The Gendarme in New York
The Gendarme in New York
| 28 October 1965 (USA)
The Gendarme in New York Trailers

Sergeant Cruchot and his faithful comrades have been sent to the International Congress of Gendarmerie in N.Y.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
leplatypus well, usually, it's American movies that happens in France or french ones that are remake over there. So to have a french movie in locations in America it's very unique (the other ones i know would be Leon, Nous York). honestly at this year, 1965, it's like all the french have made the trip too and discovered, on a big screen, as Fufu and his pals, the swinging 60s in America: tall buildings, huge cars, color TV, etc... The historical value is truly high because they even do the trip by steamboat and as it's the real France, nothing can match the authenticity of the scenes! As for the plot, the story is funny with Fufu having again visions and the french manners... You can see that Fufu was a comedy genius as he manages to be also funny without any lines, just by body movements like the future Mr Bean... I rate it 10 because it's a classic of french cinema for me but i admit that the last reel is a bit empty and long when it comes to do the trip back to Saint Tropez...
Kirpianuscus like entire series. not only for the classic ingredients of the series, but for the cultural clash , for the reference to West Side Story, for the poor Cruchot looking for his daughter, for the presence of Cruchot in Chinese Town .and for the scene about French identity. the specificity of series, long chain of gags, fine humor and nice situations are defined by the air of "60's. and this represents, maybe, the most important virtue of this film. the atmosphere, the clothes, the humor, all as parts of a period who, seen from ours, impose a form of nostalgia.
dbdumonteil ...and not the worst.There are good reasons to watch it: -It was the time of "the France" a luxury liner ,where a lot of of the action takes place.-Geneviève Grad is well cast as De Funès's daughter .She is very anxious to accompany her dear dad to New-York but as she is not invited ,she 's a stowaway on the ship .-Her father "seems " to see her sometimes ,but he will never realize she 's been with him all along the way.-On the streets of the Big Apple,there's a funny spoof on "West Side Story".Jean Girault was no genius.But his movie is quite entertaining.
steve-667 The gendarme-series are all my favourites. This story is taking place in New York where there's is hold an international police-conference. Cruchot is searching for his daughter, who is matched up by a tabloidreporter with an Italian policeman. Hilarious are the chases in the cab and at a building construction. A tribute to the Westside story is the scene at the playground, where Cruchot gets involved with some streetgangs. Funes is as always the eyecatcher, but his daughter played by the lovely Genieviève Grad is also very funny. A typical European sixties comedy, with some Hollywood elements. 4 out of 5.