The Devil's Triangle
The Devil's Triangle
G | 23 October 1974 (USA)
The Devil's Triangle Trailers

A documentary exploring the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, an area of the ocean between Bermuda, Miami and Cuba into which many boats and planes have mysteriously disappeared over the years.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
dbborroughs Turn your brain off and take this for what it is, a ghost story of questionable veracity narrated by the great Vincent Price. I saw this film about the weird goings on in the Bermuda Triangle when it was released to theaters back in the mid 70's. It scared the living snot out of me and made me want to crawl under my seat. It was scarier than most horror films because "its based on fact".I have no idea how true any of it is. Over the years I've heard the stories bandied about so much by people saying the stories are true or false that I don't really believe anyone on either side. Frankly I don't really care. What I do care about is that this film, though dated (the effects are clearly 1970's independent cheap) is great deal of fun. Its creepy and scary if you are crazy enough to sit and watch the film with the lights out. Watch it as the cinematic equivalent of a campfire story. Don't try and deduce if the "claw" is real just go with the flow and you'll have a blast.
meddle712002 I just wanted to add, that the King Crimson tune they used is, of the same title, on the In The Wake Of Poseidon Lp. Convenient, huh? When I rented the movie to see what cuts they used, all that was used was the same bit over and over. I think they used the the climactic section (for lack of better term, bridge perhaps?) bit too, although you really have to strain to hear it.Cool tune too. Reading the reviews makes me want to see it again, but it was nearly unbearable to watch because the sound was awful. You could barely hear Prices' voice! Everything was buried in a murky mix, and the quality of the photography was sub-par. I wonder if Fripp or the musicians he worked with at the time of recording the piece, got any royalties. I think otherwise, being an obscure number, the film company responsible for this, probably thought they could get away with it. The box the tape came in, stated on the front "original music by King Crimson", Vincent Price and King Crimson together sounds pretty cool though, which prompted me to check it out in the first place.
David Carter I have seen this movie and the explanation of NOVA's Case of the Bermuda Triangle. You must see both to understand that this movie was made for the exploitation of Mr. Whiner's book only. They asked him many questions that they could prove but he couldn't, only argue. It's simple to see that he wanted to make a scary movie (with a sinister voice like Mr. Price). The facts were deliberately vague and eliberated. The movie was so convincing that he made a 2nd book: 'Devil's Triangle 2'. If you want a scary story (loosely based on fact), then this is your movie. If you want to see the truth; then this will only make you laugh. It was originally released by HBO, they must have pulled it because it was so fake.
rbeam I saw this turkey in the theater, but I had a good time. The special effects aren't worthy of a grade school production. A toy boat, representing a freighter, moving at speedboat velocity on flat waters while wind driven fog blows in the opposite direction. The red and blue flood lamps add that extra dramatic touch. Whatever cache Vincent Price was supposed to bring as narrator is completely overshadowed by dreadful production work. Calling this a documentary is like calling Britney Spears a musician. About 20 minutes into this, something struck me as very funny. Maybe it was Price's overly dramatic intonation of the oft-used line "They vanished into the Devil's Triangle! [cut to black; next story] Once I started laughing, my friends joined in. Next time Vinny said the crucial line, someone in the back yelled out: "Good!" After that, it got almost as many laughs as a Marx Brothers film. Nobody stayed for the dreadfully serious second feature "Chariots of the Gods."