The Last Command
The Last Command
NR | 03 August 1955 (USA)
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During the Texas War of Independence of 1836 American frontiersman and pioneer Jim Bowie pleads for caution with the rebellious Texicans. They don't heed his advice since he's a Mexican citizen, married to the daughter of the Mexican vice-governor of the province and a friend to General Santa Anna since the days they had fought together for Mexico's independence. After serving as president for 22 years, Santa Anna has become too powerful and arrogant. He rules Mexico with an iron fist and he would not allow Texas to self-govern. Bowie sides with the Texans in their bid for independence and urges a cautious strategy, given Santa Anna's power and cunning. Despite the disagreement between the Texicans and Bowie regarding the right strategy they ask Bowie to lead them in a last-ditch stand, at Alamo, against General Santa Anna's numerically superior forces.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
MartinHafer This film is different from the John Wayne film "The Alamo" because instead of focusing on action, "The Last Command" focuses on the causes of the War for Texan Independence that led up to the Alamo. Because of this, the movie puts a context for the rebellion--something that wasn't all too clear in Wayne's huge epic. While not all the reasons are explored (there were Texans who wanted to bring slavery into the territory--something Mexican law did not allow), the dictatorial policies of President Santa Ana were explored. History does record that Santa Ana was a rather inept leader and he sure did do a lot to encourage the revolution--not just in Texas but in other Mexican states.Sterling Hayden plays James Bowie--the man who popularized a knife now known after him and one of the leaders at the Alamo. Unlike what I expected, Bowie was played as a very even-tempered man--a man who was initially unsure which side he was on in the war. Slowly, Bowie sees Santa Ana's excesses as justification for independence and I appreciated how he wasn't played as some macho hot-head. As far as the historical accuracy of the film, it's not easy to do a film on the life of Bowie, as there really isn't a huge amount of information about the man. Oddly, however, what history does record about Bowie is generally not discussed in the film--such as the deaths of his wife and children in the years preceding the Battle of the Alamo. But, there are no major historical flaws, either--a plus.Earlier I mentioned John Wayne's film, "The Alamo". While I think the Wayne film is better than most give it credit for, it is very odd that he sank so much energy and cash into making this film just five years after "The Last Command". And, both films are nearly equal in quality--though "The Last Command" cost a small fraction of the 1960 film and was a bit less long-winded--giving much more bang for the buck. "The Alamo" is better showing the grandness of the battle. It had a lot of extras playing Mexican soldiers, while "The Last Command" clearly only had a hundred or so extras dressed in Mexican uniforms in order to save money! But, "The Last Command" is also clearly better when it comes to portraying individuals and the reasons for the war--making it a much more personal and enjoyable film for me. The only part of the film I really disliked was the macho bull crap fight between Hayden and Ernest Borgnine near the beginning of the film--wow did that come off as stupid!
tommye-2 While not totally historically accurate, this film is at least as accurate, if not more so, than most of the other Alamo epics. There are points in all the films that are arguable, if not totally wrong. However, I have researched most of the Alamo films and find this one more accurate from the viewpoint of the depiction of the Mexicans in the Alamo and some of the more personal facts about Bowie. For example, the death of his wife sometime before the start of the battle. No Alamo film is totally accurate, including the newly made Alamo with Billy Bob Thornton and Dennis Quaid. The important thing is that this is the story of brave men fighting a battle they cannot win against a far larger army. The spirit of the story is the important thing in this case.
12Charlie Amoung alot of historians and reenactors, this is the best Alamo film ever made. It was very well done, acted, and directed. An all around great job by all! Alamo: Price of Freedom is the most accurate film ever made, but this film is considered the best by far!
helpless_dancer Another in a long line of Alamo films, this one was no better than the others and they were pretty mundane. I bellowed when Davy Crockett entered the picture and it was none other than old Arthur Hunnicutt. His toothy, good natured "howdy boys" left me on the floor rolling. A prolific western maker, Sterling Hayden does his usual average job in a so-so movie.