Alone in Berlin
Alone in Berlin
R | 13 January 2017 (USA)
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Berlin in June of 1940. While Nazi propaganda celebrates the regime’s victory over France, a kitchen-cum-living room in Prenzlauer Berg is filled with grief. Anna and Otto Quangel’s son has been killed at the front. This working class couple had long believed in the ‘Führer’ and followed him willingly, but now they realise that his promises are nothing but lies and deceit. They begin writing postcards as a form of resistance and in a bid to raise awareness: Stop the war machine! Kill Hitler! Putting their lives at risk, they distribute these cards in the entrances of tenement buildings and in stairwells. But the SS and the Gestapo are soon onto them, and even their neighbours pose a threat.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Stephen M Barrett The most important message in this movie that only 18 of the approx. 250 subversive messages were not reported to the "authorities" 18.
newyorkwednesday this is not a terrible movie, but it's hard to capture to real terror of Nazism. the book is a tough read but it's as near as I've seen to reality. the total fear of carrying out even the most trivial oppositional act. the certainty that your life is endangered if anyone knows what you're doing - even if it's your family. people always think they would have been in the resistance, but likely they wouldn't. this movie does a reasonable job of showing that only those with nothing to lose would even think about it.
adonis98-743-186503 Berlin, 1940. Working class couple Otto and Anna Quangel receive the news that their only son has lost his life in the battlefield and decide to resist the Nazi regime in their very own way. Soon the Gestapo is hunting "the threat". Although the performances of Brendan Gleeson and Emma Thompson are very good it's not enough to hold a movie that is simply bland and just the same old, same old kind of story plus some pretty good actors are going wasted and as usual Daniel Brühl and even Rosemary Harris that for some reason is not mentioned here but overall very disappointing movie with some pretty great and talented actors. (5/10)
Tushpi Having come close to losing a son in Afghanistan I could entirely relate to the despair and cold anger at the lies and injustice, the central characters felt. I was overwhelmed with emotion and the movie stayed with me for days. Both Emma Thompson and Brendan Gleeson turn in outstanding performances, as do a number of the supporting cast members. The film allows a window into the fear, shame, and hopelessness the German people must have felt, as the war progressed and the true reality of the impacts of allowing rampant thuggery, cruelty and bigotry into power, was revealed. Parallels perhaps to certain events going on in the world today?Brendan Gleeson is an outstanding actor who depicts ' everyman' with authenticity. This movie being a case in point. Without any histrionics this movie delivers. The ending was unanticipated and well crafted. The fact that it is a true story only adds to its power. Highly recommended.