Frank vs. God
Frank vs. God
| 19 February 2014 (USA)
Frank vs. God Trailers

Frank is a man who thinks he has lost everything, until his house is destroyed by a tornado. Then when he goes to the insurance company, he’s told they won't pay because the damage falls under the "Act of God" exclusion in his policy. With nothing left, and nothing left to lose, he decides to sue God himself for damages, naming representatives of the world's religions as defendants in the suit. What starts as a ridiculous stunt, becomes a beautiful, funny, soulful odyssey in which he rediscovers that love itself... requires a leap of faith.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Granger I am somewhat critical of movies. So when I give this potentially-biased movie a 10-star rating, it's because I believe it fully deserves it. But the reason I rate it so highly is more important than the rating itself: it's because I couldn't find a single flaw in the entire film.The main point is this: this movie has little to do with whether or not there is a God, whether or not He is responsible for all things, or mankind's position in trying to judge God if indeed he does exist. So I don't rate this on any of those issues. In fact, this film succeeds because it doesn't really try to answer any of those questions. I rate it on the merits of the movie... not philosophical or faith vs atheist teachings. Just as "He who represents himself in court has a fool for an attorney"... those who attempt to view this movie from their personal belief system will surely miss the point of the film entirely.The question isn't "Does God exist?" The question is: Is this a good movie? Was it well directed, well-acted, have a good story-line, stick to the plot with consistency, offer an imaginative resolution and make a point? My answer to all of those questions is Yes.What do I believe? Yes there is a God, no God is not responsible for the consistently selfish decisions made by humankind and the consequences thereof, and humans (who are limited to a measly 5 senses) trying to judge God is like a 2-year old throwing a tantrum because his parents won't let him eat all the cake and candy he wants. Humankind exhibits a degree of arrogance and self-importance beyond all sense. That is my personal belief system... and has nothing to do with this movie. And that's the point: this film isn't about personal belief systems. It's about how we view our belief systems. In short: how arrogant are we? How do we handle life's adversities? Do we stand up to them or blame someone else? Do we attempt to judge others despite our own limitations?Whether or not God exists and subsets thereof is only the lure to get people to watch the film. This film is actually about the personal journey of one man and how it affects the people around him. All else is merely a plot device to propel that theme. Setting aside the "faith vs atheism" some may try to impose upon this film, as a film this performs very well. The writing, directing and acting are all top-notch. The court case is exceptionally well-written. The debates are well-presented, yet remain secondary to the main plot and theme. It doesn't "jump the shark". It holds true to its purpose, all the way through. So that's what I've rated: the movie itself and whether or not it succeeds. In all aspects my answer is "yes, it does". Thus the well-deserved high rating.
Ashlynn2317 I first saw Frank vs God at the Ft. Lauderdale International Film Festival in November of 2014. I was very excited to see this film and I will say that after seeing it...I am still excited about it! I have been telling all of my family and friends that this is a film that is definitely worth seeing. David Frank (Henry Ian Cusick) is a man who lost everything that mattered to him. He lost his wife, his home, his dog...things were not going well for him. One day he takes matters into his own hands and he decides to sue god for damages to house that were caused by a tornado. This one event sets up the rest of the film. I can promise you, there will be laughter and tears throughout the whole thing. It is a beautiful film with a very important message. I remember sitting in the theater crying and questioning my own beliefs and questioning why certain things have happened in my life. Regardless of your own religion, background, beliefs etc. you will be able to relate to this film and I promise that you will enjoy it. I will also say, as a Henry Ian Cusick supporter, this is Ian's best work to date. He is good in every role of his but this one is different. He gives an outstanding performance as David Frank and this performance makes me proud to support a man with such incredible talent. So, if you are looking for a funny and heart warming film to watch give Frank vs. God a chance. You won't be disappointed!
sistahic07 Had the good fortune to see this film 3 times at various film festivals and each time it grows dearer to me. I'm so excited it's finally going to get an official release on iTunes and on Demand. It's simply a beautiful film about love, loss, doubt and faith. Add in just the right amount of humor too and you have a film that will have you laughing and crying and certainly leave you with the feeling you've just had a wonderful viewing experience! Can't say enough about the wonderful acting of Henry Ian Cusick. He's a master at his craft and once more delights the viewer in every scene. Ever Carradine too is lovely and a joy to watch as well. From the writing to the direction (thank you Stewart Schill!) and to the talented cast, Frank VS God will surprise and entertain you and leave you feeling so good you watched it. Do yourself a favor and don't miss Frank VS God!
Lxvpsu44 Movie Trailers are suppose to grab your attention & reel the potential audience in! Frank vs God does just that! There's a story. You want to hear & experience the story. It's also nice to see a movie with a Florida backdrop. The film has a very diverse engaging cast. Henry Ian Cusick delivers as Frank--Comfortable performance. The writers: thoughtful, professional and clever. It's always great to get LOST in a movie and catch yourself with a fixed smile at times along with getting the " thinking wheels turning. " Frank vs God is a very interesting film! 2 thumbs up and great movie/story for a wide range of people. I look forward to seeing it in the future on DVD.