The Long Way Home
The Long Way Home
| 01 March 1998 (USA)
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A retired widower wanders away from his daughter's home, hooks up with a free-spirited young woman, and goes on a cross-country odyssey to look up an old flame he's recently heard from after 55 years.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Yvonne Jodi Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
bkoganbing The scenes between Jack Lemmon and Sarah Paulson make The Long Way Home something special. This Hallmark Channel TV film explores the problems of old age when you feel you have no purpose any more.Lemmon is playing someone in his own age bracket, a 70 something widower who went to war in World War II, married a hometown sweetheart and raised a family. Now he lives with one of his sons Garwin Sanford and Kristin Griffith and they fuss over him like he's an invalid.He's hardly that, in fact he was a cabinetmaker an honorable craft which he was employed at for almost half a century. Lemmon looks like a man who took pride in his work. One day when the circus comes to town he plays hooky. He meets Sarah Paulson a girl who is traveling west to rejoin her parents in California. The two of them just hit it off, he's the grandfather she never had. Lemmon and Paulson decide to journey together, Lemmon to meet up with an old girlfriend Betty Garrett, a widow who lives near Paulson's parents.Lemmon and Garrett have a wonderful reunion scene. Lemmon's in Kansas and she's in California. Geography is against them in the romance department, but it's not insurmountable.Lemmon also learns quite a life lesson from meeting Paulson's parents, especially her father. As that immortal 20th century philosopher Yogi Berra put it, it ain't over till it's over. The Long Way Home is a wonderful duel character study and inspiring, especially to an old codger like me.
dsp21953 This movie is pure bliss to watch, Jack Lemmon makes it so. Such a shame we shall never see more of his films. I'm used to seeing Mr. Lemmon play old cranks, politicians, businessmen, etc but in this role he stands out as Tom Gerrin, a 75 year old retired carpenter. Mr. Lemmon not only looks like the retired carpenter you almost forget he is an actor.The best part of this movie is it demonstrates how friendship knows no age limits. In fact friendship between two people from completely different generations can easily bridge the gap. I would know as one of my closest friends is an 82 year old former professor of mine. When I watch this movie I think of our times we meet and swap stories from out past.What also contributes to the friendship and the bridging of the generational gaps is also the message of "the golden years should not mean a death sentence." This movie is about living one day at a time and enjoying life no matter what age you are.In closing Jack Lemmon made this movie. Cheers to him and God rest his soul. Pick up this movie on DVD on It will make you glad for the friendships you will make with all sorts of people and give you and outlook for enjoying life.
Herman Dost I saw this movie on TV back in 1998 and have been very sorry ever since that I did not tape it. I have seen a number of movies with Jack Lemmon in it and did not always like them but this one I liked very much. It's a wonderful story. Being about the age of the main character and experiencing some of what he encountered I could well identify with the way Jack portrayed him. Jack has obviously matured considerably since his earlier movies and has become more relaxed and laid back. Leanne plays her part very well as a young student getting along with the old guy. My main question is: "Where can I get a copy of it?" I can't understand why this movie has not been shown more often or issued on DVD. Amazon doesn't have it, so who does? If anyone can assist me in getting it I would appreciate it.
Lee-107 I think the major theme of this movie revolves around the ubiquitous problem of the gap between two generations. Tom Gerrin, a 75 year old widower finds himself at the mercy of the decisions made for him by his sons after his wife expires. He moves into one of his son's house but is soon irritated with the way everyone treats him like an invalid over there. Their over-solicitude makes him do something they fear - go off without telling anyone, drive them nuts wondering what must have happened to him but also give his sons time to reflect on what went wrong in their relationship with their father. Meanwhile Tom comes close to getting run-down by a young collegiate who is driving across the country to meet her parents. This chance meeting culminates in Tom deciding to travel or literally hitch-hike across the country to California to meet an old sweetheart. Tom and Leann's friendship helps them to realise on what's important in their lives and mostly why do your own near and dear ones behave the way they do. Interspersed with witty dialogues and escapades with all the various people they meet along their way, with well-rounded characters, some beautiful scenery and music, this is a heartwarming feel-good movie that touches on the bitter-sweet relationship between parents and children..All is not lost..Tom couldn't get along with his middle-aged sons, but he does so strikingly with a collegiate in her early 20's and from this interaction decides to not let the rest of his life be ruled by the decisions made by others for him. The acting is commendable. I've not seen any other movies starring Jack Lemmon, but in this he is very convincing in his role and so is Sarah Paulson as Leann. She comes across as a friendly, intelligent girl with her head firmly on her shoulders. I look forward to seeing more performances by these two actors. This movie is worth watching for those who care for a nice leisurely movie which will not leave you disappointed..