Love's Deadly Triangle: The Texas Cadet Murder
Love's Deadly Triangle: The Texas Cadet Murder
| 20 February 1997 (USA)
Love's Deadly Triangle: The Texas Cadet Murder Trailers

Based on a true story, this film recounts the story of Diane Zamora and David Graham, two high school sweethearts who swear to always be together, even as they enter separate military academies. But when David confesses he had an affair with a classmate, Diane has an ultimatum, leading the two into a murderous pact with severe repercussions.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
donwc1996 I watch this film every time it's on TV - the male lead David Lipper is a true star with eyes that are riveting - Paul Newman eyes - and what a bod! In the scene without a shirt he displays a set of pecs that will knock you off your feet! Yikes! What a hunk! He is so handsome that I found it difficult to concentrate on the story or the other characters but the Mother of the victim really stands out as well as the two detectives both of whom are first rate. The girl who plays the victim is a real beauty too and a familiar face that I have seen many times although I do not know her name. I think she was on one of the soaps or a series. One of those coming of age series that I never watch but only see tidbits of when I'm channel surfing. I saw the last half of the film again last night - late - and first thing this morning I looked up David Lipper and found he has a Web site but he doesn't have even one shot without a shirt - bummer!!!! Come on Dave, show what you got because dude you got it in spades!
rainbowwaters I have watched this a few times on Lifetime when I was bored and there was nothing else on. The acting is okay. It is interesting to see Holly Marie Combs play a murderess and she does a decent job. The movie tries to hard to make David look sympathetic and Diane look evil. Cassidy Rae does a fair job as Adrienne however based on this film and other performances I feel her acting talent is limited.In someways the film, except for the end where you see Adrienne's mother, makes it more about how sorry we should feel for David as opposed to the girl who was brutally murdered. The film makes David out to be a victim who didn't want to kill but was forced to. Which is complete garbage. He was a willing participant who even came up with the story to get Adrienne out of the house. I suppose this is because the film relies heavily on David's confession and not as much on news sources as it should have. The writing suffers from this lack of credible sources.If looking for accurate information about this case, this film is not where you should be looking. Too much information came out in the trial that disproves significant issues.While the film goes along with David's confession that he and Adrienne slept together after a track meet, this is not true. On A & E's American Justice it was told that it came out in the trial that this never happened. In fact someone else gave Adrienne a ride home that day. Since the trial happened after the film was made, the film is not at fault for this error, it would have made more sense to make a film after the trial. David even later admitted that he lied about sleeping with Adrienne. Given this information it leads one to believe that she rejected him and he decided to enact revenge on her. Thus he lied to his girlfriend and they decided to kill her. While this is merely speculation it is food for thought.
tink This story is loosely based on the real story of Diane Zamora and DavidGraham. It was recently played on Lifetime Television for women becausethe real life Diane Zamora wed a fellow inmate in a civil ceremony(stood in by her mother and a friend) a few weeks ago. This story issick and sad, a young couple so caught up in one another they becomefanatically jealous. What is truly sad is that Diane and David, whocommit a murder due to David's infidelity, turn on one another in thecourt. Their strong love wilted to personal defense and bad mouthing.Like most television movies (and admit it, we are all suckers for tvmovies) this film plays up the sex, lies, and murder. If you want thetrue story, buy the book or hit up the various sites on google. If youwant an interesting melodrama or to see some early work of the sweet andfun Holly Marie Combs, watch this. It is well shot and acted for aLifetime Movie and tells such a sad story of two people who could havebeen so much. ______________________________
drgigglesgirl666 This might give a spoiler but Its based on the Diane Zamora (played by Holly Marie Combs of Charmed) and David Grahm case. David cheats on Diane and she finds out and she wants revenge and she convinces David to kidnap and kill the girl that he slept with. Then the police have someone else as a suspect so they over look David and Diane but they go on thier way to the army and navy but Diane brags about killing the girl and the other cadets tell on her and the police start investigating it more and find out that David and Diane were the real killers and needless to say they both pleaded innocent and are in jail right now serving thier sentance it was a stupid crime it was senseless to kill that girl but i remember reading about it in a news paper about 4 years ago when it would have happened. too bad they did that they would have graduated the army and navy this year. They would have been the class of 2,000 they ruined their young life.
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