The Disappearance of Flight 412
The Disappearance of Flight 412
G | 01 October 1974 (USA)
The Disappearance of Flight 412 Trailers

Colonel Pete Moore (Glenn Ford) is commander of the Whitney Radar Test Group, which has been experiencing electrical difficulties aboard its aircraft. To ferret out the problem, he sends a four-man crew on Flight 412. Shortly into the test, the jet picks up three blips on radar, and subsequently, two fighters scramble and mysteriously disappear. At this point, Flight 412 is monitored and forced to land by Digger Control, a top-level, military intelligence group that debunks UFO information. The intrepid colonel, kept in the dark about his crew, decides to investigate the matter himself.

Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
thinker1691 Glen Ford has always been a consummate actor. When in any role, he becomes the character and thus is very believable. Ocassionaly however the role is one which lacked substance and thus even the best actor can only do his best, despite it's limitations. Such is the film " The Disappearance of Flight 412. " The story was written by George Simpson and directed by Jud Taylor. What should have been an exciting subject, namely U.F.O.'s and should have garnered a much wider audience, proved the opposite. Glenn Ford, plays Col. Pete Moore a highly experience Base Commander of a modern Flight Wing. While under his command a special flight takes off to study strange electrical interference over his base. However flight 412 suddenly encounters three objects over the skies of the base which turn out to be three genuine U.F.O.'s. Surprised by their speed and maneuverability, two additional Marine Phantom jets are scrambled to intercept them. However, as quickly they appeared, they disappear. However, the flight of the air force Lockheed is abruptly ordered to divert to a clandestine base for 'Special Debriefing.' From that point on, things which were strange before, now become an incident in Classified circles. No one is allowed to know what happened over the skies and the crew are subjected to Brain washing as they learn what they saw, NEVER happened at all. Further, since no information is forthcoming, Col. Pete More (Glenn Ford) has to investigate himself. This movie does a good job of creating interest, but fails to bring closure to the story. Although, the information is gathered, NOTHING is allowed to be known to those who already known it. The cast for this film is superb as such superior actors as Bradford Dillman, David Soul, Robert F. Lyons and Guy Stockwell from Digger Control give deep interest to the movie. What exactly goes on behind close door in Goverenment, is never discussed, instead Americans are convinced that Lies are what the Air Force expect of it's personal. All the characters who accepted the lies, were promoted, they others were not. Interesting. ****
danzeisen Once upon a time movies used to be made for TV, and this was one of the better ones. Others have done a good job of encapsulating the plot and cast of characters, so I won't rehash that. For those looking for exciting chases and special effects, this is not your movie. Rather it is a character study, and a good one at that. The crux is openness and truthfulness versus secrecy and obfuscation. Do the people have a right to know the truth about what our government is doing? Under what circumstances is secrecy acceptable? Who watchers the watchers? Serious questions, and just as valid today, if not more so than in 1974, when this movie was made.
Scarecrow-88 I think you can look at THE DISAPPEARANCE OF FLIGHT 412 as a precursor to THE X FILES certainly in the themes explored regarding a covert operation to systematically dismantle the truth because of our country's government's fear of creating a public panic, removing true evidence of UFO activity as a serious threat to our people.While this is indeed a relic of the 70's Television Movie of The Week, it explores a phenomena which would later gain notoriety, the idea that we are not alone and that our government would do whatever it took to keep an informative lid on the prospect of UFOs or possible alien life patrolling the skies. I found this little movie a rather affective parable on the treatment towards those whom our government believes pose a threat to National Security, a crew who noticed two Marine bombers vanish without a trace, blips on the screen which are there one moment, gone the next. Also spotted were three dots representing UFOs, and once they disappear, so does the Marine bombers. A shady military organization called SID interrogate and question the flight crew of what they witnessed while in the sky, hour by hour attempting to weaken these men into silence, slowly penetrating their resolve in order to hush their voices regarding the Marine bombers and how they supposedly vanished.Colonel Pete Moore(Glenn Ford)and his lieutenant Major Mike Dunning(Bradford Dillman)are pursuing the whereabouts of their men, and soon uncover the SID base located in the middle of a desert, an abandoned area just proper for a quiet investigation without disruption. Moore's persistence to find them and his vocal outrage at the treatment of the men in order to distort the truth of what they saw will cost him. I think Ford brings a forceful presence and his intensity well registers with the audience regarding the integrity to tell the truth regardless of the consequences for such actions. This film, like THE X FILES later explored, shows that if you speak out and do not bend, a price will be paid, and that corruption, no matter what it means in regards to the brave men who fly in the skies for their country, will prevail despite the valiant efforts of a small few who resist the urge to remain silent.Good cast, maybe why I liked this TV movie as much as I did, includes an excellent David Soul( Captain Roy Bishop, the pilot of Flight 412 who realizes something isn't right in regards to those who are interrogating his crew), Robert F Lyons ( co-pilot Cliff Riggs, who loses his patience with the interrogator, ready to punch his lights out), Kent Smith( General Enright, military head who is an important figurehead in the cover-up), Guy Stockwell( Colonel Trottman, the leader of the SID team interrogating the crew, perfectly embodying the sneaky government bureaucrat), among others.The film utilizes narration to add importance to the issue of possible UFO activity and the crooked methods behind silencing those who could lend credence to it. Director Jud Taylor doesn't use any fancy techniques, from a photographic standpoint, opting instead to focus on the story and characters without focus on style. I'm sure many might find the material(..and it's presentation)a bit static and heavy-handed, but I rather enjoyed it..maybe because I love these "government conspiracy" kind of movies(..also explaining why I like the THE X FILES so much). Those sci-fi fans looking for a movie with UFOs and aliens will find this movie extremely disappointing.
sol **SPOILERS** Four years before the 1947 Roswell Incident was made public in 1978 a film came out about a fictitious UFO cover up that had all the hallmarks of what was really going on in the US military, notably the US Air Force, for some twenty years. On a sunny summer day a radar plane took off from the Whitney AFB and got caught up with what the US Government has been keeping under the rug since the end of WWII: Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's). Are they or are they not real? from another solar system do they come from? and are a danger to the national security of the United States? The crew of the radar plane spots by sight and their radar system as well as it being confirmed by ground radar an eerie and frighting sight. Three unidentified flying objects moving threateningly towards their plane! Two marine jet fighters are scrambled to confront them or, if necessary, shoot them down. As the fighter jets come within cannon fire of the strange objects they either disappear or are themselves shot down by the UFO's who then make an incredible right angle turn, almost at a standing position, and shoot out of sight at speeds, clocked by the radar equipment on the plane and ground control, of up to 5,000 MPH. What happens next is what we've learned over the years since the movie was made. The radar plane is diverted to an obscure and abandoned air field, the old Digger air base, and the pilots debriefed by members of the SID, Special Intellengence Detatchment. And made to see things the the way the military wants things to be seen, and have the entire incident filed away and forgotten. Four months later the same kind of UFO incident happens again at the same Whitney AFB and those who suffered through the first one at the start of the film had by then learned their lesson and said of the incident what they were told to say from their higher ups. Not what their eyes and brains told them what they saw and what they knew to be the truth. Even though UFO's are still considered by many in the news media as mass hysteria at worse or the results of an overworked imagination at best they are real enough for the US military to have covered up and stamped Top Secret and Eyes Only thousands of documents about these elusive objects since at least back to 1947, which shows what those who are in the know really think about them. The incident that happened in the movie "The Disaperance of Flight 412" is not unique to those who served in the USAF over the last fifty or so years. With intelligently flown aircraft being spotted all over the USA, as well as the entire planet, unopposed with those responsible for the safety of the people not being able to stop them or shoot them down It's no wonder that the government doesn't want this information, if true, to become public.