The Lone Wolf Strikes
The Lone Wolf Strikes
NR | 26 January 1940 (USA)
The Lone Wolf Strikes Trailers

Delia Jordan's father is murdered and some very valuable jewelry stolen. She hires The Lone Wolf.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Sameeha Pugh It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
dougdoepke Decent entry in The Lone Wolf series. The plot about a stolen pearl necklace and fake duplicates, along with two gangs of competing baddies, is pretty convoluted. In fact, you may need a scorecard to keep track of the disappearing necklaces. Holding things together, of course, is the commanding Warren William as the reformed jewel thief turned amateur sleuth. As the Wolf, he does the tongue-in-cheek part well, so we never take things too seriously—a requirement for the many amateur detectives of the time. But what's this about the Wolf ooing-and-aahing over his rows of aquariums. Something fishy going on here. There's also good humorous support from Blore as the butler, while the two well-upholstered girls, Perry and Alwyn, supply tricky eye candy. Frankly, I would prefer a more streamlined plot, (do we really need a second jewel thief gang), but the basic premise is a good one, and I like that first bit of necklace trickery where Jordan gets fooled by a seductive Binnie. Note that the story is from the now legendary blacklisted Dalton Trumbo, still working the B-movie level. On the whole, it's an entertaining hour without being anything special.
blanche-2 "The Lone Wolf Strikes" from 1940 is a neat entry into the Lone Wolf series starring Warren William. William is delightful as Michael Lanyard, aka The Lone Wolf. His butler is played by Eric Blore, who has a large part in this and is very funny. In this story, Lanyard is asked by a friend to find pearls that were stolen from a friend of his, who was subsequently murdered - though the murder was called an accident.Fake pearls and real pearls bounce back and forth, with William going to a gathering as Emil Gorlick, a diamond merchant. Gorlick is actually played by Montagu Love, but when William finds out that he has never met the thieves, he ties Gorlick up and impersonates him in order to re-steal the pearls.Warren William was a wonderful, relaxed actor, an old-fashioned patrician type, who found humor in roles once the silents ended. In silents, he usually played the heavy. He played Perry Mason, Sam Spade, and Philo Vance, among other parts. He continued to play the occasional heavy, but he's best known for his precode work as a meanie. He died in 1948, only 53.Very enjoyable.
sol **SPOILERS**Being strictly a second story man, before retiring form is life of crime, jewel thief Michael Lanyard, Warren Williams, get a bit over his head here becoming involved in two not one murders one of which he's the prime suspect in.Lanyard is asked by his friend Stanley Young, Addison Richards, to retrieve his clients Phillip Jordan, Roy Gordon,$100,000.00 pearl necklace that was stolen by his lady friend and, unknown to Jordan, gold digger Binnie Weldon,Astrid Allwyn. It turned out that Binnie and her boyfriend Jim Ryder,Alan Baxter, pulled a fast one on Jordan switching his necklace that was to be given to his daughter Delia, Joan Perry, as a wedding present when she was to be married.Finding out what Binnie did to him Old Man Jordan gets down to business telling her and Jim to give him back his necklace or else he'll have them arrested for grand larceny. Not using his noodle, head, Jordan tipping off Jim & Binnie to his plans ends dead up in, what's made to look like, a fiery car smash-up engineered by Tim.Getting to work on finding the stolen necklace Lanyard is hampered by Jorden's pesky and annoying daughter Delia who's always sticking her pretty nose in his business in finding her father's, which is really hers, pearl necklace. Lanyard slowly puts all the missing facts in the case together by impersonating, after tying him up in his hotel room, international jewelry fence the Prussian looking Belgium jewelry assessor and fencer Emil Gorlick, Montagu Love. Gorlick was to take, at a very handsome price, the pearl necklace off Binnie and Tim's hands and make a nice profit, as much as 75%, for himself on it.Just when you, and Lanyard, think that it's all over Stanley who Lanyard gave the necklace for safe keeping ends up being murdered with the necklace taken by this other group of crooks lead by Alberts Harland Tucker. Alberts had a plan to get Delia to fall in love and marry handsome Ralph, Robert W. Wilcox, a member of his gang. It's then when Delia gets the necklace, when she announces her engagement, Ralph being her future husband can get it off her by literally leaving her standing alone at the altar.Being the last person to see Stanley alive Lanyard is now wanted for his murder and has to work fast and double-time to prove his innocence as well as retrieve, for the second time, the stolen necklace now, after getting it back from Tim & Binnie, by the Alberts Mob.With the help of his faithful butler Jamison, Eric Blore, as well as spreading a rumor that he still has the real necklace Lanyard pulls off the impossible in getting both the police and the Alberts Mob to chase and track him down on a Hudson River Ferry. With both Alberts and the cops trapped on the New York City bound boat Lanyard can now both prove his innocence in his not murdering Stanley but also get those who did, Alberts & Co, arrested by the police. As for the necklace Lanyard tricked Alberts into thinking that he didn't have the real one where he just, by chasing Lanyard on to the ferry and getting himself and his gang arrested, handed it to him and Delia on a silver platter!
Neil Doyle Delightful entry in the Lone Wolf series starring WARREN WILLIAMS, this time with JOAN PERRY as the young woman seeking to find the killers who murdered her wealthy father. With a larger than usual role for valet ERIC BLORE, who makes the most of his comic abilities, this one gets off to a merry start and provides a good mix of laughs and shady bits of suspense.The cast is in fine form--especially when MONTAGU LOVE turns up as a European diamond merchant with thick accent, bushy mustache and monocle. The story is all about the theft of a pearl necklace from the safe of Philip Jordan (Perry's father) and his murder. The Lone Wolf takes the case when the daughter pleads with him and from then on it's standard Lone Wolf fare with the plot leading to a satisfying capture of the killer thieves.Summing up: Delightful entry in the series.Trivia note: For awhile, I thought the actor playing Ralph Bolton was Craig Stevens, but it turns out it was RALPH WILCOX who was married, first to Florence Rice, and then to Diana Barrymore--who dedicated her book "Too Much, Too Soon" to Wilcox, with whom she went on alcoholic binges during their five year marriage. Very handsome actor who never made it to stardom in Hollywood, probably due to alcoholism.