The Helpers
The Helpers
NR | 16 August 2013 (USA)
The Helpers Trailers

Seven friends from Sacramento, California head out on a documented road trip to Las Vegas. Their trip takes a very unexpected turn for the worse when their back tires mysteriously blow out. A couple miles down the road, they find a little gas station Diner/Motel, run by the most friendly, polite and "helpful" people. It appears that their problems are solved, but boy are they wrong! When convinced by "The Helpers" to stay overnight, the friends all wake up in their rooms to a new kind of gruesome and bloody terror!

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
GL84 Heading off on a road-trip, a group of friends get stranded near a roadside motel and decide to stay the night only to awake in the morning tied up and being forced to undergo grueling, brutal tortures for a past revenge and must find a way to battle their captors to escape alive.For the most part, this one wasn't all that great. What really tends to work well here for this one is the fact that there's quite a nicely believable and enjoyable first half which really dispels the notion of the upcoming horror quite nicely as there's a lot of fun to be had here. The shots of them sitting around partying and hanging out at the motel before it all goes down, and it makes for some rather cool times with their ability to keep this section of the film quite interesting. When it leads into the series of tortures and other tactics committed against the group, that does make for a somewhat more enjoyable time here with some rather fun and exciting tortures throughout here which are much more prominently based on actual tortures being imposed on them which makes for a rather decent time here. With them really running through some solid tortures in the various rooms as in them being tied up to trucks or strapped into chairs above bathtubs filled with water holding a live wire above it, the ideas behind them are kinda cruel and makes for some chilling moments as there's a nice sense of twisted brutality to their madness which is rather fun to watch and sets up the finale nicely as there's plenty of fun chasing and brawling occurring throughout that makes for quite a fun and really enjoyable time throughout here. These, though, are all that really work for this one since way too much of it isn't all that appealing and features a multitude of big flaws. The main issue to be found here is the fact that there's just absolutely nothing about the villains that makes them someone to be feared or scared of, being the usual assortment of wackos that are simply in the position of power through drugging everyone and it really seems like a situation where it would be quite easy to get the upper hand on them if an actual, honest attempt at putting them away were tried, and as they go for the tormenting and torture route this doesn't get any better. As a main genre this is simply old and tiresome which really just makes for a rather overdone and quite bland outing here as there's just not a whole lot of interest here generated from that plot line. Then to top if off there's the utter gall of the film to try to tie in their actions with the backstory delivered by them which is so utterly obnoxious, condescending and truly pathetic that it never once comes across as anything but a total joke. Based on such a lame reasoning in the first place at wanting to find revenge on the guilty party only for that to be the tie into the simply most ridiculous manner of carrying it out which has no need to ever be attempted here truly turns this whole part of the film into quite the pain to get through trying to rationalize the true nature of what's going on which is quite pathetic. This here makes this one such an utterly torturous watch that it really overcomes many of it's positives otherwise.Rated R: Extreme Graphic Language, Graphic Violence and Brief Nudity.
CinemaCheese Spoilers Ahead!This has got to be one of the most convoluted and idiotic plots I have ever come across in a low budget horror flick: 7 friends -3 chicks & 4 dudes - travel through the desert en route to Vegas, encounter a detour that sends them down a side road only have both rear tires blow out. They happen upon a diner and motel where EVERYTHING is FREE!!!! (Wow... and none these idiots think that's just a bit strange.) As it turns out, the people running the joint happen to be a gang of nut-jobs who know one of the girls in the group of friends (we'll call her Twit) and they staged this elaborate scheme to lure them all into the desert to kill them because her daddy ran a mean orphanage that the nut-jobs lived in while they were kids (which they subsequently burned to the ground). But wait... there's more! How did the bad guys know that the friends would be traveling through the desert and happen upon their motel? Well - get this - because they planted one of their own into the circle of friends. WHAT? Yeah, the stereotypical nerdy guy of the group (the only guy traveling without a girl) has a girlfriend who planned the entire trip for them all but then decided not to join them at the last minute. Which is kind of stupid. I mean, if she was as distraught as these other orphaned nut-jobs, why didn't she come along just to join in the torturing, too? It may have improved the already confusing and lame plot to have one of the "friends" revealed as one of the killers instead.That's just the tip of the retarded iceberg. Here's more!I can't stand this trend of creating a strong, defiant female lead who has all of the answers while making the men total moronic ninnies who need the girls to save them. It really ticks me off. And here's what I mean... The only two people NOT tied up to be tortured and killed is Twit and her stupid boyfriend. They are locked in a room and forced to watch while her friends are killed. And all along, her boyfriend is this sniveling little wimp who promises to get her out but then does absolutely nothing to do so. It is up to her to come up with the plan to help them escape. And when they do, they run into the guy who masterminded this whole thing and she's reluctant to get in his truck because she thinks he's involved. But then, the stupid boyfriend convinces her it's safe and they have to go back to the motel with this guy so they can call the police. This really pisses me off. If you can't find a more convincing and plausible reason to keep your protagonists in danger instead of resorting to totally convenient stupidity, then you have no business making a living as a writer. Near the end of the movie, it's revealed that they hit a tire trap - the kind the police throw across the road to blow out your tires - that only blows out the rear tires and NOT all 4 - what? And nobody in the group (not even the Marine, who should have been on his guard) thinks to go back and try to find out what suspiciously blew out both tires which seem to be pretty brand new. So the guys - ALL of them - decide it's a good idea to leave their ladies in the vehicle on a deserted desert road so they can walk off several miles to find help... even a Marine would have suggested at least one of the guys stay behind with the ladies - and he would have been the smart choice since he's combat trained and can protect them.There are way too many more flaws in this crappy movie to go on anymore.Come on people, can't you put together a better story than this? I'm a screenwriter and I've had a hard time finding financing for 4 movie scripts that have way more depth and character development... where did you find the morons to give you money for this piece of crap?
Magenta Barker Wow talking about trying to jump on the torture porn bandwagon. I saw a trailer for this ages ago and was actually pretty excited to see what it was going to be like. I wish I'd spent this 77 minutes of my life drunk so maybe it would have seemed a bit more exciting.Predictable as hell. For one, what kind of motel gives away about 80 rounds of booze and free rooms because you came and asked to use the phone? Personally I'd sense there was something a little too good to be true, in this case they're going to try and mundanely kill you off. The storyline was just awful, literally hideous. Their motive doesn't even make sense. The ending was rash and you don't even find out if the survivors got away, it just goes to the usual cliché scene which is "OHH THERE'S GOING TO BE A PART 2". Please do not make a sequel, I will despair. Bimbos and jocks everywhere with not a braincell between them.
lil_dude6666 I have just finished watching this film and to be honest I was very impressed. The acting was better than average and the plot kept me watching till the very end. I must add though that the film is very sick but if you like that sort of thing you should be OK. The story is somewhat simple but that does not distract you from the events within the movie. Having seen the IMDb rating of only 4.4 i was very shocked as in my opinion i would definitely rate it a 7.5. Hope to the see the director make another film soon. Having watched a lot of the b rated horror movies lately for example Hold your breath which in my opinion was utter rubbish, the acting was atrocious and the storyline appalling. Please watch this movie(The helpers) as it is well worthy of only 77mins of your precious time.