The Guest House
The Guest House
| 18 June 2012 (USA)
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Before leaving for college, a recently dumped goth girl's life changes forever when she falls in love with a smart and professional college grad who is staying in the family's guest house.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
toobitz Just that - in any way. The story is so that you could actually make something out of it and the film manages to fail miserably in every regard. The acting is beyond bad - not for a second did I feel any authenticity in both actresses' play (or any other character for what it's worth). And the sex scenes are so forced as to show not the tiniest bit of possibly bawdy nudity that it's just grotesque. Granted, not every movie with a girl-girl story can be "Room in Rome", but please, if you actually feel that the actresses' biggest concern during a sex scene is not to show an uncovered breast, just leave it out. And the fact that Rachel and Amy wake up in the morning after spending their first night together wearing bras and panties does not really help there too. Besides, there are movies with very sensual and authentic lesbian love scenes that do not include full nudity (such as "I Can't Think Straight"), so it's very well doable. But again, you would need good actresses for that.The movie has a single decently funny scene - that is when Rachel's ex-boyfriend calls and accuses her of having stolen her phone. That is 60 seconds where the movie actually produced an emotion in me in the form of a smile. The rest is simply awkward.I sat through the whole thing because I made it a principle to always finish watching a movie after I started it. Had it not been for that, I would have turned it off and forgotten about this thing after 10 minutes into the movie.
complications123 There are worse films out there I suppose, but where "The Guest House" falters is not its production values or low budget, but the fact that the love story between the two characters is so empty and their affection is so forced.I don't know if these women were uncomfortable with the homosexual aspect, if their acting was just *that* bad, or if the director had an unnatural vision of what women in love really looked like. They would go from sweet nothings to forceful, aggressive making out; they would be having a random conversation about life and suddenly one of them would pounce on the other...lesbians or not, *people* don't do this. There was zero sensuality during any given encounter. No tenderness no softness, no sweetness. It was more like drunken lust, but even all the a** grabbing and rough kissing looked awkward and struck me as that of rushed, groping teenagers. The end result comes off as attempt at eye candy under the guise of of male's vision of what two women look like. Now I *might* could suspend belief long enough when it came to this weird forced eroticism if the rest of the story had been convincing...but it isn't. Apart from the the father, there is absolutely NOTHING driving the plot. These girls fall in love with each other in a complete vacuum. There are no friends around, no jobs to go to, no competition for affection, and no parents aside from the last few minutes. Nothing really happens - there's nothing to drive their relationship forward or test their limits or to develop them as characters that we can care about, relate to, and understand. Really, how much of a story is there about two people falling in love who are almost completely cut off from the outside world?About the time that the film would've gotten interesting, when the couple hits their "speed bump" in the form of dad, we cut a few months later, gloss over it, and everything's fine. Even when the film gives us conflict, we don't really get any.The dialog is pretty bad too, and this ties back into nothing much of any interest occurring. The writers try to give the girls character through these long winded conversations amounting to "what's your favorite color" for half the film which is painful to listen to. After some skin we move over to mostly endless pillow talk. And it never lets up. These ladies communicate through the most banal remarks about how much they love other. What they sound like are, like the sex scenes, uncomfortable teens. They don't really know each other so they make nervous small talk that is unbearable.And so we have what might look like a sweet little love story that ultimately has very little humanity left in it. We don't know the characters, their story happens outside of real life, and there's just nothing for the audience to connect with. A real love story, between 2 people of any sex, should be able to speak to anybody (except perhaps the severely homo or heterophobic) because we're able to relate to how they get to know each other and their search for happiness. But that vibe just isn't here. There is nothing to hang on to, and what's left in its stead is almost impossible to sit through.
despairedsorrow Great movie. Pretty good acting. If you're looking for something to look at with great chemistry and soft core sensual lesbian scenes then go for it. It has a great ending and I hope for a part 2 :)It's something cute for a movie night with your girlfriend and the explore each other deeper than just in the sheets. They try to learn about each other before anything happens which is astounding since some movies don't do that they just skip straight to the sex which gets old fast. However, this movie I was engaged and intrigued throughout! Great storyline. I just wish the acting was a bit better. Hopefully they'll make a part 2 and it'll have better acting, an even better storyline, and a better insight on a lesbian relationships
ering459 The Guest House is not, by any stretch of imagination, a "good movie." However, it is an enjoyable, easy to watch romp in lesbian fantasy-land. If you are looking for flowing dialog, lack of cliché's, though- provoking storyline conflict, then this film is not for you. However, if you would like to check out of the real world for a while, and watch two beautiful women fall in love Romeo and Juliet style (minus the suicides, plus the sensual sex scenes) then by all means, this film is worth your time. Sure the plot is predictable. Sure the dialog is a little clichéd. And I'll admit, the giggles are a little annoying. But sometimes, that's all you want in a movie, right?