The Fury of the Wolf Man
The Fury of the Wolf Man
PG | 07 February 1972 (USA)
The Fury of the Wolf Man Trailers

A man has had a werewolf curse cast upon him. If he doesn't get rid of it, he turns into a killer werewolf when the moon is full.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
jacobjohntaylor1 This is scarier then The Exorcist. This movie has a great story line. It also has great acting. More people need to see this movie. People who like horror stories will like this movie. Fury of the wolf man will scary you out of your mind. If you are looking for a really scary movie see this movie.
Rainey Dawn La furia del Hombre Lobo AKA Fury of the Wolfman (1972) is not as bad as it's rating or as the critics say it is. It's not the best film Paul Naschy has been in nor is it the best "Wolfman" type of film out there but it's a better film than it's given credit for.One of the biggest complaints I've read is voice overdubbing. The copy of the film I've seen the the voice overdubbing is fine - really good. It was synced nicely with the film. And the voices that were used to overdub with are good. I don't understand the complaints here.Another thing is is slowness - that it is. It does build very slowly and could have been a little faster by leaving out some of the things from the other science experiments and getting to the point(The Wolfman) a bit faster but overall it's not a bad watch. Towards the end we get more of the wolfman - the heart of the story.The music chosen for this film I'm not overly crazy about - it really does not fit the film to me. But that is a very minor thing.5/10
Scarecrow-88 Mess of cobbled together ideas and scenes(..some scenes directly lifted another previous El Hombre Lobo film to pad this movie)with corny background music, abysmal camera-work(..I read elsewhere that the director was drunk a lot during filming, and it shows), static direction(..with so many things tossed at the viewer, you'd think it wouldn't be as slow and uninvolving as it is), and full of soap opera-style melodramatics, yet overall I still found individual things from the film I enjoyed.Revered professor/scientist Waldemar Daninsky(Paul Naschy)is supposedly bitten by a werewolf in Tibet(..idea obviously lifted from Univeral's "Werewolf in London")while on an expedition, with the crew who accompanied him vanished. He finds that the pentagram mark on his chest might work as a sign of what ails him, and Daninsky goes to fellow scientist, Dr. Ilona Elmann(Perla Cristal)noted for her provocative experiments in the control of the human brain. Waldemar finds out through an unnamed source that his wife, Erika(Pilar Zorrilla)is having an affair with a man named Nevell(Fabián Conde). What he doesn't know is that the couple are secretly plotting to kill him, tampering with the brakes causing his car to hit a tree. While not dead, Daninsky seeks the help of Ilona, who will exploit his unfortunate lycanthrope condition for her own mind control experiments. Unleashing the werewolf from his chains to terrorize innocents round abouts, Daninsky accidentally electrocutes himself on a fallen power line. Ilona will later dig up his undead corpse, forcing him to do her will, with assistant/student Karen(the lovely Verónica Luján)resisting her teacher's philosophies falling for the victimized Daninsky. Karen's boyfriend, reporter Williams(Mark Stevens)will join forces with detective Miller(Miguel de la Riva)to find out the one responsible for the rash of murders and werewolf attacks plaguing the community(Ilona sends Daninsky, in werewolf form, to murder his wife and her lover). Ilona, with a reluctant Karen in tow, will continue their experiments in the notorious Dr. Wolfstein's castle, a place where many insane patients are held locked in chains, humans are harvested as plants(!), and possibly even the supposedly dead owner of the place himself walking amongst them. We will see that Ilona is a mastermind behind everything that has taken place and that her ability of hypnotic mind control is being used for criminal and immoral purposes. And, the secret of her birth rite is revealed..Such a convoluted mess as the synopsis I wrote above does yield some things I found entertaining. The old-school werewolf look of Daninsky is still my favorite next to Pierce's Univeral creation. The attacks often feature gaping flesh wounds and are often bloody. I loved Perla Cristal in the role of mad scientist, even if the character's methods are a bit unorthodox and often just plain silly(..although, she's certainly insane, so perhaps despite being a scientific genius, Ilona is not operating within a full capacity). I especially enjoyed the scene where Ilona whips Daninsky, in werewolf form, seemingly relishing the opportunity to do so..and having full command of what is taking place, demented as the situation is, Cristal displays the drunk power underneath brooding. Verónica Luján is simply the eye candy, as Daninsky's ally. There's a plot twist concerning Daninsky's condition and the affair which brought out the vicious werewolf attack on Erika and Nevell, which I found a bit out of the blue and bonkers, that just explains how out-of-control Naschy's screenplay is. Couple all this will excerpts of Daninsky's werewolf( a different colored shirt practically screaming at the viewer that this was from another movie)spliced into "Fury of the Werewolf" and you have an unholy affair which produces uneven results.
slayrrr666 "Fury of the Wolfman" is a decent enough entry in the Waldemar series of films.**SPOILERS**Returning home from Tibet, Waldemar Daninsky, (Jacinto Molina) informs his wife Erika, (Pilar Zorrilla) about his mysterious absence, having been trapped in an avalanche for several days and finally able to go back home. When he finds out that she's been having an affair with Bill Williams, (Mark Stevens) he ends up driving away in disgust only to suffer a debilitating car accident that they planned out. Waking up in the care of Dr. Ilona Elmann, (Perla Cristal) and her assistant Karen, (Veronica Lujan) who use a special process culled from the Orient to save him. When he is suddenly implicated in a string of brutal murders around town, he finds out that he is being manipulated by the two to continue the experiments of a mentor, and tries to use the werewolf powers bestowed upon him to stop their plans before they come true.The Good News: This here wasn't that bad of a film, and did have a few good points to it. There's the really creative set-up in the story which is unique and really entertaining. The adultery one here is mainly used get more bodies into the death count, but here it comes as a great point to the film by using it as the pretext to introduce the doctor into the film who's doing the scientific studies in the background but manages to become important once that part of the story is dealt with. There's some great points with this style of the story, and the slowly-unraveling mystery about the true intent of the experiments gives it some rather nice viewing. Those scenes are among the best, as the confusion and misunderstanding for the character mixes well with the obviousness of it all to the viewer, and those are rather great fun. The film's ending half, though, is where it also gets really good due to a lot of points. This is due to the transportation of the story to a large Gothic castle, complete with the torture devices, operating rooms and the stone buildings that are part of the construction do have a great look and feel in here that are just as glorious and atmospheric as anything else attempted at the time. There's also the action that comes along, with the two werewolves having a gigantic, drag-out brawl that really destroys a lot of furniture and works in some really great excitement and enjoyment into the situation. The werewolf style mask still looks good and vicious, as well as the transformation that occurs, and this time it even gives one to the second werewolf that pops into the story, which is another big factor of the story. These here are part of the film's strong points.The Bad News: This one here doesn't have a whole lot of flaws, but they do hold the film down somewhat. The main one here is that the science behind the story is a complete fabrication and doesn't have any indication into the smartness of the storyline. It uses a complete load of scientific-sounding words that are thrown together to have something that sounds intelligent, but rather there's only a vaguely resembling a coherent statement for the film's use. With the storyline being so incredibly ridiculous, it becomes more about the illogical way it's integrated into the story, making it more of a double-flaw as it's ridiculous and thrown in such a way that there's no way it can be anything other than a major flaw in the film. The fact that the werewolf make-up looks the same is both bad and good, good being that it promotes continuity between the films and bad in that it still looks rather cheap at times, which it does here. There's times where it visibly disappears at the sleeve of a shirt or not underneath the clothes, which makes it obvious that it's just supposed to be the parts where it's going to be visible to others. There's also the fact that there's little use for the gypsies in the film to come in, which are shoe-horned in and not dealt with, which is a shame. There's also a few scenes here and there lifted from other films that are quite obvious, and are pretty easy to spot. These flaws lower the film.The Final Verdict: A rather decent werewolf entry, with only a few headaches to be derived from the rather lame and convoluted story that lowers this one. Check it out for fans of the style, werewolf or European horror in general, otherwise give this one a pass for the more consistent performances out there.Rated R: Violence, Nudity and Language