The Impossible Kid
The Impossible Kid
| 23 July 1982 (USA)
The Impossible Kid Trailers

Weng Weng plays an agent, code-named “00” who works for the Manila branch of Interpol. The Chief sends him in pursuit of an arch villain, Mr X, whose white sock covered head is reminiscent of the Ku Klux Klan’s pointed hoods. When Mr X holds the Philippines for ransom two businessmen, Maolo and Simeon, pay his demands. Weng Weng suspects foul play and goes deep undercover to reveal the true identity of the mysterious Mr X.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
gridoon2018 "The Impossible Kid" scores novelty points for being, as far as I know, one of the only 2 midget-spy movies ever made ("For Your Height Only", with the same lead, is the other). However, the novelty does wear off a little before the film's end - it would have been better shorter. Weng-Weng cannot really "act"; he looks lost in the dialogue scenes, as if he's not sure of where the camera is or what he's supposed to be doing. On the other hand, he makes a surprisingly convincing little badass in the fight scenes where he's beating up men (and a couple of women) almost three times his size; he uses low blows (to bring his opponents down to his level), kicks, elbows, wooden sticks, metal pipes, car doors, and if all else fails, guns. The English dubbing is terrible (at one point, a character comes across as a ventriloquist!), but the score is lively and makes the duller parts of the film more tolerable. **1/2 out of 4.
Michael_Elliott Impossible Kid, The (1982) ** (out of 4) This is the film you get when you mix James Bond, The Pink Panther, exploitation, kung fu and a 2 foot 9 midget. This spoof on Bond features midget Weng Weng as Secret Agent 00 who gets in the middle of a terrorist group trying to bribe rich businessmen. The story here really doesn't matter. What does matter is that you've got a midget playing a ladies man Secret Agent who isn't afraid to use some kung fu to kick ass. As you can tell, this film from the Phillippines isn't to be taken too seriously and if you go in with a tongue and cheek attitude then you're bound to get a few laughs. The fight scenes are so incredibly ridiculous but they work because there's a midget involved. Seeing these beautiful women fall over the dude also manages to get some laughs. The film, technically speaking, is pretty bad but then again, this wasn't meant to challenge Citizen Kane. The score also rips off that of Bond and the Panther.
Jon Gillett Films of this type should never be viewed seriously, they are made deliberately to poke fun at clichéd film genres and are primarily there to make you laugh after stumbling in after a night out on the lash with your mates at the weekend! Weng-Weng once again plays the role of super smooth action hero 00-Weng; irresistible to women and hard as nails...he takes on all the bad guys & wins! Scenes to watch out for are definitely the "Jumping the ravine on a monkey bike doing 5 Mph", suspended by monofilament wires. Self-destructing television sets; Pre-recorded videos that ask interactive questions and respond to live answers; this film has it all, no doubt about it!!! "You don't know me and you don't have to know me..." Genius!
kulaboy This little gem was found by me in a dollar store and I couldn't resist the cover- a midget super hero! All my fantasies on the cover of one DVD. Was it too good to be true? It was better than expected.Dubbed, the characters in this are totally straight faced actors. Agent 00 works for Interpol, and despite very few lines, he performs amazing acrobatics and fight scenes and even drives a mino scooter. He is adored by women ("I couldn't help myself") and seemingly indestructible. This is a pleasure of a film and I am dying to see the first movie as this is a sequel. Worth a dollar or ten dollars for the sheer joy. I'm glad they didn't take it too seriously but also didn't go overboard with humor or jokes- subtle comedy that lets the little man do the work. Great scene when he has to reach for an elevator button.
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