NR | 13 April 2018 (USA)
Submergence Trailers

While James More is held captive by terrorists in Somalia, thousands of miles away on the Greenland Sea, his lover Danny Flinders prepares to dive herself in a submersible into the deep bottom of the ocean, tormented by the memories of their brief encounter in France and her inability to know his whereabouts.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Inmechon The movie's only flaw is also a virtue: It's jammed with characters, stories, warmth and laughs.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Chris Reich This film is slow, beautiful, emotionally subtle, full of (old.fashioned) dignity, and abstains from spectacular action. It is totally based in reality, and it examines two of the most important issues of today: Life and its origin and the problem of (fake?) religious fanaticism. It is very serious, so serious that it's almost not entertaining. You don't know what to think about it while watching, and you continue to ask yourself questions for hours and days after watching it. A feeling of vulnerability, concern and longing - by all means positive - will accompany you after watching, for a long time - provided you have a soul were able to get touched by the film. For me, there are just two major weaknesses: 1. People and places are *to* beautiful and perfect. 2. It's to short for its pace. I want a 3.5 hours directors cut. You have to know what you are doing when you go watch a Wim Wenders movie. If you do so, you won't be disappointed.
v-ley The actors could have been terrific, except Alicia just didn't fit into her supposed role as easily as James. James wasn't nearly as good a spy as he thought he was and Alicia wasn't a Dr or Professor, just a little actress play-acting. That's how it appeared and played out. The movie had no middle or ending and for me it landed nowhere. I get tired of having to write the end in my own mind all the time. If I wanted to think through my movies, I wouldn't watch them anymore. Come on script-writers, do your job and make me want enjoy your movies.
lavatch A beautiful love story. A provocative thriller. An educational lesson in science. A political message about terrorism. The poetry of John Donne. The startling imagery of lightness and darkness.The capsules above are what the filmmakers of "Submergence" wanted to blend as they combined a scientific exploration of the lower depths of the ocean with a political thriller that addressed the prevention of the war on terror, with two star-crossed lovers caught in the middle.In the DVD bonus track, the film artists identified the three main strands of their film as "science, belief, and love." From the stunning ocean cliffs of Normandy to the rugged, sandy beaches of Somalia, the film wanted to be adventuresome and daring. Unfortunately, it was a crashing bore!The principal relationship of Professor Danny Flinders (the bio-mathematician) and James More (the counter-terrorism operative) begins in dishonesty. James never reveals to Danny the truth about his dangerous profession or upcoming mission. Details like that do not seem to matter to director Wim Wenders, who has his eye on the grander and more abstract values of an art film exploring such themes as "the origin of life."The film was sluggish in the pacing and thin on action, especially the scenes in which More is held hostage and tortured by the jihadists. The pretentious nature of the film was apparent in such high-brow scientific terms as hadopalagic (deriving from the Greek term for the underworld, Hades) that were intended to hook audiences with an otherworldly experience at the bottom of the Atlantic. Unfortunately, "Submergence" was a journey into a never-ending heart of darkness that left the audience numb and depressed.
traveler582 Unfortunately just another muslim stereotype movie. I'm sorry to see Alicia Vikander and James Macavoy doing this movie.