The Man Who Saved the World
The Man Who Saved the World
NR | 04 November 1982 (USA)
The Man Who Saved the World Trailers

Two space cadets crash-land on a desert planet, where an evil wizard seeks the ultimate power to take over the world. Although the movie borrows some background footage from Star Wars, the plot is mostly unrelated.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
danielemerson I'd known about this film for years, but today I finally got to watch it today.There was a bit, early on, which I thought almost made sense... then I watched that bit again, and it didn't.ALL the space footage is nicked from 'Star Wars', despite nearly all of the film being based on Earth. Or a bit of Earth. That part is unclear. But every now and then they break up the Earth-based ramblings with completely random bits of Tie fighter v X-Wing action.The music is filched from 'Indiana Jones' and 'Flash Gordon', there are many feral orange teddy bears and a lot of trampoline-based assault. And one of the 'dead' children seems to smirking quite a lot for a corpse.Long hand-to-hand combat scenes, involving Krap Fu moves, 'Judo Chop' dismemberment of the aforementioned teddy bears, mummies, nunchuck-wielding Chelsea Pensioners, clunky robots and sundry other characters in papier-maché heads.Continuity cockups a-go-go; I mean, how many times exactly did the Earth get blown up? The same stock footage appearing again and again, especially the X-Wing attack on a Death Star which isn't actually mentioned in the plot. Due to aspect ratio differences between the Turkish film and the stolen George Lucas footage, it's more of a Death Egg.On the upside, the hero has a certain charisma (in the scenes where he isn't bouncing around like a superball, that is).Batcrap crazy. Makes 'Santa Claus conquers the Martians' look like a cinematic masterpiece.
Lee Eisenberg So yes, we have here another Turkish action flick. Çetin İnanç's "Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam" - which means "The Man Who Saved the World" in English - is commonly known as the Turkish "Star Wars", but the only connection is that it incorporates footage from George Lucas's masterpiece. It also uses the Indiana Jones theme music. Among the WTF scenes are whistling that summons skeletons (which appear to be people wearing strings of cotton in the shape of bones) and monsters that look like sports mascots. And then there's the villain: he wears an over-sized spiked helmet (what's the deal with all these villains who wear these impractical outfits?). Oh, and the Death Star is a Death Egg.Basically, this is one of those movies that has to be seen to be believed. You'll probably only be able to find it on pirated DVDs, but when you do find it and watch it, you'll agree that it's like nothing that you've ever seen. Other cool Turkish ripoffs of famous movies include "Şeytan" (the Turkish "Exorcist"), "Sevimli Frankenştayn" (the Turkish "Young Frankenstein") and "Badi" (the Turkish "E.T."). No Turkish ripoffs of "Psycho" or "The Shining" are known to exist as far as I know, but they'll be hard-pressed to be as bizarre as this movie. Or as bizarre as the Soviet version of "Mary Poppins" (yes, there was one).
Anarkitten I honestly cant believe what I watched. Turkish Star Wars, as its most widely known, is one of those movies in which you have to think for a little bit in order to take in everything you just saw. Its not that I didn't like it, I actually had some fun watching it, its just that I really don't know where to start with it seeing as how I really couldn't follow the story that well. I don't know, you got a narration about space travel with the infamous Star Wars footage they stole in the background. The Earth looks like the Death Star because its shielded from aliens or something. I stopped trying to make sense of it after a while. We then get our two heroes who crash on an desert planet and roam around. To the best of my knowledge the plot revolves around these two trying to stop an evil space wizard from destroying the Earth with a human brain. Surprisingly, this movie was kinda boring. With a plot like that, I expected something entertaining. I in no way thought that this would be good but I hoped that it would be enough to entertain me. It did have its moments at times, and I did enjoy them when they came around, I just wish there could have been more. There were these fuzzy red monsters that would kill get they're limbs karate chopped off and the low budget effects were pretty fun too.The editing in the movie is some of the worst I've ever seen. Random shots are placed in scenes, really fast cut aways are prevalent, and at many of the fighting scenes, a lot of the same shots are used over and over again. The quality of the film was also terrible. Most of the movie had this yellowish tint to it which at times made some scenes hard to make out. As for the dialogue, I really cant complain about it because I don't speak Turkish and the subtitles seemed to be literal translations. However, I can say that the acting was pretty bad. That is something noticeable by anyone no matter what language its in.Overall, this movie was pretty bad, but if you can stand reading subtitles without getting distracted, its actually kinda fun to watch. it has some cheesy fighting and action scenes along with a ridiculous plot. If thats your thing than this movie may be entertaining.
okankoc like all good art, this movie cannot be counted as a national phenomena, no it transcends time and space and the petty conventions of our "faithless" and "nuclear" age. so please tolerate the Turkish commentators who make up 90% of the DKA forum. developing nations (in general) tend to be a bit emotional and sensitive when it comes to their national produce. they fear the strangers will think "these turks are dumb as hell" when they watch the movie,so they feel the need to defend themselves (xxxtremely low budget, subnormal intelligence of the director etc. which could not be helped) but no defense is necessary the movie speaks for itself if you have the ears to listen to. the best art is done unintentionally, and it is the babe not the wise who conquers the muse