The Hackers
The Hackers
| 01 January 1988 (USA)
The Hackers Trailers

Pa Hacker and his two mentally deranged sons travel around a rural lakeshore community doing home repairs and odd jobs. They have a special way of handling dissatisfied customers and don't worry about repeat business. A lovely girl is offered a weeks stay at a country estate while the family is on a trip. When the Hackers arrive on the scene to do some repair work, a terrifying chain of events take place with a shocking ending.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Executscan Expected more
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
HumanoidOfFlesh The Hackers are a murderous family consisting of an old man A.J. Hacker and his two imbecilic sons Arnie and Eldon.Our "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"-inspired trio of redneck killers enjoys butchering hitchhikers,fishermen and people who don't want to pay them for their shitty job.This is basic premise of ultra low-budget SOV slasher flick "The Hackers" made in 1988 in and around Croswell,Michigan.The film is obviously cheaply made and badly acted,but there are some fun killings here including throat slashing with a beer mug.The scene where Arnie and Eldon are having fun at the playground is extremely silly and funny.If you are into no-budget regional horror cinema or slasher completist you may want to give "The Hackers" a chance.6 bloody killings out of 10.