The March
The March
| 22 May 1990 (USA)
The March Trailers

A group of several thousand Africans migrate westward across northern Africa and sail across the Strait of Gibraltar to Europe. Their message is: "We are poor because you are rich."

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
garm-98793 Though the crew of The March vehemently denied it at the time, they clearly took a lot of inspiration from The Camp Of Saints, a 1973 novel of French writer Jean Raspail. While the movie has arguably some cinematic value, it wouldn't have been memorable from a purely cinematic point of view if it weren't for its subject matter. And in that regard, Raspail's book vastly outshines the The March.
oversized02 It's not the actors made this movie outstanding, though Malick Bowens as leader of the refugees acts very impressive. It's the storyline which becomes reality in this days all over Europe. Remarkable, the movie was made 1990, a little look through the Eyes of Nostradamus? I was very impressed of that movie when i first saw it and i wonder how politicians, "worldleaders" all over Europe do not want to see what a movie filmed 25 years ago already proclaimed. I'm little afraid that the truth of this science fiction movie will be much harder than the film. There are only a small sum of movies are this predictive:Goodbye America (1986) (the Story of 911) The Siege (1996)(the same)
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews We watched this in Geography class today. It is a dramatization of what might happen if poor people from a Third World country were to march towards Europe. Not based on an actual event, this feels quite authentic and credible. And frankly, other than the portion of the ending which is dumb, out of place and barely has an impact on the whole(to be fair, the very conclusion of the film is ambiguous and well-done), this is smart, nuanced and contains food for thought. It pits idealism against realism, and if one keeps in mind that the stern, lifted-index-finger-warning that this is at times comes from people who surely have the right intentions, it is worth 100 minutes of your time. The acting is great for all concerned, and this distinguishes itself from other large movies with production values by having people speak the language that they ought to('cept of course for the Frenchman who has a German accent). Dialog and script are fairly well-written, even funny and ironic every so often. There is some disturbing content and brief bloody violence in this. I recommend this to anyone who wants an exploration of the subject matter. 6/10