The Great Waltz
The Great Waltz
G | 01 November 1972 (USA)
The Great Waltz Trailers

A musical based on the life and music of Johann Strauss, Jr.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
humbi-1 After several requests, TCM aired the 1972 remake of The Great Waltz this past week. For fans of Strauss waltzes, history and Vienna, this movie will just hit the spot. "The world worships the original", but unlike the studio backlot photographed 1939 B&W version, the 1972 version was shot in PANAVISION and was the last film to be theatrically shown in CINERAMA. MGM went all out in using on-location photography throughout Austria and Vienna, including the Blue Danube river. Horst Bucholtz and Mary Costa did a terrific job in the leading roles, and it was a very enjoyable musical review of the struggle of father and son in leaving the world with their great compositions. I agree, the directing swayed between drama and comedy, but such is life. It is unfortunate this film has not been made available to it's fans and followers on DVD, or even digital download. Let's hope TCM and the Warners Archives Collection makes it possible for at least a made-on-demand DVD.
John Kenrick Forrest & Wright, made magic adapting classical themes into the Broadway hit KISMET and before that for Eddy & MacDonald's screen operettas. They created a score based on the often ravishing music of the Strauss family, but it is not among their best efforts. This remake of THE GREAT WALTZ was filmed in some spectacular ballrooms, but all the hoop skirts, marble and crystal chandeliers cannot make up for a witless screenplay, wooden acting, and incredibly unimaginative camera work. As a longtime fan of the Strausses and operetta, I found this a profound disappointment. No wonder this is blamed for helping to kill off screen musicals in the 1970s.
timrued This movie failed on several levels, most importantly on not knowing what its audience would enjoy. It was a big budget movie, with great stars, and a plot based on a true story of ambition, jealousy, betrayal, pride, and great music - seemingly the ingredients for a terrific film. The story, while intriguing, was not directed in a style that fit either the lavish Austrian locales or the wonderful music of Johann Strauss. It was more of a musical in the style of Broadway, with the music treated that way. Hardly any of Strauss' waltzes were played in their entirety, the main exception being one sung by opera singer Mary Costa. In the movie, when the composer's greatest waltz was being debuted at a dance, the dancers all stood still and started swaying back and forth with the music rather than waltzing - totally unbelievable for a "Great Waltz"! This same scene was then interrupted by a non-Strauss sequence showing printing presses, with a song about how popular the composition became. The last half of the Strauss music was never presented.If the movie was aimed at people who wanted to hear Broadway-style songs, it was marketed wrongly as the story of light classical music, so that audience did not go to see it. If it was aimed at people who wanted to hear Strauss waltzes, it tantalized without satisfaction.It is no wonder that this big-budget potential blockbuster closed early in theaters, and has all but vanished from public memory, never even having been put on VHS or DVD.
Bruce McGee This film is about the life of Johann Strauss Jr. Horst Bucholz is good in this role. He ages well over the course of the film.Mary Costa plays his eventual wife Jetty. Miss Costa was an international sensation in her day as a major opera star. Her beautiful soprano voice is heard on the soundtrack here.The direction here is unintentionally funny.The music and the singing by Miss Costa are the main attraction of this film.