Battle of Rogue River
Battle of Rogue River
NR | 15 June 1954 (USA)
Battle of Rogue River Trailers

In 1850 Oregon is trying to gain statehood, but a truce is needed with the Indians before it can be accomplished. A new Army commander, Major Archer, is dispatched to bring order and peace to the territory.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Michael_Elliott Battle of Rogue River (1954) ** (out of 4)Set in Oregon, the Army and Major Frank Archer (George Montgomer) are ordered to make peace with the Indians once and for all. Archer manages to make a deal with the Indian leader but someone goes against both sides and gets a war started.BATTLE OF ROGUE RIVER is your average Western that features a rather familiar story and in all honesty it really doesn't stand out in a very crowded genre. These type of stories go back to the silent days as you've got good Americans and bad Indians trying to make peace but of course something happens and the good guys have to rise to the fight.Director William Castle was probably just trying to bring this film in on budget and on time. I'm going to guess that was much more important than actually delivering some sort of masterpiece. As it stands, the film is pretty much average on every level as the story isn't original, the performances are decent and the director at least keeps things moving at a decent pace but there's just nothing here that stands out. I will say that the cinematography was quite good and the final battle sequence was nice.
bsmith5552 "Battle of Rogue River" is another of the Producer Sam Katzman, Director William Castle collaborations. This one takes place in pre Civil War Oregon Territory where the U.S. Army is having trouble with the Indians who are continuously resisting their attempts to drive them out.Major Frank Archer (George Montgomery) is assigned to take over the task. A hard nosed by the rules commander, Archer at first meets with opposition for his no nonsense command. Civilian Stacey Wyatt (Richard Denning) and his civilian volunteers fight along side the army against Chief Mike (Michael Granger) and his tribe. Archer is at first, ready to attack the Indians but a change of orders comes in ordering him to negotiate a peace with the Indians. Archer meets with Chief Mike and a mutual respect develops. They eventually negotiate a 30 day armistice where neither side is permitted to cross from their side of the Rogue River.Sgt. McLain (Emory Parnell) ia assigned to patrol the Army's side of the river during the armistice. One day Wyatt rides up and informs Mclain that his daughter Brett (Martha Hyer) has been taken by a group of maverick Indians and are holding her just across the river. Sgt. McLain thinking his daughter is in danger, crosses the river with his men who are ambushed and killed by the Indians except for McLain. This provokes Archer in to prepare an attack on the Indians.Wyatt returns to the fort unaware that McLain has survived and continues his treachery. Unscrupulous businessmen including Matt Parrish (Charles Evans) have been using Wyatt to prolong the Indian crisis for their own gains. Sgt. McLain returns to the fort exposing Wyatt and Parrish .Meanwhile, Archer has planned an attack on the Indians using his artillery when he learns of Wyatt's treachery, but it is too late to prevent the artillery barrage and................................................... I have to admit that I was caught off guard with Denning's treachery,. He usually was a good guy. I was also awaiting the explanation of the name "Chief Mike" which is used in all seriousness. I expected some sort of humorous back story. It never came. Martha Hyer, tight leather pants and all, was just starting to emerge as a an "A" features player.Castle gives us some exciting battle scenes and a few surprises. The color photography is excellent as well. Also in the cast are John Crawford as Captain Hillman the second in command, Willis Bouchey as Major Wallach who turns over his command to Archer, Steven Ritch as Chief Mike's right hand man and Kathleen Freeman with a nice little bit at the recruiting sequence.
LeonLouisRicci There are a Few Things of Interest in this "Assembly Line" Picture that was made in the Middle of the Decade Long Love Affair with the "Western".Directed with a Surprising Lack of Style by Horror Manipulator William Castle. It has a Strong B-Movie Cast Playing Cookie Cutter Characters. Nothing here Elevates but it is Competent, in Color, Widescreen and Short (71 min).It is one of those Professional Only Entertainments that 1950's Movie Going Audiences were Offered that didn't Give a Hoot about Anthony Mann or Budd Boetticher. It's sort of a Pedestrian Escape and one of Many Traditional Following the John Ford Mantra.Try and Catch all the Interesting Names of the Leading Characters. Slightly Above Average of its Kind and Plays it Safe all the way. It Stars Middle Budget Stalwarts George Montgomery, Richard Denning, Michael Granger, as "Chief Mike" the most polite and even handed "Savage" You're likely to see, and Martha Hyer as the Only Woman in the Movie, a Feisty Female with Brains and Beauty.
bkoganbing Battle Of Rogue River is fought by George Montgomery as a newly arrived major in the Oregon territory who is charged to bringing the Indians under Chief Mike down and when that's done the path to admission as a state will be smooth. A very important issue for many reasons, those expressed in the film and with the Civil War looming another free state in the union. Curious that that fact was never brought up in the film.Montgomery finds the discipline lax at the fort and soon puts that to right. As for the Indians and the tribe is never mentioned it is probably the Shoshone and they've been causing havoc the way Cochise and the Apaches were in Arizona. It's either beat them or deal with them.His new orders opt for the latter, but some sinister forces have their own reasons for keeping Oregon wild and free. They pull some mighty despicable treason to do it. Evenly matched against Montgomery is frontier girl Martha Hyer who's full of sass, she's the daughter of the post sergeant Emory Parnell. And leader of the civilian militia Richard Denning has more than a passing interest in her.Battle Of Rogue River is produced by Sam Katzman who over at Monogram Pictures never saw the kind of budget this B western had. A good western it's still the kind of item that was showing up frequently on the small screen for free.