Holy Ghost
Holy Ghost
| 06 September 2014 (USA)
Holy Ghost Trailers

Can the Holy Spirit direct a movie? In this fast-paced documentary from the director of the popular films Finger of God, Furious Love, and Father of Lights, Darren Wilson sets out to make a movie that is completely led by the Holy Spirit. No plan, no script, no safety net--just go wherever he feels the Spirit leading him to try and discover the adventure God has for him. Whether it's the riches of Monte Carlo, a heavy metal concert, or the oldest city in the world, the result is a film that not only challenges and excites, but also reveals a God who is far more alive and active than you ever imagined.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
eqmanson-68588 My wife and I had planned all week to go to our favorite karaoke bar. But God had other plans.It started with an unexpected obstacle: a Hollywood thriller was shooting in the downtown area, and as a result my bus was trapped. My wife was working and could not get out of it. Should I wait 90 minutes and risk spoiling the schedule, or take the train and hope I could somehow get home from the station four miles from our house?The Lord provided. My daughter happened to be in town, and like magic, she was actually free and able to come pick me up at the station. So I extended an invitation: would she come with us tonight? Due to a family problem, she didn't know whether she would be able to come to the karaoke. At home, while my daughter was drinking a smoothie, I thought to check the bar's Facebook page. Rats! Karaoke was cancelled and replaced by a band. God was looking out for my daughter, who now did not have to disappoint us by rejecting the invitation. But He was also looking out for me and my wife. We had been listening to a podcast that discusses Christian movies in a less than flattering way. My wife was searching Netflix and, like it was pre-ordained, we found this movie! He is indeed a God that hides from us (Isaiah 45:15) but those who seek shall find (Matt 7:7).Not only did we have a ton of laughs and a great conversation about arrogance, narcissism, con artistry and squandering Kickstarter money, we also have a movie to recommend to the podcasters. Instead of being disappointed that our night out was pre-empted, we got something so much more meaningful!
riewbankit Having watched 'Furious Love' and ''Father's light' this was a HUGE Disappointment. Just shows you that a film maker can easily go down hill when poverty of spirit is not maintained. Trying to 'repeat success' is the biggest antidote to maintaining blessing and anointing. I wept when watching the previous documentaries but most of us fell or almost fell asleep watching Holy Ghost. It was superficial boring and frankly speaking just spiritual show off. I loved the honesty that was in Furious Love which lacked in this new venture. My exhortation to the director is to go back to zero and not try to make God some magician of love. You should develop the concept of love that you began with and not remain in this evangelical magic show. Get deeper with every documentary. Not more bizarre and feathery . Jesus is depth. The prayers we witnessed were so casual. I can't believe that Jesus would have prayed like that nor His true disciples.I have miracles too to tell you about, but they are not borne so casually as portrayed. Unfortunately you provide entertainment not edification. At least for this documentary. Christians and those hungry need edification. What about follow up stories? It's alright to pray for this and that person. But what happened to them in the next few years will be the biggest story. Otherwise you are no different to a Benny or Joyce who make money or get attention from the the most superficial part of hmmmmmmm....Christianity????? You are right that most of Christiandom have lost it. Please don't do the same. God bless and wishing you all the best. Regards Riew
contratodo From a Biblical perspective there are problems with this film - 1. It's not free. 2. More than once in the film one of the guys says:"There are many gods but only one Jesus" This is said at least twice in the film, and at the end they go into the biggest Hindu temple.3. They say that to use "holy spirit" (they don't say 'the') one must be willing to "take risks" and "make mistakes" one must be willing to fail when trying to hear the voice of the spirit in order to know that it was not the spirit.I must say it, and if i'm wrong may God strike me down right now, but it's actually enticing people to blaspheme the Holy Spirit by saying the above.If one does not know that a voice or thought was from God/the Holy Spirit, but yet claims that it is, well, that is pretty much blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. As Christians we know that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not forgiven (Matt 12:32), so we take great care in saying that anything we say or do is from the Spirit.4. During a big dramatic prayer what is shown is images of the crowd during i guess a Korn concert, and they are all throwing up middle fingers and devils horns, why would a Christian film maker, editor, whoever, put that in as what is shown during a prayer for others to come to Jesus? Why not just continue to show the scene of them praying in the lobby? Look up the Necronomicon, it teaches how to conjure up fallen angels, there are 4 hand signs used, one is the middle finger another is the horn sign.What it really takes to hear and fully interface with the Holy Spirit of God, is to be following the laws of Christ - Matthew 5 through 7 and Luke 6 (which includes praying in secret, and specifically, not in the streets, as in the film), and then on top of that when fully mature and really able to walk around and have miracles happen (as in the film) one would also be following a lot of the old Jewish laws in the old testament - like Deuteronomy 6:7-9 (they did not walk around talking about Gods law) One would even attribute some of Paul's teachings as laws, and therefore do them, no black makeup on your face because it appears evil, no showing of middle fingers and devil signs during a supposed prayer to Jesus, because it looks way evil. No going into the temple of some foreign "god", because there is no other God but God, who was manifested in the flesh as Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Together Philippians 4:13 and Hebrews 6:1-3 describe how to really have miracles (like raising the dead) happen through the believer.Why we don't see miracles of the Holy Spirit like during the time of the apostles, is because the apostles were following all the law (Acts 10:14, 16:3), even the old testament 613 laws. After Christ, in total there are 616 laws, if and when one follows them all, God will grant anything, time travel, anything; through the power of Christ it is possible to follow them all, He even took care of all the sacrifices.
Ian Ballinger I didn't know much about this documentary going into it. Aside from the promotional videos being released I didn't know what this film was going to be until I saw it. I loved it from beginning to end. Darren Wilson's directing, accompanied by Tony Anderson's beautiful, moving score honestly makes this one of my favorite movies. I really enjoyed it, as a follower of the Christ Jesus it was a very inspiring film, and overall it was just really good filmmaking. Having the perspectives of several different people from many different backgrounds and walks of lives really helped the film... I honestly enjoyed every part of the film. Definitely recommend it to everyone.