The Mother of Tears
The Mother of Tears
R | 06 June 2008 (USA)
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An ancient urn is found in a cemetery outside Rome. Once opened, it triggers a series of violent incidents: robberies, rapes and murders increase dramatically, while several mysterious, evil-looking young women coming from all over the world are gathering in the city. All these events are caused by the return of Mater Lacrimarum, the last of three powerful witches who have been spreading terror and death for centuries. Alone against an army of psychos and demons, Sarah Mandy, an art student who seems to have supernatural abilities of her own, is the only person left to prevent the Mother of Tears from destroying Rome.

BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
morrison-dylan-fan Oct 2014:Watching the movie late at night for the 2014 October Horror Challenge on the IMDb Horror board (RIP) I found it to hardly leave me with any lasting memories, partly due to being tied,but also due to the flick being so disconnected from the other two in the series.Feb 9th 2017:Whilst trying to decide which of the last 4 titles (one alt cut,and two in need of re-watching) from auteur film maker Dario Argento,I read a review from a fellow IMDber on Argento's Dracula,who said it was not as "entertaining or gratuitous as his bonkers Mother of Tears." After reading this,I decided to pay another visit to the final mother with a new mindset.The plot:Sent an urn recently dug up that is believed to contain artefacts belonging to the mythical "Third Mother/Mother of Tears" Mater Lachrymarum, art restoration student Sarah Mandy opens the urn with a curator . Accidentally cutting herself during the opening, (woops!) Mandy's blood leads to Lachrymarum's henchmen coming to life and killing the curator. Running away,Mandy soon discovers from ghosts of the past that she is the only one who can stop the mother crying.View on the film:Whilst stripping the film of the distinctive appearance of Suspiria and Inferno,co-writer (along with Jace Anderson / Walter Fasano/ Adam Gierasch and Simona Simonetti) director Dario Argento & cinematographer Frederic Fasano unearth a dusty, golden appearance that keeps the horrors linked to the nightmare unearthed. Tearing the limbs out of anything even slightly subtle,Argento attacks the low budget for a piece of gloriously weird,pure Horror kitsch. Making the end of the world look like a Friday night out,Argento jumps over the limited extras with practical bonkers delights,from gallons of over the top gore and bad CGI ghosts,to a random cheeky monkey and the witches looking like a Goth band.Criss-crossed from various screenplays written over 30 years,the writers struggle to keep any of the original elements of the first two films intact,with bone-dry scenes involving "research" featuring characters showing illustrations in books for scenes the budget can't cover. Rolling down an Adventure Horror path,the writers push the mammoth flaws aside for hilariously odd shocks,that leaps from Mandy fighting hobos on the eve of the apocalypse,to Mandy being unable to spank a demonic monkey. Reuniting with her dad, (who lingers a bit too long at her naked body) sexy Asia Argento gives a fittingly peculiar performance as Mandy,who largely appears oddly relaxed at the end of the world,as her dad closes the urn on The Three Mothers.
ian_powell There is much to like here and I found myself more impressed with the film on 2nd viewing. I particularly liked the monkeys. But what kills the film for me is the lack of gravitas around the Mother figure here. she is too soft porn and thus difficult to take seriously. Her henchmen are fine, but she lacks genuine magic, and i. a film that takes magic as its subject, this pulls it down. In an Argento movie, we Can swallow the odd bit of scenery chewing (Udo) and even lack luster CGI and a lessening of the visual poetry of suspiria.... but only if that underlying sense of magic works. It half does work until the Mater turns up looking like a playboy centefold in a cape
grungy_guy now I heard a lot of bad things about this movie, and I heard a lot of good things about this movie. For most Argento fans it was a love it, or hate it. I, Myself, have only watched 4 of his films, a majority being ones that the fans did not like. In my opinion this movie was a fun ride. Nothing serious, and nothing all that scary, but a cheesy cult movie nevertheless. There are plenty of special effects in this film, but many of them give the vibe of an Unrated ScyFy movie, bloody, but silly. There are many cool kills though, such as the beginning where a woman gets her mouth ripped apart. There are some very sexual parts of this movie, which I tend to get a lot of when I'm watching Argento films......I don't really know how to comment on that....The one thing that keeps on giving me chuckles is Asia terrible acting in this film. She's a great actress (especially in Land of the Dead) but in this film, every other line sounds so fake, and forced, I just can't help but Laugh. Another problem I have with this film, is that some of the things that people do here, don't make a lick of sense, and I have to yell out "WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT??!!" Also there is a part of the film where the main character's mother (a spirit) shows up, and communicates with her, and I just have to say....the special effect used during those scenes are eye nauseating. Other than that, this movie is PRETTY BAD, but not in a terrible way. It's one of those SO-Bad-it's-GOOD films, and I would recommend it only to B-movie lovers.
mikec32001 Wow, I wonder how many of the positive reviews on IMDb are the work of a controlling witch? Because make no mistake, this isn't just a bad Argento film, this is really poor film-making, period.Devoid of a coherent plot, riddled with bad performances and lacking all of the style and élan that lifted his work so high above the competition in the 1970s, "Mother of Tears" painfully lays bare the empty cupboard of Argento's remnant talent. All that remains is decent turn from Asia Argento, an over-reliance on gore FX, some fun with Udo Keir and a cartoon of a cliché that purports to be the culmination of Argento's great trilogy. Well, OK, but it is to SUSPIRIA and INFERNO as SUPERMAN IV:THE QUEST FOR PEACE is to SUPERMAN I and II. That's "insult", folks.Just tragic.