The Grandmaster
The Grandmaster
PG-13 | 23 August 2013 (USA)
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Ip Man's peaceful life in Foshan changes after Gong Yutian seeks an heir for his family in Southern China. Ip Man then meets Gong Er who challenges him for the sake of regaining her family's honor. After the Second Sino-Japanese War, Ip Man moves to Hong Kong and struggles to provide for his family. In the mean time, Gong Er chooses the path of vengeance after her father was killed by Ma San.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
kluseba Let's get one thing straight. This movie isn't historically accurate. It is much more a movie about the relationship between a grandmaster and his respected opponent's daughter than a biography of Ip Man. That being said, if you know that's what the movie is going to be, it isn't a bad film after all. There have been countless movies about Ip Man and it's refreshing to get something else than more worship for a historical character whose legacy is bigger than the character really was. I'm not saying Ip Man wasn't a fascinating character with a strong moral compass who had an important influence on martial arts cultures, but after Ip Man, Ip Man 2, Ip Man 3, The Legend is Born - Ip Man, Ip Man: The Final Fight and The Legend of Bruce Lee, the world doesn't need another blockbuster that tells us what great guy he was.The problem of this movie is something completely different. It has a shallow story partially based on fiction and partially based on facts that could be described in four sentences. Southern grandmaster starts to care about Northern grandmaster's daughter despite being married. Northern heir apparent collaborates with Japanese invaders and kills his master. Northern grandmaster's daughter vows to take revenge instead of getting married, having children and teaching martial arts. After getting her revenge, she meets the Northern grandmaster in exile and they talk about what could or couldn't have been if fate had been gentler to them.Wong Kar-Wai's movies always had a slow and philosophical touch but they had a mysterious and even slightly supernatural touch that made Ashes of Time so profound and 2046 so dreamy. The Grandmaster is slow and philosophical but is missing the unique atmosphere and content of the other two movies. If the film were seventy-five minutes long without unnecessary flashbacks and side stories, it would be a very good movie. Clocking in around two hours, depending on which of the versions you might have come across, this movie loses momentum and turns out being slightly above average.The fact that this movie is still slightly above average and not a complete disappointment is related to three reasons. First of all, the movie's cinematography is gorgeous. Images and words are carefully chosen, the change of seasons and weather is portrayed perfectly and the fight scenes are particularly elegant and almost poetic by honouring the essence of the wu xia genre. The director might at times overuse the natural symbols and the slow-motion camera effects but these elements are still beautiful to watch. Secondly, the movie has a slightly gloomy atmosphere from start to finish that keeps it together despite the at times random time-line. The film shows us examples of resilience despite severe hardship. On the other side, the movie also keeps a different message for us: you have to see beyond the boundaries to become who you deserve to be. Thirdly, the acting performances are solid. Tony Leung is authentic as calm and wise grandmaster who still has his minor flaws and weaknesses. I really liked his balanced portrait of the character which is a welcome change in comparison to the numerous movies worshipping Ip Man. The most stunning actress is Zhang Ziyi in this film. She convinces as ambitious, proud and smart young woman who progressively becomes bitter, nostalgic and tired. This gradual transformation is absolutely haunting to watch and would have been even more efficient without the use of flashbacks. That being said, it's difficult to escape her genuinely beautiful and elegant appearance on screen which makes the character's fate even gloomier. The fight scenes in the movie are very poetic but so are Zhang Ziyi's costumes, face and movements and she remains credible as her father's skilled avenger. Nobody could have played this role better than her.In the end, if you are familiar with Wong Kar-Wai philosophical and poetic wu xia movies, you will also appreciate The Grandmaster. The acting performances are very good, the cinematography is beautiful and the movie has a gloomy vibe while still delivering a hopeful message. If you are looking for a historically accurate portrait of Ip Man or if you are expecting a vivid martial arts flick as the movies starring Donnie Yen, you might not get what you want. In the end, this is a martial arts movie that really focuses on the second part of its expression: arts.
john staunton What a drawn out movie with no real appeal. It tries to be too many things at the one time. A love story, a cool martial arts movie and a documentary about Japanese occupation.By attempting to be all three, it was none. Some of the fight scenes are nearly a cut and paste job from the matrix. It was a drawn out movie with a confusing timeline. I can't recommend this to anyone.Garbage.
classicsoncall As is my practice, I'll read a handful of other reviewers on the film in question, and in doing so here, everyone I read seemed to have some knowledge of the Ip Man history and the films dealing with the subject. I harbor no such knowledge or background. Quite honestly, I pick up these modern day martial arts films for their visual beauty and skillful presentation of fighting styles and not for the story per se because they're almost always the same. This picture offered some well choreographed fight scenes, many of them on surfaces that should have been a hindrance to maintaining coordination and balance, such as on snow and in the rain. Instead of brightly colored backgrounds, the general rendition here was primarily dark and unappealing. Unlike some other reviewers, I didn't have a lot of trouble following the story as it were; whether it had anything remotely to do with historical accuracy I have no way of knowing. Many times a picture will leave me with the desire to learn more about a subject by the way it sets the table; this movie's failure in that regard left me feeling indifferent.
ss_areeb_h When I was deciding whether to watch the movie or not, i decided to read the reviews on IMDb and finding several positive reviews i decided to give it a shot. However after watching the movie I felt obliged to give the clear picture. First, the story. As you know the movie is based on Bruce Lee's master Ip Man. The story shows snippets of Ip Man's life. However, I did not feel any connection to them and in fact the sub plot of Gong Er and her family legacy is much more interesting. Second, the action. The first half of the movie contains sufficient action and then it sort of dulls over. The action scenes are slightly exaggerated with people flying about. But what I really felt annoying was the slow motion effects. Somehow they just did't work for this movie. Moreover, though the cinematography effects were great, coupled with the slow motion effects they spoiled the action sequences.Finally, since this story follows Ip Man and is presented as a true story it must be compared to Donnie Yen's Ip Man. The grandmaster fails miserably in comparison. The plot, fight scenes, character development every thing was just perfect in Donnie Yen's Ip Man which is probably why I was quite disappointed with The Grandmaster. Even a noob like me could tell the stark difference in fighting styles of each school in Donnie Yen's Ip Man. The moves were choreographed so perfectly that I was literally lost in the martial arts fights. However, the fight scenes in The Grandmaster failed to do so, and lets face it. Most of us watched these movies for the fight scenes. There was no real story in The Grandmaster, just different incidents, whereas Ip Man had a very interesting plot culminating in an epic fight. Donnie Yen also did a mind blowing job as Ip Man whereas Tony Leung did not feel as believable. My Verdict, well as a past time this movie is watchable but it would definitely not stay in my collection. After Donnie Yen's master piece, another Ip Man movie is unnecessary unless it is able to compete with it.
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