The Little Drummer Girl
The Little Drummer Girl
| 19 October 1984 (USA)
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An American Actress with a penchant for lying is forceably recruited by Mosad, the Israeli intelligence agency to trap a Palestinian bomber, by pretending to be the girlfriend of his dead brother.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Leftbanker The novel by John Le Carré is the best spy novel ever written. It is a work of pure genius and it elevates the genre to literature. Daniel Silva has made a career of out basically borrowing everything from this book for his Gabriel Allon series.Forget about the fact that she's a terrible actress but Diane Keaton is just too old for the part. Charlie was a very young and hip woman, not a middle-aged dork...and she was English. She isn't even hot enough for the role. In the movie she's obviously too old for the Arab terrorist Michel who she was supposed to be involved with. Yorgo Voyagis as Joseph was also a little too old for the part and he is just too much of a Rock Hudson lookalike for my tastes. The best bit of casting was Klaus Kinski as Kurtz.If ever a movie needs to be remade it would be this excellent story.
khaled-19 Hey, WHOLE thing is just fabulous!!! I really appreciate the idea, the plot of eternal choice between ideas and feelings, human valuables and political views.. I think cast and directing are just amazing!!!! Why the hell Diane Keaton is too old?? Are you crazy? Are you go insane?? SHE'S PERFECT in that role so as in ALL her roles!!! She is highly believable as a woman, who wanted just to date with a gye and then found herself in that terrible adventure, without any right answer on question - what is wrong and what is right. She was like ship, which lost course and she tried to orientate on her feelings and that was so hard, because she understood both sides of fight and couldn't stand from..OMG, every woman could understand this.. I really love this movie, although it's too hard to re-watch it.
chaucer-1 Apart from a few curious departures from Le Carre's book of the same name the main thing wrong with this film is the casting of Diane Keaton as Charlie. Why the producers saw fit to use a relatively minor American actress to play the key role in this very strong story is something of a mystery, particularly when so many fine European actors were available at the time. Keaton strives to do her best but remains unconvincing throughout the play and her inadequacies are, unfortunately, highlighted by the superb performances from the rest of the stellar cast. Notwithstanding, the film is still well worth watching if only for the performances of Klaus Kinski and the rest of the cast. Plus the strong story line tends to over-ride some of the casting flaws. Moreover, since the film was made in the 1980's it is grittily realistic and doesn't suffer from the mawkish revisionism of recent films about international terrorism. Note: the earlier commentator who wondered why the character of Charlie would have been selected as a intelligence agent, seems to have missed the main point of the story. Charlie wasn't an agent - she was bait.
genius-15 Instead of "rethinking its policies" or "trying to understand the terrorists", the Israeli government, as accurately portrayed in this movie, has developed a novel approach to dealing with fanatical groups that attack civilians: blow them to smithereens!!!!! A truly no-nonsense film, with some beautiful Mediterranean locations, the Little Drummer Girl does come off as somewhat cheap in the technical sense (a larger budget could've ensured some truly dazzling action scenes, and lessened the dependence on dragged-out dialogue). Still, the authentic depiction of Mossad antiterrorism techniques (surveillance, baiting, seizure, interrogation, assasination) more than compensated for the occasionally low-budget climate. The acting was excellent, and though some may feel Diane Keaton looked too old for her role (a difficult claim to dispute when viewing the Oscar winner's sex scenes), her inadequacies were well concealed by brilliant performances from Yorgo Voyagis, Eli Danker, and Klaus Kinski. One of my favorite lines in the film was when Danker's character, Litvak, asks why they can't just seal off the German town where a bomber is hiding, and Marty Kurtz (Kinski) replies "This isn't the West Bank, Shimon."
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