The Middle of the World
The Middle of the World
| 12 September 2003 (USA)
The Middle of the World Trailers

Romão, illiterate and unemployed, feels destiny drawing him on an odyssey to Rio de Janeiro in pursuit of a job and a decent life. A family of seven journeys 2,000 miles across the hinterlands of Brazil on bicycles. Along the way, the story explores the inner dynamics of a family facing a great challenge with the courage to pursue dreams.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
juanmro-1 May be the summary say it all but the movie it's so great that I'm gonna give interested people more info about it. Is the first time in the latinamerican movie history when a director make a movie about being poor is not a terrible drama, it's just life, nothing more and nothing less. You can watch how is it the Latin American way to live the poverty: It's a daily drama that everybody lives each day of their life and that make's life less dramatic. In the movie you can found a typical family and the play of each character are the same in every place in the world without differences of social class. In the film you can make a road-trip from the north to the south of Brazil but without the typical beach and sun scenery. No, here it is another part of Brazil, that part where the real people live and tourism don't show. Incredible characters and fantastic places.
thnom this is another best foreign film to see. the cinematography, the acting, the characters, the thematic story lines, the issues it raised, all were splendidly portrayed. i was completely captivated throughout the film and highly recommend people to see it. it's been a while that i have seen a great movie that touches upon real issues as poverty, family, manhood, and love, all in one movie that suits all generation of audiences. there are important lessons to be learn from it, and to follow path. there is not anything to complain about this film. this is one that i like to own and past along to my children to see. thank you, the director for creating this splendidly inspiring film. Bravo to everyone involved. - Thnam Kanha Net
Andres Rais I though this movie was going to be different. The trailer made me think that. But I was mistaken. The story of a poor family that travels on several bicycles 3200 kilometers to go to Rio de Janeiro where the man of the family hopes to get a job of 1000 reales to feed the necessities of the family. Of course, the travel wasn't going to be perfect. We now that. Happens in every road movie. The problems of this movie are: 1) You know from the beginning towards the end what is going to happen. 2) Performances. There isn't any performance with at least a grade of intensity. The family is not portrayed like people desperate to survive. I mean, it is a long travel and they go on a bike. 3) Photography. When I look to the sky I thought that was painted, NOT real. The clouds seemed to be painted too. Maybe towards the end of the movie you could find a CREDIBLE image. 4) Resuming: all of these factors should have made a true real movie. It is just the opposite. At least, the woman and the boy sang very very well. 2 out of 10. Andres.
lexicon8 I loved this movie!It is so refreshing to watch a non-pretentious film that illustrates the realities of poverty and the search for happiness without making you want to jump out of the nearest window! Normally, Latin American directors tend to emphasize and exoticize poverty-stricken towns and characters by dwelling on the families' strife and hardship in order to extract superficial emotion from the spectator. Mr. Amorim, however, deftly maneuvers around these themes with a sincere and compassionate and humanistic eye. "O Caminho das Nuvens" is a funny and modern road-movie that takes you where you want to go...places you may have been before, but may not have seen in such a fresh and authentic way. Muito bom.
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