Bryan Loves You
Bryan Loves You
| 23 September 2008 (USA)
Bryan Loves You Trailers

A Psychotherapist investigates a cult that takes over an Arizona town in 1993.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
adtarrance The best parts of this movie was the introduction by Tony Todd and the mask on the cover. This movie was anchored on Seth's performance and it was flat, unaffected and underwhelming.The female leads give solid performances, but this movie is and looks low budget. Watch it only if you review films for the Razzie awards.
dutchchocolatecake This movie follows in the steps of other "found footage" movies; except that format just doesn't work with the script. Apparently, we are supposed to believe that there are cameras everywhere and they cobbled together the "footage" to make a movie. Sounds unbelievable? It is.I should have listened to the other reviews and stopped myself from wasting my time with this. I ended up browsing the internet about a half an hour in, still listening to it with my headphones via YouTube. I would bounce back and forth between browser tabs, and believe me I wasn't missing much at all. The story is unique, and the music is good. Everything else is badly executed. The characters are DUMB. I don't mean that they were just badly written, I mean that they did a lot of really stupid things throughout. For instance, after all the protagonist did to escape from the sanitarium (a long section of the movie that relies on the comedic stereotypes of psychiatric institutionalization), he still ends up going back to one of the Bryan houses to "say goodbye in person." That's where the movie fades to black, apparently the audience is supposed to assume he got nabbed by the cultists. Again. Doh! Tony Todd's opening sequence was acted well according to script, so it's not his fault he looked hysterical trying to build up anticipation for a movie that simply cannot deliver.What more can I say? Please don't watch this movie.
ssonnenberg77 I know a lot of people are probably like me. They stumbled upon this movie on YouTube one night while yearning for something to kill some time. I am sort of fascinated by the fact that they got this movie funded and got the guy from Candyman in this movie. But hey, an actor has to work. I usually like horror movies, and I even give the ones that people dislike a chance and usually find them to be entertaining. But no this film did not make one lick of sense. Everyone has pointed out what is wrong with this film, but I could not even watch enough to figure out what was wrong with it because it was so incoherent I had to go to bed to try to forget it.
angel_i13 Is this meant to be funny? But no, cuz it's not even really funny in that TOTALLY NOT meant to be funny way.... I like the premise but I'm so offended by it's lame follow through. Could be way better. I almost wish someone would remake it. But no one ever remakes movies this bad. Which is mistake, yes? Why remake good movies? Remake this one. OK - you need more. Well, there are 3 good actors in this movie and the writing is pretty good actually - tho, obviously, so rarely well delivered. I hate the fake/real quality of it. Like: it doesn't look fake and it doesn't look real. And like I said: I keep waiting for a big belly laugh. JUST as I think something's going to make me laugh it's not funny anymore. And it's just never dramatic enough to be compelling otherwise.