The Ghost Galleon
The Ghost Galleon
| 28 June 1974 (USA)
The Ghost Galleon Trailers

After a pair of models go missing from a boat, a rescue party discover an empty galleon carrying the coffins of the long dead Knights Templar. The rescue party board the galleon and then discover their own boat has vanished. The survivors struggle to fight off the spectral knights with what little knowledge they have of them.

Micitype Pretty Good
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Platypuschow Horror of the Zombies otherwise known as The Ghost Galleon is the third movie in the Blind Dead franchise and presently the lowest rated on IMDB.I loved the first film, I found the second rather disappointing and this deserves its place as the lowest rated. It tells the story of two women out on the ocean who run into a huge galleon. Upon investigating they fall afoul of the Blind Dead and their employers come looking for them.The ship setting was a great idea and had limitless potential but sadly the whole thing is a real sorry swing and a miss.For a start everything looks shoddy, the sfx have taken a step backwards and look terrible. The ominous charm of the franchise is all but gone and truth be told very little actually happens and our ocularly challenged undead friends are barely on screen at all.I can't believe such a great franchise is nose diving so badly, I can only hope the finale ends it on a high but it's not looking good.The Ghost Galleon is a weak entry and an all round pretty lame film.The Good:Some great ideasThe Bad:Timeline is still confusingVery dullLacks everything that made the first movie so effectiveSome beyond bad sfxThings I Learnt From This Movie:A petrol fueled motor boat cannot move out the way of slow moving incoming trafficReligious scientists, still the most baffling oxymoron
jadavix The third of the Blind Dead movies is also the worst. Unlike the previous two entries it is not scary for a moment and doesn't conjure up much in the way of atmosphere.At the beginning of the film three swimsuit models are being photographed by a woman who refers to them as "Chico, Groucho and Harpo". This may be the movie's most memorable scene. Another model arrives and demands to know what happened to her roommate. Apparently the girl has been sent with another model on a boat out into the ocean for a publicity stunt. She and her partner can claim to have been "lost at sea". Uh huh.The girls come across the "ghost galleon" of the film's title and decide to board expecting to find help, despite the fact that the boat looks like something out of the middle ages. For as much time as the movie spends aboard the boat, very little of it is actually explored. Why don't the characters just take a quick look around, surmise that there is nothing usable on the boat, and get off again?The girl's roommate, the bitchy photographer, a kooky academic and a couple of other people set out to find what happened to the girls and also end up trapped on the boat. The blind dead are sleeping off the previous night's killing in coffins in the ship's hold, but soon are trying to kill the remaining characters as well, while they try to make it through the night and attract the attention of passing ships.I'm not sure why this movie didn't work. I think it mostly has to do with the setting. The ship is not interesting, and apparently the filmmakers knew that, because we see so little of it. We never get a sense of it as a place that we can imagine protecting as with the church in Return of the Evil Dead, the previous movie in the series.It is a tradition for the Blind Dead films to save their best moments for the end. In the Ghost Galleon, it is far too little, far too late, and I wasn't scared as much as relieved that I didn't have to spend any more time on that bloody boat.
callanvass (Credit IMDb) The living corpses of the Satan-worshiping Knights Templar hunt for human victims in a 16th century galleon.This series still isn't over! I have one more movie to go, which is tantamount to torture. I did not understand why they made three sequels to a movie that moved as slow as molasses to begin with. It was really otiose as far as I'm concerned. Not only are the actors poorly dubbed, but there is far too much wandering around with them in places that are hard to see. It's really poorly lit and I had trouble seeing what was going at times. There is some moody atmosphere, but that's the case for most of these movies. It doesn't change that they are excruciatingly dull. This move was so boring that I was doing other things at the same time to keep myself occupied. There isn't that much gore either. Overall, skip it. I can't see for the life of me how anybody could be entertained by this2/10
christopher-underwood I thought the second in this series was considerably less effective than the first and as for this, the third, well what can I say? I guess, this was made quickly and for little money and that whilst the idea must have seemed a good one, once you are stuck on a boat you do tend to be stuck, without a paddle as it were. The dialogue is terrible, I'm not sure the acting was as bad as it seemed , it may have been partly down to the dubbers. Too many sequences of bikini clad girls making vain attempts to do something in rather dark conditions. The 'Blind Dead' are without their horses and make nothing like the impact that they did in the other two films, even the fact that they are blind seems to have been glossed over. There is also little of the nastiness or real sense of fear and no suspense, so this really is a considerable disappointment.