100 Women
100 Women
R | 18 October 2002 (USA)
100 Women Trailers

A young man returns to his ex-girlfriend and true love to discover the source of her increasing depression. As the young man earnestly tries to help his girlfriend through her troubles, their love begins to bloom.

TinsHeadline Touches You
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
insomniac_rod As easy as this: "Girl Fever" is NOT funny. When a movie tries too hard to be funny , then it's a bad movie. The humor is terrible because it tries to be like "American Pie" but in such a not so funny manner.The sex related jokes just don't work and the rest of the humor is really dumb. The acting...oh the acting. The actors are really bad and look very uncomfortable.I agree with many other reviewers who say that this is a very boring movie. To be honest, I couldn't watch it until the end. I fell asleep but I'm sure that even if it was a good ending, it isn't worth the watch. Stay away from this not so mainstream teen comedy that tries too hard to be funny. Avoid it!
maxxx-3 This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.The story is moronic, the actors are horrible, I don't see anything rewarding in it other than Erin Bartlett's casabas.The way the 2 leads throw around the LOVE word toward the end makes my stomach turn. Was this movie actually written by a 15 year old?Hopefully the 18 year old girls this movie is aimed at are too busy to watch it...its PATHETIC!I'm sorry I couldn't give it less than a 1, because that is overrating it considerably.
refoveo I rented this movie to watch by myself because I figured my wife wouldn't be interested. I figured it would end up being a movie with some crude or sexual humor, and a bunch of attractive women.The attractive women part was right on. But as far as the whole tone of the movie, I was way off. This had some intelligent humor, and some good romantic story lines.I could clearly see why alot of MALES have rated this pretty low, they were probably expecting a spankfest. This would definitely qualify as more of a chick flick, especially geared towards the girls that like the emo boys, the ones that wear their hearts on their sleaves.I was impressed with the story, and the quality of the acting.
Scoats I loved the first Michael Davis movie, Eight Days a Week. It was charming and cute. The second one was mostly a rehash of the first but pretty good. This one though is truly awful.The movie tries really hard, all Michael Davis movies do, but the level of humor for the most part is really crass and hackneyed. What was cute and clever in the first two is now bland and bitter.I wanted to at least like this movie, but there is so much here that is truly awful and/or stupid. I could go on, but I won't.Check out Eight Days a Week and 100 Girls. Avoid this clunker.