The Lorax
The Lorax
PG | 01 March 2012 (USA)
The Lorax Trailers

A 12-year-old boy searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
bigmama-60377 This movie touches on such a huge issue in our society, and depicts it in a great way that children and adults alike can watch. LOVE IT
Mihai Toma The whole action happens in a fictional world where almost all people lived in a "perfect" city (where you had to BUY your fresh air), isolated from the rest of the pollution. There, a young boy, in love with an older girl and desperate to get her attention, promises to get her a REAL tree. In order to keep his promise, he must venture outside the city, and find a curious character who will tell him the story of their world, with both its origins and threats.It's an animation that's supposed to teach children about watching over nature and what can happen if it's destroyed. Unfortunately, it's not what it wants to be. Its action isn't very complex and its characters aren't as "lovely" as they should have been. You don't really care about them or their faith, you just end up wanting to see how it ends (but even the ending doesn't make the movie any favor). On the upside, it has a lot of funny moments which "wakes you up" from time to time and almost all scenes are very colored, a real delight for your eyes.Overall, it's really not what I expected it to be but that doesn't make it a bad movie. Watch it if you find a copy but keep your expectations low (not to be disappointed like I was).
roastbeefbeef This is one of the worst films that I have ever seen in my life. It's also one of the most unfunny films ever. You know what's really stupid and annoying? Minions. But you know what's even worse? Trying to copy theme as this "film" did with the bears and fish that live in the forest. All they do is make "cute" and "hilarious" noises and faces, that are everything but cute and hilarious! At one point they hum the melody of 'Mission Impossible', because that's a really clever reference that has never been done before. The rest of the "humour" of the film consists of unfunny jokes and dumb pop culture references. I did not laugh once during this film. It was cringe worthy and makes 'Family Guy' look funny in comparison. The songs are the most whitewashed, bland, uninspired and annoying pop songs I heard in a long time. Not a single one was memorable, I forgot most of theme already as they all sound exactly the same. The characters are all horrible. The 'Once-ler' is now a fedora and skinny jeans wearing guitar playing idiot hipster. His "character development" is also hilariously rushed. At first he is good, but than he sings one boring pop song and he is suddenly evil. Great Transition guys, really subtle! But of course, his parents urge him to cut down all the trees, it isn't his fault, you can't have a morally Grey character in a children's film, that would actually force theme to think! Than there is the big corporation guy who is just evil without any other character trait, because any film needs a clearly defined villain, even if the original didn't have one! The main character is voiced over by some old dude and sounds like he is twenty even though he is a child in the movie. Great! The grandma is the most terrible one, because she is just there for unfunny jokes.This movie is one of the biggest Hollywood cash grab I have ever seen. They took a story that had some moral ambiguity to it and dumbed it down as much as they could, because apparently, children are to stupid to think for themselves. The ending in the original movie was bittersweet. The world was still without trees, but the child had a chance to make it a better place. In the new movie, nothing and I mean nothing is left up to imagination. After the kid gets the last seed for a tree, the first thing that happens is a long, boring and stupid car chase scene, then the kid plants the seed, than all the trees grow back and than, and this is the biggest joke of theme all, the Lorax comes back from heaven. That didn't happen in the original, but of course it happens here because of course it does! It is so whitewashed and plays it so save that it becomes unbearable dull. The message of the film is incredibly hypocritical. They say that greedy corporations are bad, even though this film is clearly the product of a greedy corporation! In the original, while the message was clearly pro environment, their was some ambiguity to it and the 'Once-Ler' wasn't even the bad guy. In fact, their really wasn't a bad guy in the original! In this new one their is of course! The corporation is bad and the others are good, end of story! Besides Nazis and Russians there is probably no villain which is more overused than "The Corporation".Don't defend this movie because it was made for kids, after films like 'Rango' or 'Wall-E' or TV-shows like 'Avatar: The Last Airbender', that isn't an excuse any more. Because these things showed how brilliant television or film for children can truly be, as opposed to this abomination.Besides Nazi propaganda, their probably isn't a movie I would less rather watch than this one. Films like 'Birdemic' and 'The Room' are at least really unintentionally funny. I was incredibly entertained by 'Birdemic'. I was incredibly not entertained by 'The Lorax', it was cringeworthy, unfunny, boring, brain melting, horrid, abhorrent, hypocritical slime. I would rather watch 'Three Guys, One Hammer' again!
ShariLovezYou . I'll make this review quick and honest: I did NOT enjoy it. Typically I am thrilled to sit through animated movies and feel nostalgic but this was just terrible. The first half-hour was a bit entertaining but then it just turned to be very boring, cheesy, sing-song kind of thing that leaves you anticipating the ending. I had high expectations considering that I actually enjoyed Horton Hears a Who! (2008)but this was not the same.One thing that really annoyed me the ENTIRE time was that the message of the movie was way to in-your-face. I think a good movie should integrate the meaning to make the audience really think for themselves. Corny jokes and humor, slow action that makes you groan, but the animation was pretty nice. Definitely not going for seconds, however.