The Last Lullaby
The Last Lullaby
| 28 March 2008 (USA)
The Last Lullaby Trailers

Price, a former hitman, is struggling to cope with retirement. He left the assassination business to live the "easy life." However, retirement arrived with its own agenda. It was not the instant peace and calm that Price expected. Rather, it was emptiness, boredom, and, worst of all, restlessness. The Last Lullaby plummets Price back into his old life and forces him into a corner from which he may never escape. Price's old ways no longer work for him when his heart opens, and he finds life beyond his profession. The tension finally boils, as Price must decide to close himself off again or open himself up to a world beyond his control.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Micransix Crappy film
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
kenneth-gene-williams It started a little slow but built intensity as the film progressed. I think this is what gave the movie real and believable feel. I am no film critic but this is one of the best movies I have seen in awhile. Of course it was the type of film I enjoy, a thriller that keeps you entertained yet guessing until the very end. You were able to really empathize with the characters and get a real sense of what they are going through. The movie transformed me to "that place". How many films do you know that actually do that? This is a first attempt at a feature length film? Wow. Most blockbusters from Hollywood don't make you think at all. It is like most of them are geared toward the 6 year old mind. (ie. Jurrasic Park and movies with the huge special effects budget don't do anything but give you that "oh cool" factor and can be summed up in 3 minutes.) This movie can be enjoyed from a thinkers perspective. And Goodman makes you think a little. You are able to get more out of it the more you mentally dig into the characters.I really enjoyed this movie. Really.
douggood I just saw this last night at AFI Dallas (The 2nd showing) and I LOVED it! It looked beautiful, sounded kick a**, and kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.Kudos to everyone involved and here's to more low budget thrillers shot in LA (Louisiana that is)!Jeffrey Goodman should be welcomed into the film community with open arms. He has a great eye for suspense and will make many more films. Tom Sizemore is back! He has a great feel for the pacing of his dialogue and never falls into a regular pattern.Perfect blood spatter! No one ever mentions that, but it's really important when people die, and people die in this movie!
viewer811 I drove to Dallas for the festival. Lullaby was first movie I saw. Wow! I wish all the entries were that good! It kept me in my seat from beginning to end. A movie without a potty break in the middle is an unheard of thing for me. I particularly liked the pace of the movie. It is a bit slower and more quiet that the usual Hollywood fare. Sizemore did a great job of blowing life into Price. His emotion felt real to me. An introverted, socially awkward ex-hit man requires some subtlety. Sizemore nailed it. The ending kept coming back to me for days after the movie. The movie is, as a friend of mine says about truly interesting things, "a thing that make you say, hmm".
charlesdangray This is a good movie. Compared to your average "blockbuster" thriller movie that comes out in theatres these days, I would consider it a great movie. There is some serious violence, which, while cool (from your average guy's standpoint) does not detract from the movie's purpose, which is to delve deep into the souls of the two main characters (who give great performances, by the way). This is done quite effectively with the help of unique cinematography and mesmerizing sounds (which includes some long periods without dialogue).If you like the mystery/thriller, I don't think you could help but enjoy this one.