The Fan
The Fan
| 06 June 1982 (USA)
The Fan Trailers

The hero-worship that Simone has for a pop singer is built to a crescendo until she passes out when she finally sees him up-close in a crowd of fans. She is later shocked when he lets her know that he does not love her.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Snaggletooth . Slower than a snail in a coma Der Fan tells the tale of an obsessed girl following her pop idol to the point of insanity. I got a good laugh at the fashions of 1982 seeing them all again and our main character dresses (and looks a bit) like Nena of 99 Red Balloons fame. The music within is pretty dire though, even by 1980s standards (believe me, I was there, I know) although some here seem to have enjoyed it. Our heroine eventually meets her idol and it results in a bit of rumpy pumpy, but shortly after she's basically told to get lost and the fun begins.After cracking the pop star Richard Burke (known as "R") over the head with a heavy statue she cuts him up with bread knife and dumps him in a freezer. Finally shaving her head as some process of detachment from it all. I must admit I had to fast forward a bit to get nearer the good stuff in this movie. The first hour is a real drag and pretty much nothing happens. Also during the bread knife scene you can clearly see the pulse in the neck of the "dead" singers body. At one point the tears on the girl look white too, like someone dropped milk on her to fake them. Strange lol. The pay off is OK in the movie, but barely worth the effort of getting through the first hour. Just watch the first 15mins and then fast forward to the studio scenes. You really wont miss anything.
Karl Self I knew the music to this film for many years before I finally saw the film itself. I had discovered the hypnotic soundtrack by Rheingold on a second-hand LP and have had it on heavy rotation for many years. It's one of the best albums I know.The music is certainly one of boons which helped to put this movie into another class and make it a classic. Hypnotically slowly, it follows the development of a teenybopping waif's obsession with a pop star spiraling out of control. It's one of those movies which you kind of have to see in a cinema because on TV you'd zap away after 10 minutes. But it richly rewards your for its slower moments.Apparently there was a lot of controversy around lead actress Désirée Nosbusch's nudity scenes, which are admittedly surprisingly crass. But they are not exploitative and absolutely gel in with the movie. Kind of ironic that immediately after this scene there is one of extreme violence which went practically unnoticed by the public. A nice society we're living in.It's very respectable that the director fought to keep these scenes in, as they are essential to the escalation of the story. They are actually a good example of how those scenes should be done realistically but without becoming pornographic or voyeuristic. It's a big fat shame that this controversy tainted the reception and popularity of this great movie.And by the way, other than is often stated, the affair between star and fan doesn't end with the star "dropping" her after a night of carnality. It's not a case of "find'um, furp'um and flee". R. merely returns to his reality whereas Simone stays locked in her fantasy world.Some tidbits about this movie: R. is actually played by the singer of the band Rheingold, Bodo Staiger, which furnished the soundtrack. The actress playing the fan, Désirée Nosbusch, was at the time already a popular "VJane" (i. e. hostess of a music show like the one that is shown in the movie). And the host of the TV show which Simone watches with her parents at the beginning of the movie is played by Joachim "Blacky" Fuchsberger, who in real life was the most popular TV host in Germany at the time.
lazarillo A deranged teenage girl played by Desiree Nosbusch (who like many deranged females in movies is improbably hot) is obsessed with a bad German rock star named "R". She is alienated from her parents and seemingly has no friends, so she spends all her free time listening to "R"'s music and following his career. She attends a TV show he is taping at a nearby town. They meet and he decides that she is good for a quick shag. Unfortunately, she wants more from him--MUCH more--and she ends up doing something truly shocking.This is a downbeat and pretty disturbing movie--it's not, however, especially believable. An incident kind of like this did actually happen in Germany recently (which was made all the more disturbing by the fact that the victim was apparently completely willing). But that bizarre case involved a middle-aged man--it's a little harder to believe a pretty teenage girl could be this warped (It's also kind of an ironic conceit that the stalkers in movies are often the kind of people--i.e. young, attractive, female--that in real life are far more like to be the stalk-ees). Nosbusch does give a pretty convincing performance, and this helps greatly. This first-time German actress would go on to a short career in cinema, including English-language films like "Good Morning, Babylon" (under the name Desiree Becker). She became more famous perhaps though as a singer and a presenter of the Eurovision contest (where she no doubt introduced musical acts even worse than that of the fictional "R").This was a good movie, but unfortunately I got my copy via Britain where it was subject to some idiotic (even by their standards) censorship. To wit, Nosbusch's impressive butt and boobs are literally on display for about ten minutes here, but the Brit censors decided a brief full-frontal scene was apparently just too harmful to society. This cut reputedly doesn't make that much of a difference though (which is exactly why it is so STUPID). Anyway, I would recommend this, but if you have a choice try to get a version WITHOUT the checkered triangle with an 18 on it (the international symbol of the idiocy of the BBFC). In any case, much like "R" does with his obsessive young fan, this one will definitely stay with you.
EVOL666 DER FAN is a slow-building but effective film that touches on common themes of obsession and rejection, but in a slightly more clinical and disturbing manner than most films of it's type. The "resolution" is also a bit more bizarre than your average film about unrequited love, but should prove satisfying to fans of more "dark"-themed horror films.Simone is your typical disaffected and alienated teenager who has a delusional obsession with a popular music star, known as "R". Through R's droney and monotonous new-wave style music, Simone believes that the two are "connected" and writes him unreturned love-letters on a daily basis. Simone finally decides to run away from home to pursue her "love", and eventually meets R oustide of a television station. Unlikely as it may seem, R takes a personal interest in Simone and the pair spend the night together. But when R treats Simone as a typical groupie, Simone in not happy about it and retaliates in a most extreme fashion...To be honest, the basic plot of DER FAN is nothing very original, it's how the material is handled and portrayed that makes this film interesting. There is a coldness to the production that is reminiscent of some of Michael Haneke's works and the "shocking" ending is both deranged and satisfying. The mechanical new-wave soundtrack fits perfectly with the atmosphere of the film, and mirrors feeling of Simone's alienation and despair. My only gripes with the film are the ATROCIOUS dubbing of my copy - I would have much preferred a subtitle track. The pacing was also definitely a bit slow until the final act of the film, but I didn't find it to be overly dull. I'm also disappointed that my copy of the film appears to be the shorter, 88 minute version, and there does appear to be a few awkward edits in the sex-scene, and in the finale. I would really like to know what I missed in those two parts. Other than those issues, DER FAN is a very solid and overlooked film that I would recommend to "dark" horror/drama fans that can stand to wait for the pay-off...8.5/10
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