PG-13 | 02 September 2016 (USA)
Skiptrace Trailers

A detective from Hong Kong teams up with an American gambler to battle against a notorious Chinese criminal.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Steineded How sad is this?
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
suttonpeter I really have no idea why there are so many nay sayers here criticising this film?! This is pure fun and old school action, the sort of unimportant movie that is pure enjoyment. Jackie and Johnny together at last! In a stress free and brilliantly choreographed film these guys shine. Stunts that are brilliant and locations that are wonderful. Seriously, what's the problem?!If you cannot enjoy this film there's something wrong with you! Stick to the regular takes itself seriously bs because these guys are very clever and a lot of fun... ENJOY!!!
Leofwine_draca SKIPTRACE is a film that comes as a surprise to me. First off, whilst not being a great movie, it's the first Jackie Chan film I've seen in yonks that feels like one of his older classics. It's a light and breezy production, full of silly comedy and action, and a story that keeps on moving so that it never feels dull despite the predictability of the thing. It was made by Renny Harlin, whose career has been less than illustrious as of late, but it's one of his better showings.The plot sees Chan and sidekick Johnny Knoxville (riffing on his LAST STAND persona, and not irritating at all) teaming up to tackle a criminal mastermind. Most of the film feels like a travelogue as they head through Mongolia and China on their way to Hong Kong. There's plenty of action, including a stand-out fight early on in a Russian doll factory (!) which is just like a classic scene from one of Jackie's '80s movies. Hong Kong cinema lovers will enjoy the turns from Eric Tsang, Michael Wong, and a cameoing Richard Ng, and in the end this is a harmless enough slice of entertainment that's a bit better than most of Jackie's recent stuff.
adonis98-743-186503 A detective from Hong Kong teams up with an American gambler to battle against a notorious Chinese criminal. I was never a huge fan of Jackie Chan but i did always find him a good actor and the fact that he is doing his own stunts was always impressive but lately his movies haven't achieved the impact that they once had and i get it times have changed and he is getting older for sure but honestly i just finished watching Skiptrace and i don't get the hate it received sure it's not a perfect film i mean the story and the comedy at times could have been a lot better but that doesn't mean that it was a complete disaster i honestly think that Jackie Chan's American Movies are way better than the ones he is doing in China and i'm just being honest. Skiptrace had a lot of great action scenes and there was a lot of fight scenes in like every 5 to 20 minutes and that is what i like about films like this , the stunt work was terrific and basically it's a Jackie Chan movie so what did you expect? His chemistry with Johnny Knoxville was amazing and although i think that Knoxville is not that great of an actor he works pretty well done for films of this level and he did a great job in The Last Stand a few years back where he starred alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger. Also Eve Torres as a Russian chick named Dasha? Was pretty cool too so overall i found Skiptrace a very enjoyable film it had great action, great stunts and the humor for the most part worked plus the twist in the ending added a bit drama to it as well which i liked. (9/10)
ramenga I was really expecting a lot from a new Jackie Chan movie because his past work has been terrific to say the least. But the directing and cinematography spoiled the movie for me. It was jarring to watch and it was pretty hard to follow their movements in the movie. Too much disconnected scenes also spoils it for me, like they don't know how to transition between scenes. Jackie Chan was his usual self with all the humor and has the same good performance as in his past movies. Johnny Knoxville is also good but isn't great, but better than the awful performance of Garrett Hedlund in Pan ( I know they are unrelated movies but I'm just comparing general actor performances). I really wish Jackie Chan would make more movies in future but not spoil it by hiring bad directors and cinematographers, and put a bit more effort on the story, as it has a bit of a hint of cliché.