Farce of the Penguins
Farce of the Penguins
R | 14 July 2007 (USA)
Farce of the Penguins Trailers

In this spoof of "March of the Penguins," nature footage of penguins near the South Pole gets a soundtrack of human voices. Carl and Jimmy, best friends, walk 70 miles to the mating grounds where the female penguins wait. The huddled masses of females - especially Melissa and Vicki - talk about males, mating, and what might happen this year. Carl, Jimmy, and the other males make the long trek talking about food, fornication and flatulence. Until this year, Carl's sex life has been dismal, but he falls hard for Melissa. She seems to like him. A crisis develops when Jimmy comes upon something soft in the dark. Can friends forgive? Does parenthood await Carl and Melissa?

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
kai ringler I couldn't stop laughing all the way thru the movie,, there's a few sad parts , but for the most part this is 100% comedy, I liked the story/ plot line if you will about the penguins, migrating and trying to find their mate,, loved the baby misfit penguin who never fit in,, couldn't sing right,, but boy that kid sure knew how to dance,, didn't care for the stuck up penguin who thought she was too good for him, the character voices were great,, although didn't care for Bob Saget,, something about him just rubs me the wrong way I guess,, I will definitely watch this again,, when I need a great laugh,, terrific movie,, just not so much for the young kids. due to language, and sex talk.
Electrified_Voltage In 2005, "March of the Penguins", the award-winning documentary about the treacherous lives of emperor penguins in Antarctica, was released, and that was the year I saw it. It was definitely eye-opening for me, since I had no clue how rough those penguins had it! Since then, for quite some time, I've been aware of the title, "Farce of the Penguins", but didn't see it for a while. This is a direct-to-DVD send-up of the 2005 documentary, with real stock footage of penguins and sometimes other wildlife, put together to make a story, with dialogue added. This could have turned out to be a really good film if it was actually funny, which it unfortunately isn't.Down in Antarctica, the male penguins are on their long journey to the breeding grounds, where the females are waiting for them. Two of these male penguins are Carl and Jimmy, best friends who talk a lot about relationships (including past ones), and other things, on their way to their destination. Meanwhile, as the females wait, there's also a lot of talk about sexual relationships back at the breeding grounds, especially between Melissa and Vicki. Carl and Melissa are both longing for a lover, and have yet to meet each other. Eventually, after the males finally make it to their destination and meet the females, Carl and Melissa soon fall in love. However, Carl and Jimmy's friendship gets awkward after Jimmy accidentally has sex with Melissa one night in the dark while she is asleep and he feels something soft! Basically, "Farce of the Penguins" has the same problem as many other modern comedies. Two words that can be used to describe the humour in this spoof are crude and juvenile. Some of these comedies can be described as crude, juvenile, and FUNNY, while some can only be described as crude and juvenile. Sadly, this is one of the latter. The film is narrated by Samuel L. Jackson, and during the opening narration, he says some very unfunny, juvenile things about growing your pubic hairs if you want to come to Antarctica. There are definitely a lot of sex jokes in the film, which includes clips of various animals having sex put in for laughs, and these sex jokes don't tend to be funny. Another thing, you guessed it, there are some fart jokes, which are also lame. It seems the juvenile gags were just thrown in, and could have been a lot funnier if it actually took some comedic talent to come up with them. Not only is the humour severely lacking, the plot is also dull, it never improves along the way.This is definitely NOT the worst spoof movie I've ever seen. The worst spoof movie I've ever seen is definitely "Epic Movie", made by the infamous Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. I haven't seen any of Friedberg and Seltzer's other recent films, but they could easily be just as bad, so I'm not going to bother watching any of them, and if they were the ones who made "Farce of the Penguins", I'm sure it would have been worse (perhaps MUCH worse) than it turned out to be with Bob Saget as the writer and director. However, this spoof of the 2005 hit documentary on the lives of emperor penguins in their frigid habitat is still pretty lame, and it's probably a good thing it wasn't played in theatres, since that probably would have given it more undeserved attention. As a direct-to-DVD release, it seems to have been widely ignored, which is actually not a bad thing.
mardawgX3 Farce of The Penguins is one of the worst, most boring, lamest and stupid wastes of money it has ever been my extreme disappointment to have endured. It is so bad that watching it all the way through is in itself a Christ-like endeavor. It is so bad, so mind numbingly boring and dull that I found myself losing large blocks of memory and suffering gaps in time as I drifted in and out of semi consciousness as it dragged by minute after stupor inducing minute. Seconds felt like miniature eternities. Imagine watching Dune the whole way through without the half a dozen interesting bits to keep you partially interested. Now imagine that except at 1/2 speed and Lewis Black making anal sex jokes as the rest of the incredibly banal commentary slows to almost sub atomic speeds. It was similar to experiencing several boring people that you would otherwise never listen to talk during a mostly white screen filled with waddling penguins set on a loop for 2 hours. Kill it with fire. Seriously.
BartDawg53 The mockumentary "Farce of the Penguins" is obviously an attempt to cash in on the success of "March of the Penguins" while at the same time making fun of it. Narrated by Samuel L. Jackson, it is about two penguins, Carl (Bob Sagat), who is suffering from an identity crisis and heartbroken from past romantic failures, and his buddy Jimmy (Lewis Black), who only wants to eat and get laid, and their 70-mile travel to the penguin mating grounds in order to get some love.Basically, the filmmakers take some stock footage of some penguins and try and make and tie it together with a very basic plot that you'd find in a teen romantic film. It didn't inspire much interest for me. Throughout the process, numerous scatological humor is thrown in. The problem is, the film isn't very funny. I found most of the humor stupid, in which only teenagers (a market this film doesn't cater to)would find funny. Plus, I think Bob Sagat and Lewis Black take their roles too seriously. They compromise some humor in an effort to tell a story, which will be hard to do when you are trying to do so with only stock footage. They were making an 80-minute film (short by today's standards) a chore to get through, which was sad. It probably would've been much more entertaining had they played their roles loosely.However, I'd be lying if I said there weren't some good moments in the film. Samuel L. Jackson was quite entertaining, but sadly underutilized. I also found Tracy Morgan's role to be fun as well. Plus, at times I found the humor to be entertaining when the editing made it feel like their conversations were getting awkward.However, these few moments of humor have made a bad film into a below-average film. It is barely worth a rent. The most entertaining thing that came out of this picture is the fake interview Bob Sagat did for the special features section, which is 10 times funnier and about 1/5 the length of the film. Quite telling. 4 out of 10.