The Gruesome Twosome
The Gruesome Twosome
NR | 28 August 1967 (USA)
The Gruesome Twosome Trailers

An elderly woman has her son kill and scalp various young women to use their hair for her wig shop. A persistent coed tries to link various killings on a local Florida college campus to them.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Dalbert Pringle This is now the 3rd garbage horror film that I've seen which was directed by American, film-maker, H. G. Lewis - And I am now totally convinced that Lewis was nothing but the absolute worst and most pathetically incompetent movie-maker of all time.And I now refuse to ever watch another one of this moron's utterly awful movies ever again - 'Cause I'm totally convinced that they would be just like these 3 that I've already seen - Pure junk.Yes. Even though 1967's "The Gruesome Twosome" was a truly vile and amateur production - Its story did actually produce some genuine howls of unintentional laughter - But, in the long run - At a 72-minute running time - This story about a slobbering, dimwitted "psycho-scalper" and his wacky mother was so bad that it was downright unbearable to sit through.And speaking about idiotic dialogue and cringe-worthy acting - Between actresses Gretchen Welles' "Kathy" and Elizabeth Davis's "Mrs. Pringle" - These 2 women and their irksome performances were, without question, the absolute bottom-of-the-barrel.
di_krokus Herschell Gordon Lewis gives to this low-budget badly acted exploitation gore film the air of a literary piece. The main characters are well established especially the naive but suspicious college girl and the old lady of a Victorian quality. The film has extended silent scenes that remind of the 1920s silent films but also two remarkable avant-garde scenes (the opening scene and the film at the drive-in). Adding to all this the reference to Longfellow, there is an aesthetically satisfactory context to the central scenes of extreme gore. And has anyone noticed that the "Little Wig Shop" was on Elm Street?
fitloft I really have no choice but than to give this freak-show a 10. This makes Ed wood and his Plan 9 look like Orson Welles and Citizen Kane! From start to finish is like being on a continuous acid trip...Mrs Pringle and the statue of Napoleon the Leopard to the dancing Kentucky fried chicken eating coeds to Terrance and his girlfriend eating potato chips, mauling fruit and drinking Michelob beer. Rodney the mentally ill murdering son which bids the evil doing scalping, delivers a tour DE force performance which Anthony Hopkins could learn a thing or two from. Sit back , smoke a blunt or better yet magic mushrooms and prepare yourself for a riot!!!!
Infofreak Look if this was the first Herschell Gordon Lewis movie I'd ever seen it would probably be the last. Luckily I've seen his blood trilogy so I can't dismiss him entirely, but this is easily the weakest of his movies I've seen. The script (by the 'Blood Feast' writer) is trash, and while the movie only goes on for 70 minutes it really drags on and is full of unnecessary padding. Some of this padding is quite odd, such as the opening talking wigs sequence, and the gratuitous KFC eating go-go dancing bit (an early bit of product placement from Lewis), but mostly it's dull. I will admit that the handful of gore sequences are quite realistic for Lewis (that is certainly not always the case!), and Chris Martell makes an okay baddie in the Arch Hall Jr mold, but he doesn't get anywhere as much screen time Elizabeth Davis who is awful, unfunny and totally irritating. Acting in Lewis movies is very variable to say the least, but 'The Gruesome Twosome' has one of the most untalented casts I've ever seen. So, the verdict is only watch this if you are a Lewis obsessive, otherwise newcomers should avoid this one and go straight to 'Two Thousand Maniacs!' or 'Color Me Blood Red' which tie as his best two gore movies.