A Christmas Story Live!
A Christmas Story Live!
| 17 December 2017 (USA)
A Christmas Story Live! Trailers

A live broadcast of the Broadway hit "A Christmas Story: The Musical" in which Ralphie wishes for nothing more than a Red Rider BB Gun for Christmas.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
up_the_racket I loved this. I have never seen the musical, only the movie but I really enjoyed it and it made me feel very festive. I see from the reviews people giving it 1 star because it should not be a musical. Not sure how you can give it one star, it was really entertaining. If you love Christmas and you love the original then you should love this. Just know its the musical and not just a live version of the movie. Loved the songs and jokes. The acting was great, even better when you think it was all done live.A new must watch for me and my family every year. I hope they do another live version of something next year.
walterdennisleen Now age 75 , I can related to this story and best evaluate its merits versus all 4 prior medium versions, down to the fact that TV did not exist at the time of the story or in my house either but bith hosuies had coal fired heating and I really wanted that RR BB gun, Yes, every adult told me " YOU WILL SHOT YOUR EYE OUT" In life that RR BB gun was the only thing I really wanted that I never obtained, but I always loved and respected my parent anyhow. I I Enjoyed this 5th level version and saved it on tape to share some ( but not all ) with my grandchildren who always ask about the "Leg " nitelite in my home. Down to the playground "monkey bars" the stage set were as valid as the songs were bad and rushed. The openning jazz seen was unnecessary but the coming attractions( live or made to appear live -fooled me ) was awesome. However, I am one of the few peopel who can say that i heard the original the first time told ny the "Shep' on NYC WOR radio on Christmas eve 1959 ( or so) and then read the book ( In God We Trust All Others Pay Cash" --like JamesBond- first published in Playboy Magazine ), long before the movie . Two years ago I saw the PLAY off-broadway. Only true Jean Shepherd fans/followers realized how much is lost at evey new levelwhile perhaps adding something new-- like music ,or as in this live TV production some political correct stuff. Hiowever, while I can't remember 1959 so well ( it was 250,000 miles of air travel ago ) Schwartz was in fact a Jewish family so those new additiions may well be more valid than the movie. It is hard to please the young today or capture their attention , but I do hope i will not live to see" A Christmas Story- the Video Game".
NavyOrion Three freaking hours! Anyone who managed to see all of this Christmas train wreck must surely,by the end have wished for a Red Ryder BB gun, just so they could shoot their eyes out!Every promo for the special stressed the fact that it starred Maya Rudolph, who got top billing as Ralphie's mother (the rest of the supposedly "star-studded" cast was filled with other SNL has-beens and C-list never-weres.) This reflected the producer's blind conviction, against all evidence, that audiences find Maya Rudolph pleasant, talented, funny, or attractive. SHE IS NONE OF THESE.I wish they would give Rudolph her own expensive TV special, costarring Lena Dunham, Rebel Wilson, and Rosie O'Donnell. Then the Hollywood execs who insist on putting these mediocrities in front of cameras would lose a bunch of cash, and the 99.9% of us who have better taste could miss seeing all of them at the same time.
kz917-1 Should not have been made a live musical!Right from the jump with the jazzy pop opening I had an inkling this was going to be a disaster. Sadly I was right, I really, really did not want to be right as this is one of my most beloved Christmas movies.Then we have Matthew Broderick (who is now a silver fox) as old Ralphie narrating the trainwreck that is unfolding before our very eyes. It's creepy he's looking in the windows, at times interacting with the family.While we are on the subject of the family - THEY NAMED THE FAMILY!While I did enjoy some of the musical numbers, the majority of them were not necessary in any way, shape, or form. They actually detracted from the story instead of adding to it.My top three numbers include A Major Award with the lamp kickline, Ralphie's Nightmare with adults as crazed zombies, and Jane Krakowski in full "Chicago" mode in You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!At three hours in length and way too many Old Navy ads it was mostly unbearable and not recommended viewing for anyone that loves the original movie.One last thing they made the exterior of the house red, it should be yellow.This content deserved better than it got and I for one can't wait for the ORIGINAL VERSION 24 hour marathon!