Happy Feet Two
Happy Feet Two
PG | 18 November 2011 (USA)
Happy Feet Two Trailers

Mumble the penguin has a problem: his son Erik, who is reluctant to dance, encounters The Mighty Sven, a penguin who can fly! Things get worse for Mumble when the world is shaken by powerful forces, causing him to brings together the penguin nations and their allies to set things right.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
adonis98-743-186503 Mumble's son, Erik, is struggling to realize his talents in the Emperor Penguin world. Meanwhile, Mumble and his family and friends discover a new threat their home -- one that will take everyone working together to save them. Happy Feet Two is a sequel we didn't ask and we unfortunate got and the end result is long and boring and it's plot is like Ice Age 2 but the boring version instead. The animation is great and so is the voice cast but that isn't enough for to make a well structured movie. (5/10)
mohsin70979 The kids will love it because of couple of sing along songs and a few good laughs; but for adults there is not much in this movie. Same old theme we've seen in many animated movies before. A guy who is different, is lonely, is a misfit and ends up saving his own folks. The pros of the movie are the music and the upbeat songs which can really get you going particularly'the mighty Sven'. Hank Azaria's voice over for Sven is marvelous and is one of his better performances in recent times.It appears that the movie was made in a haste. Many characters such Bill and Will are completely superfluous and uninteresting. If it's supposed to be an animated movie then why aren't the humans animated.
Akshay Hegde Just like the 'Cars' sequel, the 'Happy Feet' sequel doesn't have the charm of the original. Coincidentally both Cars 2 and Happy Feet Two were released in 2011. 'Happy Feet Two' follows the story of 'Erik' who is the son of 'Mumble' and 'Gloria' from Happy Feet. Just like Mumble, Erik seems to be finding difficult to fit into the society. Erik can't dance! While the story may seem very similar, the first-half is quite engaging with the creative story line of interesting characters like the krills and Sven the puffin. The second half is honestly a let- down and the whole penguins stuck by the wall of ice thing didn't work well. Most the things that happen feel unnecessary and extravagant. Thus by the time we reach the climax, the story is all over the place. Erik doesn't get the spotlight he needed to get and even in the end where he shows his talent it was very less impact. Despite its good moments, Happy Feet Two feels like bland unnecessary sequel to a heart- warming film.RATING: [2/5]
Laakbaar Even though I'm way over the hill, I enjoyed the first Happy Feet movie. The originality, visual impact, music, story and technical aspects all worked for me. I thought it was movie magic. One aspect of the first movie that I really liked in particular was that at the start I felt like I was watching a penguin documentary. And in that movie the song and dance number that was done at the appearance of the Aurora Australis was fantastic. That was the best part.I saw this sequel on the tube though. I suppose that's one reason why it didn't work so well for me.In general, it's always difficult for the sequel of an original movie to outshine the original.Don't get me wrong: this movie had most of the good stuff from the original film - and more. I suppose the problem was that the themes and ideas no longer seemed so original. The story line seemed less interesting, the characters less engaging. The plot was a little forced and too busy, the message a little too confused. I didn't experience a "magic" moment akin to the one I felt with the Aurora scene.Also, it disturbed me to see the devastation of the Antarctic portrayed so starkly in this film. I can't watch nature shows depicting this either. It felt like an environmental disaster cartoon to me. If you're going to show us how much we've destroyed the earth, it will only appeal to me if it's done with a fairly light hand and there's some sense of hope at the end. It was laid on too thick.Not that this movie isn't worth seeing. It is, particularly for the visuals and the music. But for those of you who saw the first film, this one is not as good as the original. I hope the producers and writers are willing to make a third movie, perhaps this time exploring their Happy Feet universe in a new and fresh way. Look at Toy Story. The third movie was the best of them all.And next time I'll do my best to see it in the theatre, in 3D if possible.