Cousin Bette
Cousin Bette
R | 12 June 1998 (USA)
Cousin Bette Trailers

Cousin Bette is a poor and lonely seamstress, who, after the death of her prominent and wealthy sister, tries to ingratiate herself into lives of her brother-in-law, Baron Hulot, and her niece, Hortense Hulot. Failing to do so, she instead finds solace and company in a handsome young sculptor she saves from starvation. But the aspiring artist soon finds love in the arms of another woman, Hortense, leaving Bette a bitter spinster. Bette plots to take revenge on the family who turned her away and stole her only love. With the help of famed courtesan Jenny Cadine she slowly destroys the lives of those who have scorned her.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
miss_thing So what if this movie reminds of dangerous liasons, or cruel intentions or any other film for that matter! Now-a-days, good luck being completely original, when we live in the era when the Wayans brothers are bringing t.v.s The Munsters to the big screen, Yikes! The hard fact of the matter is that Jessica Lange is AMAZING (as always) and Elizabeth Shue is a delight. I really enjoyed the "Oh what a tangled web we weave" plot line and you will too if you give it a chance. The story is well written, and the performances are effortless. I usually don't care for period pieces and truth be told, I had to be forced to turn this one on...but I WAS SO GLAD I DID. The supporting cast is a hoot as well.
brygos and just about everyone else. Who knew that deception, treachery, and revenge could be this tedious.Although the period production design is reasonable, this film suffers from lax direction and the presence of an `international cast', with the resultant mix of accents and acting styles. Of the better known thespians, Geraldine Chaplin again demonstrates that she inherited her mother's looks but not her father's talent, whereas the best that can be said of Americans Elizabeth Shue and Jessica Lange is that they are woefully miscast.As a courtesan, Ms. Shue exhibits about as much ability to drive men to ruin as a stale baguette, while a rosy-cheeked, unwrinkled Ms. Lange delivers a studied, monotone performance relieved only by occasional lapses into a southern accent.This Gallic debacle left this reviewer wondering if the final musical sequence was indicative of a certain regard for the audience, and firmly convinced that bringing French literature to the screen is best left to the French.
Darren Boucher Well I tried to like it, but it just didn't work for me. To me the most memorable part of the movie is one of the songs Elizabeth Shoe sang. The rest I am likely to forget fairly soon. Not a complete waste of time, but not very good either. I gave it 5/10.
FISHCAKE One may shudder as Cousin Bette pursues her relentless machinations for revenge because of spurned love, but a chuckle is always bubbling somewhere beneath other emotions. Some patience is needed, however, to savor the good qualities of the film. Cast, story, suspense are all to the good, but the editing is about as bad as it gets among contemporary films, and the photography is only marginally acceptable. I reached for the remote more than once, but finally stuck it out to the end. Jessica's performance was worth the other miseries.