The Man of the Year
The Man of the Year
| 01 August 2003 (USA)
The Man of the Year Trailers

Maiquél has lost a bet and dyed his hair blond. This seemingly innocuous event triggers a head-on collision with destiny in which he goes from nobody to hero to outlaw — all in 24 hours.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Tom Dooley Maiquel (Murilo Benício) is a simple man living in Rio de Janeiro and after he loses a football bet he has to dye his hair blond. When he looks in the mirror he sees a different him and he likes what he sees.Then on entering his local bar, a local crim and trouble maker, Suel (a very young Wagner Moura), insults him. Maiquel broods on it and then decides to do something about it. This leads to his life changing beyond recognition as his actions catapult him from the scared ordinary man he was to something he had never dreamt of.Now to say anymore would spoil the plot and, more importantly, the fun, as this is a crime story, a comedy, a love story and a great watch all combined. Everyone plays their parts beautifully and the pacing is perfect. This is one of those films where if you blink you are going to miss something. The humour isn't forced either as it seems to play perfectly with the actual situations. There is some violence too so this is not a parody or anything and when it need to get serious it does not really pull its punches either. This is a film I completely loved and it is in Portuguese with some good sub titles, but not the best, and is one of those films where if you were not a fan of World cinema before you watched it, then you most certainly will be by the end.
Tom Did anyone count the cans of coke in this movie?Non-spot advertising, like in-script sponsoring, is a huge trend. Examples are when you see someone work on a Mac with the Apple logo real clear on screen, or someone eating Ben & Jerry's ice-cream.The big brands are choosing for non-spot more and more. The choose to show us the brand in it's natural environment instead of putting it in the spotlights (e.g. like in radio en television commercials.)When I watched this movie last night I really was disturbed by all the cans of coke that kept coming. Did anyone else notice this?Non-spot: Yes, but in small amounts please! Don't give us an O.D. of advertising which will spoil the movie! I really don't understand that big enterprises, like Coca Cola, don't rails that 'too much' will only have negative effects on their corporate image.
bob the moo After getting his hair dyed blond as a bet, Máiquel goes to his local bar where he is laughed at by Suel. Enraged by this insult (in front of a girl), he returns later and shoots Suel. He is afraid of capture by the police but he finds that not only is he considered a hero by the local community but also by the police – who are happy that he killed Suel as he was a criminal but too young to be sent to jail. With his reputation as a vigilante he is approached by his dentist, Dr Carvalho to do another killing – a rapist who attacked his 17-year-old daughter. Máiquel finds himself drawn further into the killings while his life also tries to turn normal, with a new wife and a child on the way.City of God has opened up the wider world to not only Brazilian cinema but South American generally and it is a good thing despite films that maybe didn't deserve it getting a wider release. This is not the case with this film, which I am glad got an European release and, thanks to arts channel BBC4, got it's UK television premiere a week or so ago. The plot covers similar ground as City of God in terms of it's subtext (if you could call such an obvious point 'sub') as it deals with the violence of the lower classes as contrasted with the apathy of those rich enough to afford to leave it behind. The film makes this point in an enjoyable story that sees Máiquel sucked into being a killer of criminals and being involved with the rich men within the local community, however he is only ever their tool and can easily be replaced – he is never more than a member of the lower classes, albeit a member that is temporarily useful. This main story is enjoyably slick and stylishly told and it's only downside is that it could easily have been just a little shorter and punchier. This works but it is made much better by Fonseca's comments on current society.As already mentioned, Máiquel's descent into violence and despair is likened onto the spiral of despair and violence seen in the slums of Rio. Although the story is exaggerated for the sake of the film, the meaning is there nonetheless. The film makes the further point of it by showing several things within Máiquel's life that he has no control over – Érica and Bill are both things suddenly in his life that just happen and he seems unable to take action either way. With these social comments the film shows itself to be intelligent and aware and this helped me get over the occasional flaws in plotting. Also helping the film a great deal is the acting from a good cast.Benício is a big actor in Brazil and he is good here, he starts as an arrogant kid and becomes increasingly frantic and violent. His character is basic but he keeps Máiquel an interesting person and never just a metaphor for Brazil's problems. Abreu also undergoes a transformation and, although in a smaller character, hers is even better. At the start of the film she is carefree and beautiful and, with mostly attitude and voice she becomes a tired, unattractive wife! The rest of the cast are all good in various roles and there are no real weak links. The performances are all natural and make the story feel very real when delivering a script set in a very believable Rio.Overall, City of God may get all the press but this film is almost as good despite not being as expansive and stylish. The basic story is enjoyable and involving and is only made better by the layers of commentary on society that is carries with it. The direction is good and this is a very enjoyable film that will hopefully continue to be seen by greater audiences worldwide as a result of City of God's success.
pmiranda-3 I started to see Brazilian movies a few years ago. And after «City of God», and the mini-series «Cidade dos Homens» («City of Men»), I was really expecting to see another movie about criminality, but outside the «favelas». Man of The Year, was the best picture on this subject, and together with «City of God» we can have a real perspective on the Brazilian crime scene.The movie was really well directed, the script and the story were great and very original, and the photography and angles were very well done. The actors were Great ! as the Brazilian cast have already teach us on prior movies... They promise a lot !It's a common story, about how everything started to an Hit-man... and it all make sense and happen in a so natural way... It's like the destiny was already written.I specially enjoyed the end of the movie, because I was really expecting the «usual» bad ending on a movie like this... But the director give us a chance... I gave a 9 out of 10 to this picture and I'm already waiting for the next Brazilian movie on this thematics.Great Movie !
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