The Last Showing
The Last Showing
| 22 August 2014 (USA)
The Last Showing Trailers

A couple trapped in a cinema are manipulated into becoming unwilling actors in a film being captured by CCTV cameras.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
kayzmanoski This film is one of the extremely rare type of films that relies on complete originality and risk yet makes it into a classic that parallels those of Stephen King such as Carrie in the dynamics of the unravelling of the act, and executing the sinister but brilliant finish. As a film connoisseur I must admit this is one of the rare risks of a film that turns out brilliant, the acting was fine but the concept and the plot of this movie along with the vilanious character will absolutely leave you filled with joy if you like original concepts executed in a classical way, yet still retain a signature of the director's unconventionality and uniqueness. The vilain of this film makes you secretely cheer for him, and I would place the vilain of this film in top 20 vilains of cinema of all times.
contact-86263 The premise relies on the "killer" (dumb) boyfriend following all the instructions and not thinking for himself. Any self respecting person would realise half way through that they were being manipulated and would try to alter how events play out. A very frustrating ending.
kosmasp I don't think so. But it can be too desperate for its own good. Freddy Kr... I mean Robert Englund delivers and he's elevating this movie above mediocrity. The script is nice and there are changes in pace and direction, but it thinks too much of itself at times. And tries too hard to satisfy a few needs, to really go the extra mile.Having said all that and even though, it does have it's issues here and there (plot holes/character flaws), the movie is entertaining if you let it in. It played well enough at Frightfest in London and people enjoyed it for what it is. The ending was something else that really made the movie better (at least in my eyes). Depending on what you think about that, you might feel it's not as decent as I thought
FlashCallahan Allie, and her boyfriend Martin, go to see a midnight showing of The Hills Have Eyes 2 and find they're the only ones in the cinema screen. Stuart, is an old school projectionist, who has since been relegated to concessions, following the advent of digital projection. He slips drugs into Allie's lemonade, before her and Martin go into the movie. From there, Stuart proceeds to make his own movie, even though Allie and Martin, are less than willing to star.....For a low budget horror movie, it's surprisingly well made, and for once Englund isn't really hamming it up like he does in non Freddy horror movies. His Stuart is very mild mannered, almost Ned Flanders mild mannered, but you can understand why he is disgruntled in this digital world, his fellow colleagues and employer offer no respect, so why not take revenge by making your own movie.By the time the second act begins, you can understand why the budget was so low, it's filmed in a Vue Cinema somewhere in Chester I believe, and I think the staff just locked the doors and let them get on with it.It can get pretty tense in places, the stand off between Martin and the cinema manager is a highlight, but then it turns from a light horror film to 'Die Hard in a cinema', something that I thought would never be made.And the ending is something that I wouldn't have expected the makers or the writers to, so kudos to them for coming up with something original, rather than going down the safe path, even though you subliminally promise a sequel.But sadly, Berrington spends the majority of the film unconscious, Martin looks too much like Harry Styles from One Direction to convince as the hero, and Keith Allen pops up at the end looking for his career.It references old school horror, and there is a slight message of Old School cinema is the best, but its worth watching, even though it can get a little formulaic.