PG-13 | 14 February 1996 (USA)
Crossworlds Trailers

College good guy Joe is drawn into a battle to save the world from arch-enemy Ferris. Joe's heirloom pendant just happens to be the key to the staff that opens doors to the Crossworlds. When Laura shows up to check on the key and Ferris' goons begin their assaults, they run to semi-retired adventurer A.T. for help and guidance.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Alex Gifford As a fan of low budget sci-fi (especially Rutger Hauer movies) I have to admit to being biased towards this before I'd even seen it. But, not only did it live up to expectations, it far surpassed them. This is a slick, well directed and acted and fairly intelligent entry into the 'alternate dimension' genre.It's fast paced and the gorgeous Andrea Roth certainly adds to the enjoyment factor. Rutger Hauer is his usual sardonic self, always great value. Josh Charles is excellent in what I think is the best film of his career!! OK, so the budget is low, but the makers have done wonders with what they had to work with and it looks like a much more expensive movie - the cinematography is fantastic and gives the whole movie a lovely 'gloss' look. There is lots of humor, an excellent villain and some very exciting actions scenes - what more could you want? A lot of people compare this to the Matrix, which I feel is unfair. The Matrix is (great fun, but) very overblown and pretentious, whilst this movie plumps solely for entertaining. Some of the themes are the same, but the similarities end there. I'd go for Crossworlds any day!!
MidnightWarrior This film is certainly a very rare breed of film. The story is very intriguing and has a certain level of mystery and bewilderment to it. If you enjoy seeing movies about different dimensions and different worlds, this is the film to watch.The cast couldn't have been better selected. There isn't much I can say without giving the film away completely, but I will say that script paired with a competent cast and crew make it enjoyable to watch.This film is not loaded with violence or intense CGI graphics. The dialog seems nearly perfect at all instances and the characters are easy to relate to. I would have liked to see more of a relationship developed between Josh Charles and the sweet blond honey.Another regret is that the film makers never left the door open for a sequel, even though this film would be worthy of having one. Go rent it - it will leave you feeling like a million bucks!
Philip Simon i recently saw the movie on cable and I was wondering what similarities were there between this movie and the MatrixYou have got Jo or Joseph like NeoYou have got A. T. like Morpheausand you have got the girl like Trinity.Even the villains move around in suits like those in Matrixand all that talk in the elevator where A.T. says that the floor is still there and what they are seeing was all deja vu like in the MatrixWould not be surprised if the Wachowski Brothers had seen this and been 'inspired'
Jonathan Horner Crossworlds caught my eye when I saw that good old, Bladerunning Rutger Hauer starring in it. So I sat down ready to watch the movie thinking that I was in for another poorly directed B-movie, I was wrong. Crossworlds for a low budget movie is pretty good. Rutger Hauer and the rest of the cast deserve more credit from this movie, it should of been pretty popular.The story line is a little confusing but if you watch the movie twice over you should be able to get your head round it.overall quite good but a little confusing.7/10.