, they're goofy; but they also have a great touching, heartfelt moment. 3) They let us know that they will still move on. They will keep releasing productions and will continue the legacy Jim Henson began.I decided not to review every single Muppet TV special I've seen, but I'd be a fool not to talk about this special. It's one of those bitter sweet moments: you don't want to accept the fact that Jim Henson's gone, but you're at peace with the fact that he, his work, and his creations will always live on. We can take that and have peace at mind because of it. If you love Jim Henson and his work, you'll love this special. Take a look. BOOYIKA!
winslet-jessica I discovered this a long time ago by accident, but failed to share it with the world! How was I supposed to do that in '94? Anyway, I had Sesame Street on in the background with the volume down and "It was a good day" playing in my room. It synced so perfectly.Maybe it's time I post some of my homemade .I remember seeing this special when i was 5, the year it aired. I couldn't quite understand what was going on or who Jim Henson was, at that age i still thought Kermit was real living breathing creature! That is the magic Jim Henson could weave with the help of every single member of his production team.Seeing this again, nearly 20 years later and i still remember every word, every single word said about him.As the special progresses you can not only hear but you can feel the emotion from every performer, the love they all had for Jim and how much its breaking they're hearts every second while they made the special.
didymushq I think it's safe to say that this is perhaps the last great Muppet work of art that exists. In this television special the Muppets pay tribute to the Muppet Man and my life-long mentor and inspiration, Jim Henson. For anyone who remembers the old Muppets and for anyone who considers themselves a true Muppet fan, you can't miss this. Look for it to buy on E-bay.Jim Henson died in May of 1990, this aired in November of the same year. It must have truly been the hardest thing for his friends to do and I think that's what makes it work. The emotion is real.Some people thik it's good that there are people who can continue to produce Muppet Films, but if you've seen these new films you've no doubt felt the loss of a great presence. The Muppets have never been the same since. And never will. So enjoy them, for the last time, as they were in this special. I know I do.
Waldorf-4 This special, filmed and aired the same year of muppet creator Jim Henson's passing, was both sad and uplifting. It was sad watching the characters, and obviously the muppeteers behind them, mourning the loss of Jim. On the other hand, it was nice to know that the muppets would live on. Many people didn't know that Kermit the Frog would continue after Henson, and it isn't until the end that he shows up. Another reassuring sign that the spirit of the Muppets will live on, even if some of them sound a little different.