The Killing Floor
The Killing Floor
| 10 May 2007 (USA)
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A literary agent moves into a penthouse apartment. Soon after the move, he receives crime scene photographs that seem to have taken place in his new apartment. Next he receives a series of stalker videotapes that document his every move.

PodBill Just what I expected
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
gosolowe I'm surprised there are so many really good reviews of this movie. It really wasn't THAT great. I viewed it on late night cable and honestly, I'm glad I did, as I don't think it's something I'd want to pay money (other than the cable bill) to see.I will give it credit in that it is suspenseful and generally entertaining. In fact, it was all good until the end, when we find out what is going on, and when what can only be called giant, gaping plot holes are revealed.(WARNING: SPOILERS FROM HERE)For example, we discover in the end that many of characters are in fact desperate NYC actors who were hired by the main character's secretary to psych him out. At first glance, it seems implausible that all these actors are willing to be on-call twenty-four seven and are able to improvise their parts flawlessly for the entire length of the movie without really questioning why they're doing what they are; however, I guess it could happen, so I suppose you could suspend your disbelief.However, it gets a bit ridiculous at the end of the movie. David Lamont (the main character) and the detective (who isn't actually a detective, but an actor playing one) get into this fist fight as Lamont thinks the detective is the killer and the detective tries to act the part by trying to kill Lamont. For some reason, though, at no point during this 5- 10 min fight scene, does the actor playing the detective stop trying to kill Lamont, even as he is being beaten, battered, and eventually, thrown down a flight of stairs to his death. This one is hard to swallow. I realize the character is suppose to be a desperate out of work actor, but none of the actors I know are so desperate that they would actually risk their lives in a death match and try to commit murder all for that big break. I'm pretty sure in the real world, after the first punch was thrown, any sane individual would say "screw this, I'm going back to waiting tables." The guy has plenty of opportunities to walk away, but even after he is seemingly knocked unconscious, he gets back up and continues to lunge himself at Lamont until his untimely end.The movie proceeds downhill from there, as Lamont decides instead of calling the police, as any rational person would do, he will take the body to a farm and hack it into pieces to feed to the pigs. However, I'm thinking "isn't this guy suppose to be a mystery novel agent? Surely he must realize that although it may "look" like he is guilty of the murders in the movie, modern forensic science combined with decent detective work could likely implicate the real killer (and that by covering up, he's only making it 100 times worse?)" All in all, I think I would have actually enjoyed this movie if only it had a plot that was a little bit more feasible. It had all the elements of a good movie - good acting, sets, suspense - in my opinion, however, the unbelievable script, let it down in the end.
Ryan Hunter The beginning of the film is quite decent with a lot of potential. However the story quickly dissolves into several "suspenseful" misdirections which are mildly entertaining yet predictable.Marc Blucas plays a young, handsome and rich literary agent. The casting of Blucas for this role was a poor decision. Not because he's not a good actor; he's just not a believable yuppie bookworm. I did like that Blucas' character wasn't afraid of the dark and wasn't jumping at every strange sound or seeing things.The end is predictable although the writers didn't think so as the ending is supposed to leave you in shock. All it left me was bored and glad to hit the stop button.
AvalonGroupEntertainment This movie really entertained me and kept me thinking all the way to the end, unfortunately all that let the film down were the obviously tight funds expended to make this film.I think the lead roles were played well but the policeman really let it down I think.Otherwise, as I said really good story.Other than this small but resounding problem I think the film was a really good attempt at the originally story although I think the book would be better.Love Me
lswanson-4 My wife and I liked this movie a lot! We are not film snobs but we like finding and watching movies that most people don't know about. She found this one surfing Amazon UK. We ordered it and watched on our Mac. We agreed that it reminded us of a combination of the movies "Deceived" with Goldy Hawn and "The Player" with Tim Robbins. Like those movies "The Killng Floor" had scary moments with out being a slasher film, although was scarier than these other two. It had twists and turns that you may have suspected could happen yet they played out in a way we did not expect. Over all this movie was really fun to watch. If you know New York at all, the scenery was great. We have recommended it to our friends here in Minneapolis, MN.
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