The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter
The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter
| 10 March 2018 (USA)
The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter Trailers

A star of hunting videos strives to bond with his 12-year-old son on a wilderness trip but learns familial connections can't be forced.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
kenmore17 This is a movie about the struggles of raising a pre-teen in the conflicting social and family environments that are typical of much of America.Avid hunters seem to hate it because the hunting trip depicted isn't representative of a typical hunting excersise. Anti-hunting advocates hate it because it doesn't do enough to criticize the people who take part in what they deem to be a "stupid, cruel activity".It saddens me to think that our culture is so wrapped up in political rhetoric that most people can't enjoy a movie that actually hits the nail on the head.Are most hunting trips misadventures? Of course not. Did a former Vice President of our country accidentally shoot someone in the face during a hunting excursion? YES!Did the movie satirize hunting? Yes. Did it take a stance on hunting regulations? NO!This movie is a collection of verbatim conversations and situations that have actually taken place over time and in different contexts... To a tee, in my home state of KY. It's blatantly honesty is why it's difficult to stomach. Hunters.... chill out. Anti-hunters... sorry, hunting is a thing.
collinspt An overwhelmingly simplistic tell of a father/son hunting excursion with a perverted type "uncle" figure fliming the happenings and what's goings on of the trip. The film was able to capture beautiful images of the mountains of who gives a damn. If you had something better to do like chronologically date all the pennies in your piggy bank or make love to the wife, I'd probably tackle those tasks first.
slapshotgoon I thought the movie was quite good. If your looking for an action packed movie look elsewhere. A father son bonding type movie in a hunting setting. The layout is actually pretty true to a hunting type predicament. A dad tries to reconnect with his son and show him the beuty of the natural world, and what he does for a living, while the son doesn't really want any of it but tries at some points. Danny McBride played a good, sometimes vulgar but, not over the top comedic relief. At some points in the film the acting feels forced, but when you look at the whole of the movie, it actually would be that way in real life because of the situation the characters are in. Ex alcoholic dad who is never there trying to reconnect with his son. All in all it's a good coming of age, father/son bonding, nature vs. technology type movie. It's also a great movie for a hunter especially slightly older one. They will say it hits the nail on the head.
human Unit It's like if 2 friends goes on a hike with their son on a saturday afternoon, filmed it and think it'll be good, (because it's kind of a satyr with a few (bad jokes)) to release it as a movie. If you need to see this as a showcase on to why hunting is dumb, well nothing can save you. If you think this is funny to watch you are probably a fan of W.Ferrel, which I'm definitely not! I'm a fan of Josh Brolin, Old boy, Sicario, Only the brave, Everest etc.. he is good really, but not here, it's boring to say the least, I agree with many here, this epic failure tried too much to be funny and fall flat.