Lantern Hill
Lantern Hill
G | 27 January 1990 (USA)
Lantern Hill Trailers

In 1935 Toronto, Jane Stuart's mother has taken ill, and the two of them have temporarily moved in with her rich, snobbish grandmother, where Jane is verbally abused and her mother bullied. Jane is forced into a private academy, in which the other girls tell her that her father, whom Jane believes to be dead, is actually alive. Soon after, Andrew Stuart sends word that he would like to meet his long-lost daughter, so Jane is sent by train to Bright River to stay with him, where she encounters an old mystery that she must help her father overcome, new friends, and the chance to bring her father and mother back together again.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
VividSimon Simply Perfect
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
thefonz003 I first watched this movie when I was late-elementary-school age (about ten-ish, if I remember properly). I was mesmerized, ironically, by the scenes that did not take place in the book (Colleen Dewhurst's character, and the nightmares). I'll admit I haven't read the book, so if I had, I might be disappointed by the film, as some viewers have obviously been; but as it stands, I found the movie version uplifting as spellbinding. The young Sarah Polley demonstrates the abilities that would later lift her to iconic status in her native Canada, while Mairon Bennett, though decidedly less over-the-top, turns in a respectable performance as well. Bear in mind that I was only about ten when I first watched this film. Now consider this: I am now twenty-one years old. The nightmare scenes have stuck with me all through the past decade, to the point where for about two years, I would quiz people to find if they knew in which movie these scenes had been found. I even posted on the IMDb boards. In either September or October of '05, someone read one of my posts and pointed me in the direction of this film. I bought a DVD from eBay and watched it last night for the first time in at least ten years. Although I am an adult now, it held up extremely well. How I saw it in the first place, I'll never know: it was a Canadian made-for-TV film, and I'm from Ohio and, at that time, my family had only what our antenna gave us (ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, PBS, TBN, and UPN). At any rate, I consider this an amazing film, and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an under-appreciated cinematic experience.
earbrass If you love the book, don't bother with this tepid adaptation that makes far more changes than necessary. The book is a real joy, and director Sullivan's supernatural additions are simply painful. The acting varies, from an excellent Waterston to well, the rest of the cast.
angelbreath3 I absolutely loved this movie. I can't believe they didn't release it in theaters. I am sure that many people will disagree with me, but I love it. I grew up with this movie, enjoyed every minute of it, and yes i was scared by the movie when i was younger. Those scenes with Evelyn used to scare the heck out of me. But, anyways...the point is that this is a great movie.
suessis While young Sarah Polley is not meant to be the featured child in this film she certainly steals the limelight from Mairon Bennett. She does a wonderful job as the young cockney orphan who becomes Jane Stuart's staunchest ally. Her performance and Colleen Dewhurst's make the film a joy to watch. Sam Waterston does a credible job as the father although I think that he carried the lost and confused act a little too far at times.I am not meaning to say that Bennett isn't good because she is. In fact the only performances that I was disappointed in was Patricia Philips as the mother. She seemed to over do it a bit at times and was somewhat melodramatic.Other stand outs in the cast include Zoe Caldwell, the great stage actress, as the grandmother, and Vivian Reis as the conniving Aunt. Although it shouldn't be possible, Joyce Campion and Florence Patterson steal scenes from Colleen Dewhurst.Kevin Sullivan's version is very different from the original book mostly in terms of the feel. Sullivan adds more of supernatural element that offers a chance for some well done special effects.I recommend this film highly for family night viewing.
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