The Family
The Family
| 10 March 2011 (USA)
The Family Trailers

A family has a hard time tying to stay together, because murder seems to be in their blood, and a their favorite type of gathering is a massacre.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
kmakenas I read about The Family on horror sites and checked out the trailer. It grabbed me so I had to order the DVD. After researching the film, I saw there was an overseas version that was released earlier and was mostly a rough cut, a bad one from what it sounds like. The newer USA version apparently is much more complete with more footage and must be significantly better, because I truly enjoyed this version.What I liked about it was the characters, directing, story and editing grab you from the start. The acting is just psychotic enough to make them truly appear crazy without over acting. Each character brought something special to the film. Here's just a few that stood out. The way they acted as brothers, Mark Hanson and Joe Hollow must be brothers in real life separated at birth. Devanny Pinn, what a whacko role, yet strangely sexy, bravo Devanny! Angie Savage did an excellent job in her role and was the extra eye candy. The entire cast fed off each other and they must have had fun making this film! Some horror films draw out the kills for that extra drama, but "The family" skips the drama and gets right to it. Though, there was one dramatic scene. Jonathon (Joe Hollow) shares his troubles with Carmen (Angie Savage). Both Joe and Angie were convincing and Angie showed the right amount of affection to appear genuinely concerned. That scene ended up being a critical moment, because from that point on the family members become likable and you root them on.There were some quality kills with gruesome effects, but some scenes are set up for the audience to use their own imagination. Tactically, the film shows you up to the last millisecond before a horrific torture or kill, which can be more chilling when your mind visualizes. If I see anyone using a curling iron, I'm screaming bloody murder and throwing the thing out the window! There are quite a few artistic scenes too. One being two girls basically giving a guy a lapdance while he's tied up, then he's cut, then he's jerked off (and literally "OFF"), then smashed, aaaaaand CUT. In the film they're making a movie, but it's not done in a found footage style so there's no talking or yelling at the cameraman to turn it off.The films has twists and turns and there's more than one story going on, which keeps the momentum up and you glued to the screen. Also, if you're a metal head, you'll love the soundtrack, there's heavy metal in the background through a lot of the film."The Family" ends leaving it wide open for a sequel and despite their sick minds and killings, they all become likable in a disturbing way, making an ideal situation for a sequel.I loved this movie!!!
Flow The vote was 3 and I'll give you all the reasons right away: 1) the acting, excepting Tony Todd and Michael Berryman, who are Gods of horror, is super bad! And I do mean terrible in every way, one of the tough guys here, sound like he inhaled just a tad bit too much helium. 2) camera work, well, at the end the of movie it gets better a little, but till then, shaky, fast changes and pretty much amateur style. 3) the plot: unoriginal, not that it's such a problem cause after so many years of horror it is rather hard to come out with something new, but this one here, is badly executed. 4) the deaths are simply, LAUGHABLE, amazingly easy, a moan, some blood on a knife and that's it. Telling you, complete letdown. I won't recommend this one to anyone, because it really is a bad movie, has absolutely no strong points whatsoever, so, if you do find it, just pass it. Leave it there, try something new, it will be quite difficult for you to find something worse than this. I mean it's a movie about murder and the way they execute each others is, well, even a 10 years old kid could watch it without getting traumatized or scared or anything. So, I'm sad to say such bad things about a movie with those 2 lovely actors, that brought so many great movies, memorable ones indeed; this one tho, quite the stinker. So, try their early work, it will be a fun journey in the past, cause the present, just made a huge mistake.