The Gang's All Here
The Gang's All Here
NR | 11 June 1941 (USA)
The Gang's All Here Trailers

Two friends take jobs as truck drivers, unaware that the trucking company is being targeted by a gang of saboteurs who will stop at nothing, including murder, to stop them.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
ehrldawg A trucking company owner tries to get out of debt by killing some truck drivers.This is a neat movie. Well written ,directed,acted, and cast. The interracial angel was particularly heartening. It just goes to show,crime doesn't always pay.Pat Gleason drove the International big truck.Frankie Darro drove the Brockway big truck.Frankie Darro and Pat Gleason were permanent A list actors.Marcia Mae Jones was hot!!
wes-connors "Two young friends decide to become truck drivers but find themselves thrown into the middle of a war between the trucking firm owner and a gang of saboteurs. Hoping to help their new employer, the two men set out to track down the head of the saboteurs. Their hope is to expose the gang leader and save the company from being bought out by a rival firm," according to the DVD sleeve summary. "The Gang's All Here" features some occasionally amusing but more often offensive observations on race and gender.The "two men" are ambitious, tough Frankie Darro (as Frankie O'Malley) and his shiftless, cowardly companion Mantan Moreland (as Jefferson "Jeff" Smith). Mr. Darro and Mr. Moreland played these characters, the young tough and stereotypically lazy sidekick, in a series of films. A romantic subplot involves young mechanic Jackie Moran (as Chick Daly) and pretty girlfriend Marcia Mae Jones (as Patsy Wallace). While smaller in stature, Darro threatens to take Chick's chick, because Darro acts more manly.*** The Gang's All Here (6/11/41) Jean Yarbrough ~ Frankie Darro, Mantan Moreland, Marcia Mae Jones, Jackie Moran
bensonmum2 A series of truck hijackings threatens to put the Overland Transport Company out of business. In fact, the company is so desperate, they agree to hire the inexperienced team of Frankie O'Malley (Frankie Darro) and Jeff Smith (Mantan Moreland) to be their saving grace. But who's really behind the hijackings? When Frankie and Jeff find themselves on the wrong end of a gun barrel, it soon becomes apparent just who the bad guys really are.It's a good thing that The Gang's All Here only runs 61 minutes. Anymore and it would have overstayed its welcome. Oh, it's okay I suppose in an inoffensive sort of way, but it's an awfully lifeless way to spend an hour. While some of the movie is mildly entertaining, most scenes are just plain old dull. The only real entertainment comes from Mantan Moreland. He's one of those few people with enough talent and screen presence to make anything worth watching at least once. This is the first movie I've seen where Moreland is paired with Frankie Darro. I've noticed that the two made a few more movies together, but I'm not sure how much of a hurry I'm in to seek them out. Darro did absolutely nothing for me. In fact, I more often than not found his on-screen persona annoying. The rest of the cast is unremarkable and completely unmemorable. The plot – boring is the first word that comes to mind. And the supposed action sequences are anything but. Maybe there are better Darro/Moreland movies out there, but it will be a while until I'm up for discovering them.
dbborroughs This is the story of two friends who end up driving for a trucking company that has become plagued by hijackings. As things go on one falls for the daughter of the company owner, things get complicated as the hijackings turn deadly and the friends realize that there is much more going on than meets the eye.Montan Moreland was paired several times with Frankie Darro. What was great about this was that Moreland was always portrayed as Darro's equal even if he was just being comedy relief. This put a nice spin on things and proved that you could get away with a fair representation of how people got along. Better for the audience was the fact that the interplay became sharper and more real. We end up with two friends talking to each other and not two actors.The movie itself is not one of the best that Moreland and Darro did together. The plot is a bit herky jerky and there was one or two times that I thought things were being kept in motion just to meet a required running time. Allowing for that this is a good little thriller and certainly worth a bag of popcorn and an hour of your time. You may not remember it three days later but you certainly will enjoy it while its on.